Monday, March 3, 2025
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Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Graduate Certificate in Fisheries Management, January 2018 – Present

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
B.Sc. in Wildlife & Fisheries Science, 2006 - 2010
Minor in Forestry

Woods Hole Group, Washington, D.C. July 2015 - Present
Technical Analyst, Iridium User Services
▪ Provide comprehensive technical support to fisheries and oceanographic Iridium users, ranging from sales to customer
support to data management.
▪ Attend regional fisheries council meetings to cultivate relationships with Federal and State-level scientists, identify
new markets, and provide face-to-face customer support.
▪ Provide project outreach in the Gulf of Mexico for ongoing data collection projects for over 250 vessels via training
sessions, phone, and social media.

National Ecological Observatory Network, Front Royal, VA March 2014 – November 2014
Field Research Technician
▪ Conducted field research protocols in botany, entomology, mammalogy, hydrology, and pedology as part of a
nationwide observation system for examining ecological change over time.
▪ Developed and standardized detailed lab research protocols including post-field specimen processing and analysis.
▪ Created and maintained a streamlined database using Excel, Access, and custom applications.

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Research Center, Laurel, MD April 2012 – May 2012
Songbird Research Assistant
▪ Monitored American Redstarts (AMRE) to study climate change impact on phenology of breeding season resources.
▪ Completed mist netting, point counts, data collection, and banding of individuals.
▪ Conducted nest searches and monitored breeding and nesting pairs.

Delta Waterfowl, Egeland, ND April 2011 – July 2011
Waterfowl Research Technician
▪ Monitored success of upland nesting ducks to study the effects of predator reduction in low grassland habitat.
▪ Conducted nest searches using ATV and AWD vehicles to monitor egg development and predation.

Mississippi State University, Yazoo, MS January 2011 – February 2011
Waterfowl Research Technician
▪ Tracked 150 Mallard hens via AWD telemetry vehicles in and around public hunting land in response to hunting
▪ Trapped, measured, weighed, and attached radio-transmitter harnesses.
▪ Used radio-telemetry, GPS and mapping skills to locate birds.

Tennessee Division of Forestry, Knoxville, TN May 2010 – August 2010
Forest Inventory Analysis Intern
▪ Conducted dendrology and forest inventory practices to monitor growth, composition, and health of U.S. forests in
response to long-term sustainability of current forest management practices.
▪ Determined & monitored sites of ozone depletion via damaged vegetation due to climate change.
▪ Provided outreach with landowners to gain access to private property and educate about the FIA program.

Rock Creek Conservancy, Washington, DC May 2017 - Present
▪ Assist with the removal of invasive plant species in Rock Creek Park of Washington, DC and Maryland.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Annapolis, MD April – August 2008
▪ Utilized The Raiser’s Edge (leading nonprofit management and fundraising software) to facilitate and manage donations.
▪ Assisted with the transport and raising of oysters for The Maryland Oyster Restoration Center.

▪ Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, and Salesforce
▪ First Aid and CPR Certified

  • Bachelor of Science
    Wildlife & Fisheries Management; Minor in Forestry at University of Tennessee
    2006 - 2010
  • Graduate Certificate
    Fisheries Management at Oregon State University
    Jan 2018
Washington, DC,
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