Energy – Pune Resumes
4th Engineer
PERSONAL INFORMATIONDate of birth: 18 July 1990Nationality: IndianLanguages Known: English(Fluent), Hindi, MarathiPermanent Address: Dighi, Pune-411015(INDIA)Sex: MaleINDOS NO.: 14EL1092CLASS IV COC NO: 95Z-28056Valid US Visa: P3493256(Validity-17/11/2024)I am a young Marine Engineer…
I am working as Master on foreign going dry cargo vessels and have sailing experience in rank as 15 years and 8 months. I now wish to persue further in my career by getting a suitable shore job based on my experience.
Marine Manager
Marine Operations / Management Manager of maritime operations reporting to Senior management, in providing marine expertise to the operation of a fleet of vessel’s in world-wide trading routes for several owners.An assured maritime career professional possessing natural leadership abilities…
Marine Operations / Management
Had an experience of 15 years in Indian Navy as HSE officer and now working at Pune as Asstt Manager EHS.
Deck Cadet
Dear Sir, I Mohammed Reza Husseini would like to join your organisation as a deck cadet. I have an experience of 4 months sailing on oil/chem tanker. i have all my documents updated and ready to join.
trainee marine engineer
ToThe Recruiting Authority,Sub: CV Submission – Trainnee Marine EngineerRespected sir, I wish to invite your kind atteention that currently I am pursuing B.Tech Marine Engineering as a final year. I am waiting for final semester result & result is expected in one and a half month.
Assistant Professor
I am Commander N R Dinkar. I have total 34 years of work experience out of which 14 years in operation and maintenance on board ships with stem turbines and repairs of ships in dry docks. 10 years in training other marine and mechanical engineers.