Friday, September 20, 2024

Gas Link News

Lithuania Seeks Alternative Bids for LNG Import Terminal

Lithuania is seeking alternative bids from providers of floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals to potentially replace its existing import terminal, operator Klaipedos Nafta said on Friday.The Baltic state leases a floating storage and regasification vessel (FSRU) from Norway's Hoegh LNG and has an option to buy it when t

TC Energy: Order Blocking Keystone XL Pipeline Lifted

File Image (CREDIT: AdobeStock / © Diter)

TC Energy Corp's long-delayed Keystone XL oil pipeline took a small step forward this week, after a U.S. court overturned an injunction that barred certain work on the project, the company said.The company, which also reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit on Thursday…

Uniper: EU Decision on Nord Stream 2 Won't Affect Construction

Uniper said on Thursday it will stick to its contractual obligations concerning Russian gas export pipeline Nord Stream 2, adding that the outcome of an upcoming EU meeting would not affect the construction of the pipeline."I firmly assume that the Nord Stream 2 project will be realised"…

Turkey Approves Second Line of TurkStream Gas Link

Turkey has approved construction of the second line of TurkStream undersea gas pipeline in the Turkish waters, Russian gas giant Gazprom said on Friday. It said the construction of the two sections of the pipeline, which will run from Russia to Turkey on the bed of the Black Sea, will be completed by the end of 2019.

Poland Expects Long Term LNG Deal with U.S.

Poland expects to sign a long-term deal for liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies from the U.S. to reduce its reliance on Russian gas, the country's President Andrzej Duda said after meeting U.S. president Donald Trump. Poland imports most of the 16 billion cubic metres of gas it consumes a year from Russia…

Hungary Joins Gazprom Pipeline, as Trump Touts US LNG

Hungary signed a deal with Russia's Gazprom to link the country with the Turkish Stream pipeline by end-2019 on Wednesday, a day ahead of President Donald Trump's trip to Poland, where he is expected to promote U.S. LNG exports. "This will improve Hungary's energy security a great deal…

Gazprom eyes Rival TAP Pipeline

TAP aims to reduce EU dependence on Russian gas, but Gazprom could gain access via open auction. Gazprom's bid to tap into a pipeline meant to wean Europe off Russian gas threatens to undermine a pillar of European energy policy and slow plans to develop rival deposits in the east Mediterranean.

Norway Finds Planned Gas Link to Poland Interesting

Norway finds interesting Poland's plans to build a pipeline that would allow the central and eastern Europe's biggest economy receive gas from the Norwegian shelf via Denmark and the Baltic Sea, Norway's foreign minister said on Friday. The plan to receive up to 10…

Gazprom: Work on Underwater Section of Turkstream to Begin in H2 2017

Work on the underwater section of the Turkish Stream pipeline will get underway in the second half of next year, Alexei Miller, chief executive of Russian gas giant Gazprom, told journalists on Tuesday. Miller also said that both lines of the underwater section, one…

Poland and Ukraine to Jointly Oppose EU Over Nord Stream 2, Opal

Poland and Ukraine plan to act jointly to block projects that could result in Russia's Gazprom gaining greater access to the European gas market by bypassing Ukraine, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Friday. In October the European Union lifted a cap on…

Deadline for Bids to Use Greece-Bulgaria Gas Pipeline Extended

The deadline for binding offers for the use of the natural gas pipeline between Bulgaria and Greece has been extended by a month to the end of November due to requests from bidders, the joint venture that runs the project said on Monday. Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB)…

Subsea Pipeline Repair Restores Hong Kong Gas Link

Photo: STATS Group

Pipeline technology specialist STATS Group has completed its first subsea isolation project in China on a 780-kilometer pipeline crucial for supplying gas to Hong Kong. STATS Group was contracted by COOEC Subsea Technology to provide a temporary isolation of the Yacheng pipeline in the South China Sea.

India's Biggest Gas Importer Plans $3 bln Investment in Overseas Push

India's biggest gas importer Petronet LNG aims to spend up to $3 billion in the next five years to expand overseas, setting up terminals in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka among other countries, its managing director said. Falling spot LNG prices have boosted consumption…

Eustream, Gaz-System Prepare Open Season for Slovak-Polish Gas Link

Slovak gas pipeline operator Eustream and Polish group Gaz-System aim to launch an open season procedure for a planned link between the two countries in late July or the beginning of August, Eustream said on Thursday. The gas link is part of the European Union's push to diversify energy sources and routes…

Britain May Face Winter with Record Low Gas Stocks

The shutdown of Britain's largest gas storage facility for 42-days sent wholesale gas prices surging on Wednesday on the possibility the country could head into winter with record low inventories. In an already volatile day of trading driven by expectations of cuts…

EU to Rule on Russian Access to Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

Brussels is expected to rule next month on whether to allow Russia to pump more gas via its Nord Stream pipeline's gas link to Germany, risking fresh discord between member states over energy dependence on Russia, EU and Gazprom sources said. Full access to Opal, which…

Turkmenistan seeks IDB, Saudi, Japanese funding for gas link

Turkmenistan is in talks with the Islamic Development Bank, the Saudi Fund for Development and Japan's government on financing the construction of a gas pipeline to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, a project official said on Saturday. The TAPI pipeline is supposed…

US Concerned Nord Stream Gas Link is Security Threat

The United States is deeply concerned about the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project as a threat to national security, a senior U.S. energy envoy said on Friday, after the issue was raised at talks in Washington this week. Since its conception last year, the Nord Stream…

Nord Stream 2 Backers Must Explain Project Better

The consortium behind the proposed Nord Stream 2 expansion that would boost Russian gas supplies to Europe needs to do a better job easing fears the project will dent the region's energy security, a member of the consortium said on Wednesday. In September, Gazprom formed a consortium with E.ON…

EU Leaders Sign Letter Objecting to Nord Stream-2 Gas Link

Eight EU governments have signed a letter objecting to the Nord Stream-2 project that would double the amount of gas shipped directly from Russia to Germany, according to a document seen by Reuters. The letter, addressed to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker…