Sunday, September 22, 2024

Pipeline from Libya's El Sharara Field Closed

Posted by November 12, 2014

A pipeline from Libya's El Sharara oil field has been closed but the reason is unclear, a spokesman for state-run National Oil Corp (NOC) said on Wednesday.

The OPEC producer earlier said it had turned on the wells again at the southern field after clashes had forced a shutdown last week.

"One of the pipelines from the El Sharara field got blocked but we don't know where or why," NOC spokesman Mohamed El Harari said.

The pipeline form El Sharara to the western Zawiya port crosses through a region called Zintan, home to an armed faction opposed to a rival government which is controlling the capital Tripoli and opposing the recognised government.

(Reporting by Ulf Laessing and Ahmed Eluami; editing by David Clarke)

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