Energy – Varna– Bulgaria Resumes
Second Officer (Chief Mate License)
Second Officer, Third Officer Previous ExperienceRank: Second OfficerDuties:-Voyage planning on ECDIS and paper charts backup-Updating and correcting ENP's charts , Nautical Publications and Electronic Publications-Care of GMDSS equipment, regular testing and record keeping of GMDSS log book-Officer
Second Officer, Third Officer
Master, Captain
Master Unlimited Presently unemployed, dedicated, dependable, and resourcefulMaster of ships of 3000 GT or more with with extensive experience and command experience with background in the safe operations of large ocean going RoRo vessels and offshore vessels…
Master Unlimited
1991-1995 Secondary professional school ’Vocational school of shipbuilding and navigation’ Varna Technician of machines, apparatus, devices and equipmentSpeciality: Technician of ship machines and equipment’s Diploma -1995 Reg. No. 1199/01.07.1995 Permanent
Technical Superintendent, Chief engineer
Shore experience:12.2012 – 03.2013 Smit Lamnalco - Technical SuperintendentResponsible for technical condition and maintenace including dry docking, spare parts supply and repairs of 9 tugs in Port Gentile, Gabon10.2013 – 12.2013 Smit Lamnalco…