Thursday, September 19, 2024

Natural Gas Discoveries News

Israel Exploring Eastern Mediterranean

(Image: Israel Ministry of Energy)

Israel will tender off 19 new offshore blocks to oil and gas companies, its energy ministry said on Sunday, hoping to rebound from a disappointing bidding round…

Shell Makes Natural Gas Discoveries in Egypt's Western Desert

Royal Dutch Shell announced on Wednesday new natural gas discoveries in a concession area of north Alam El-Shawish in Egypt's western desert. The initial quantities…

Cyprus: Statoil, Exxon, ENI, Total Mulling Offshore Gas

Cyprus received expressions of interest from ENI, Total, Statoil, Exxon Mobil, Qatar Petroleum, and Cairn in a licensing round for offshore hydrocarbon blocks which lapsed last week…

Cyprus Gets Six Expressions of Interest in Gas Licensing Round

Cyprus has received six applications from eight companies for licensing rights in three offshore blocks up for hydrocarbon exploration. The east Mediterranean island sits in the Levant basin…

Cyprus: No Gas Pipeline to Turkey Until Relations Are Mended

Turkey needs to mend relations with Cyprus before the Cypriot government will allow a Turkish-Israel gas pipeline to cross its territory, a government spokesman said on Tuesday.

Cyprus Plans Third Offshore Licensing Round

Cyprus said on Tuesday it was planning a third offshore licensing round for hydrocarbons exploration in the eastern Mediterranean, moves which have triggered opposition from Turkey in the past.

Tanzania to Finalise Land Acquisition for LNG Project

Tanzania plans to spend 12 billion shillings ($6 million) in the next fiscal year to buy land for the planned construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal…

RWE Dea Awarded Two New Concessions in Egypt

In the International Bid Round 2013, RWE Dea has been awarded two new offshore concessions with operatorship by the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC).

Tanzania to Double Power Supply

Tanzania aims to double its power production to 3,000 megawatts by 2016 at a cost of around $1.21 billion to meet rising demand by using its vast natural gas supplies…

Smaller Firms Will Lead East Africa's Oil and Gas Development

Smaller oil explorers willing to take financial and operational risks will lead the development of East Africa's oil and gas industry as majors ditch riskier projects as margins fall…

RWE Dea's 30th Oil Production Anniversary in Suez

RWE Dea has achieved 30 years oil production in the Gulf of Suez. The company has produced over 640 million barrels of crude during these three decades. Ongoing…