Sunday, September 22, 2024

Mohamed El Harari News

NOC Cancels Two Oil Cargoes in Dispute with East

Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) based in Tripoli said on Thursday it had cancelled two oil cargoes from its May export program because a rival NOC in the east is blocking exports from Marsa al-Hariga. Mohamed el-Harari, spokesman for the NOC in Tripoli said in a statement that the standoff was costing Libya $10 million a day, and that revenue of $120 million had been lost so far. The NOC in Benghazi, which is loyal to Libya's eastern government, tried last month to export a first cargo of oil but the tanker was blacklisted by the United Nations and forced to return, deepening the rift between the rival NOCs.

Libya's NOC Talks with Tribal Elders on Closed Oilfields

Libya's state oil firm NOC is in talks with tribal elders to try to reopen oilfields closed by protests but no breakthrough has been achieved yet, a spokesman for the National Oil Corporation said on Monday. Major oilfields such as El Sharara and El Feel in western Libya have been blocked for months by security guards or tribesmen hostile to an internationally unrecognized government controlling the capital Tripoli. "There have been efforts by elders but no results have been reached so far to reopen the closed oilfields," NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said. He did not elaborate. He also refused to give a national production figure.

Oil at 2015 High as Libya Output Slows

North Sea Brent crude reaches new 2015 high; Libyan oil port of Zueitina closed by protesters. Brent crude oil hit a high for the year above $67 a barrel on Tuesday after protests stopped crude flows to the eastern Libyan oil port of Zueitina, hampering exports. Zueitina was one of the few Libyan ports still exporting oil as many others have closed due to fighting or disruptions at oilfields since the ousting of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi. "The protesters closed the pipeline to the port," Mohamed El Harari, spokesman for state oil firm NOC, said, adding that several oilfields in eastern Libya would have to close.

Libyan Wafa Oilfield is Working, El Feel Field Shut by Protest

Libya's western Wafa oil and gas field is still working despite a threat by state security guards to shut down production, a spokesman for state oil firm NOC said on Thursday. The El Feel field, also operated by NOC and Italy's ENI , remained closed, NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said. (Reporting by Feras Bosalum)

Libya's El Feel, Wafa Oilfields Working Normally

Libya's El Feel and Wafa oilfields are working normally despite power problems, state-run National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Thursday, as crude production in the west of the OPEC member country made a surprise comeback. Fields in western Libya such as El Feel and El Sharara shut in November when gunmen attacked the latter, in a continuation of the turmoil gripping the North African nation four years after the ousting of leader Muammar Gaddafi. NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said El Feel and Wafa had been working "for some time".

Libya Containing Port Fire, Export Resumption in Question

Libya has made progress containing a fire at its largest oil port that has destroyed four days of the country's oil production but the damage to storage tanks will hamper efforts to resume exports, officials and industry insiders said. The fire at Es Sider, the country's main oil export terminal, has been blazing for a week and is a visible indication of the destructive violence that threatens to tear the country apart almost four years after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. The North African country is in the…

Oil Tanks Destroyed at Libya Port, Others Still Ablaze

Two oil storage tanks remain on fire at Libya's Es Sider oil port while two others have collapsed almost a week after clashes there sparked the blaze, a spokesman for state National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Tuesday. Fires at two other storage tanks at Libya's biggest oil port had been extinguished but the damage was unclear, NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said. An industry source said at least 1.2 million barrels of oil had been destroyed by the fire which broke out after clashes reported on Dec. 25 between armed…

Libya's Oil Production Falls "Significantly"

Libya's oil production has fallen "significantly" this week after the two biggest oil ports, Es Sider and Ras Lanuf, halted operations due to fighting nearby, a spokesman for state National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Tuesday. Only Brega and Hariga oil ports, also located in the east, and offshore fields were still operating, NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said. The western Mellitah port was only processing gas because the connected El Feel oilfield was still closed. He gave no exact production figure.

Libya Hopes to Restart El Feel Oilfield Next Week

Libya hopes to restart oil production at the southwesterly El Feel field next week, a spokesman for the state National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Tuesday. NOC shut down the field more than a week ago when clashes forced the closure of the neighbouring El Sharara oilfield. Both sites use the same power supply. NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said engineers had started technical checks and maintenance work at El Feel, which is operated jointly by NOC and Italy's ENI SpA. He said NOC hoped to resume production at El Feel next week unless major technical issues came up during the checks, but that the El Sharara field remained shut.

Pipeline from Libya's El Sharara Field Closed

A pipeline from Libya's El Sharara oil field has been closed but the reason is unclear, a spokesman for state-run National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Wednesday. The OPEC producer earlier said it had turned on the wells again at the southern field after clashes had forced a shutdown last week. "One of the pipelines from the El Sharara field got blocked but we don't know where or why," NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said. The pipeline form El Sharara to the western Zawiya port crosses through a region called Zintan,…

Libya Restarts El Sharara Oilfield

Libya has resumed oil production at the El Sharara oilfield, a spokesman for state National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Wednesday. "Maybe there will be problems with the pumps but so far everything is good," NOC spokesman Mohamed el Harari said. "The workers have returned without making complains about security. The production will start with 100,000 barrels (per day), then it will be increased." Libya last week was forced to shut down the oilfield, which is operated by NOC and Spain's Repsol, after clashes between armed groups. Reporting by Ahmed Elumami

Second Tanker Waits to Load Oil at Libya's Reopened Port

A second tanker is waiting to load oil at Libya's Es Sider port, state-run National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Thursday, as the country's biggest crude export terminal swung back into action after being closed for a year. The OPEC member's oil production has risen in the past few weeks as major ports in the east have resumed work under a deal with a group of federalist rebels, adding to a crude market that is already well supplied. A first tanker has been loading oil at Es Sider since Wednesday but a second had already arrived, NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said.

Suicide Attack Escalates Libya Violence, Oil Output Slips

Crude output slips for first time since port deal; fresh clashes in Tripoli and Benghazi. Brega oil port seen open in few days. A twin suicide bombing at a Libyan army base in Benghazi killed at least four solders in an escalation of clashes between Islamist militants and regular forces battling to oust them from the eastern city. A first attacker blew himself up at the entrance to Benghazi's special forces headquarters, allowing a second suicide bomber to detonate his explosives at the base and kill at least four troops, a security source said. Suicide bombings are rare in Libya, where a fragile government is struggling to impose order.

Libyan Output 326,000 bpd, El Sharara Remains Blocked

Libya's oil output is currently 326,000 barrels a day, a spokesman for National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Monday. NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari also said the western El Sharara oilfield was still blocked by a protest at a connecting pipeline. He said it was too early to say when the first tanker would dock at the eastern ports of Ras Lanuf and Es Sider to load oil from storage after rebels handed over the terminals to the government last week. Reporting by Ulf Laessing