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Engineer  / Naval Architect

Regional Technical Manager, Seaway Engineering UK, Houston, Texas, Dec. 2014– Present

MPSS(Multi-Purpose Semi-Submersibe) Development.

Sr. Staff Specialist, Technip USA, Houston, Texas, Oct. 2011 – Nov. 2014

Topside Transportation Vessel Selection Verification, FEED, GLA  Project (Greater Longui Area), West Africa, FEED, Chevron
Mooring Design Analysis (polyester mooring) and Global Performance Analysis of Truss Spar, Detailed Engineering, Aasta Hansteen Field, North Sea, Statoil, Norway
The Motion and Impact Analysis of Pump Lowering Through Moon-pool of Mining vessel,Project Solwara 1, Nautilus Mineral Inc., Australia
Mooring Configuration and Global Performance Analysis of Truss Spar, FEED,LUVA Field,North Sea, Statoil, Norway

Sr. Naval Architect, Houston Offshore Engineering, LLC, Houston, Texas, Nov. 2008 – Oct. 2011

BP Kaskida Semi-submersible Feasibility Study, Mooring system design and Global Performance analysis, Keathley Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Anadarko Lucius SPAR Pre-engineering, Global Performance Verification of Technip Design, Gulf of Mexico
Doris/Maersk Chissonga FPSO Preliminary,  Weight Management, in West Africa
Total Egina FPSO Off-Loading Terminal Buoy and Supply Vessel Stand-by Buoy, Mooring and Buoy Design, Engineering Consultant for Mcdermott, West Africa
Woodside Pluto Expansion, Global Performance and Mooring Analysis for HOE Proposed Semi-submersible, West Australia Sea
Williams Generic Spar, Mooring and Global Performance Analysis, Bending moment calculation, Gulf of Mexico
Petrobras TLP, SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE, SPAR Hull Screening Study, Offshore Brazil
HOE Proposed Paired-Column Semi-submersible for RPSEA – Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, Mooring and Global Performance Analysis, Gulf of Mexico
BP Maddog Phase II, Wettree and Drytree TLP Screening Study, and Global Performance Analysis, Gulf of Mexico

Sr. Naval Architect, Marine Design and Operations, Kenilworth, New Jersey, Jan. 2008 – Oct. 2008

Navy, Mooring Analysis of Berthing Two Vessels on Alameda Pier 1, 
Navy, Modal Analysis for XTR Antenna Foundation on Vessel - Pacific Tracker, 

Sr. Naval Architect, Friede & Goldman Ltd., Houston, Texas, Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2007 

Weight Control, Loading Condition Study, and Stability Analysis for Jack-up -“SuperM2”, Mosvold Drilling Ltd
Marine Operation Manual preparation for Jack-up – “Noble Roger Lewis”, Noble Drilling

Stability analysis for Encana Deep Panuke MUPO

Sr. Naval Architect, OPR (Offshore, Piping and Riser Inc.), Houston, Texas, May 2006 – Dec. 2006

Stability Report for ABS Approval – MPSS (Multi-Purpose Semi-submersible), Yantai Raffels.

Sr. Naval Architect, J. Ray Mcdermott, Houston, Texas, Jan. 2005 to May 2006

Mooring system design and fatigue analysis of Shell Greatwhite Spar, GOM

Naval Architect, Floating Production System Division, ABB Lummus Global Inc. Houston, Texas, May 1999 – Dec. 2004

Chevron Typhoon FEED (2000ft water depth of GOM), a mini-TLP technology – four-column with extended-base. Benchmark with one-column, three-column and four-column conventional TLPs
Shell Nakika Semi-submersible Project (6400ft water depth of GOM), Feasibility study of using built semi-submersible – Bingo. Global performance analysis and transportation on vessel- Mighty Servant I, Dockwise
ELF Matterhorn Mini-TLP FEED (2825ft water depth of GOM), Detailed Development of 3-column and 4-column with extended-base TLP. Global performance analysis and model test data processing
BPAMOCO Crazy Horse truss spar FEED (4500ft water depth of GOM), teamed with engineers from Jay McDermott. Mooring design and dry transportation analysis
Exxon&Mobil Kizomba “A” ETLP EPC (3863ft depth of West Africa), Concept Design of 4-column with extended-base square-column TLP of up to 36-TTRs. Global performance analysis for different working and environmental conditions, TLP installation, Dynamic load and motion analysis of the stability module
Conoco Magnolia ETLP Engineering (4760ft depth of GOM) – a 4-circlar-column with extended-base TLP. Involved in TLP model test data processing and global performance study
Concept technology development, 3-ETLP (3-column extended-base TLP) and SCF (Single Column Floater)

Project Manager, China Communications Imp&Exp Corp. Beijing, China, Apr. 1994 – Dec.1997 

YouLian Shipyard (HongKong) 2400HP Z Tugboat x 5, YanTai Shipyard, Fabrication superintendent and procurement.
Central Gulf Lines (New Orleans, USA) 8+2 Hopper Barges + 18 Oil Barges, ABS classification, Chief site superintendent on shipyards of Jinling Shipyard, Nanjing Shipyard, Zhenjiang Shipyard and Nantong Shipyard, responsibility includes: fabrication scheduling, overseeing the whole fabrication process from prime painting, block-welding, block sand blasting, assembly welding inspection, whole tank interior sand blasting, whole tank interior epoxy coating, cargo hatch cover installation and inspection, communication with the owner representative and ABS site surveyors.


PhD Candidate/Research Assistant, Ocean Engineering (1998.1 – 1999.5)
Texas A&M University, USA
Msc. , Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (1991.9-1994.2)
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Bsc., Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (1987.9-1991.9)
Harbin Ship-Building Engineering Institute, China


Hydrodynamic Analysis               : WAMIT, MOSES, MULTISIM
Mooring Catenary                               : MOSES, QMOOR
Mooring Finite Element Analysis        : Orcaflex, FLEXCOM_3D
Design and Modeling                   : ANSYS-modeling, Auto_CAD, RHINO
Structural Analysis                             : NORAN NEINASTRAN, ANSYS


Government                        : MARAD, USCG, Title 46 of U.S. Federal Code
Oil Gas Industry                         : API 2T, 2A, 2WSK, 2SK, 2INT-MET
Classification                        : ABS, BV, DNV, LR
Other Organization                : IMO, HSE, SNAME


Honor Student of the Class in 1988, Harbin Engineering University, China
Third Place of English-spoken Competition, Harbin Engineering University,1990
Fluent in Chinese and English speaking and writing

  • Hydrodynamic analysis and global motion analysis for floating structure, mooring design and analysis 16 years by 2016
  • Sr Consultant at Seaway Engineering UK
    Dec 2015 - Jul 2016
    MPSS semi-submersible development
  • Master
    Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    1991 - 1994
Houston, TX,
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