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Engineer  / Naval Architect

Curriculum Vitae of AbbasDashtimanesh


2009-2013: degree of Hydromechanics Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique), Tehran, Iran.

Thesis: Three Dimensional Simulation of Transom Stern Flow of Planing hulls Using SPH Method”

2006-2008: M.Sc. degree of Hydromechanics Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique), Tehran, Iran.

Thesis:Manoeuvring Analysis of Monohull Using Boundary Element Method”

2002-2006. of Naval Architect and Ocean Engineering, Persian Gulf (PGU), Bushehr, Iran.

Thesis: A Study on Propulsion System of Hovercraft”

Special Research Interests

  • Dynamics of Marine Vehicles
  • Hydrodynamics of Planing Hull
  • Mathematical Modelling of Marine Vehicles
  • Implementation of Numerical Methods in Marine Hydrodynamics
  • Marine Renewable Energy

Work and Teaching Experience

  • Lecturer at University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2009-2013.
  • Assistant Persian Gulf University of Bushehr, Iran, 2014 till now.
  • Visiting Researcher at Australian Maritime College (AMC), Australia, July and August 2017.
  • Director of International Affairs and Overseas Students at Persian Gulf University of Bushehr, Iran, November 2017 till now.

Teaching Courses

  1. Dynamics of Marine Vehicles
  2. Hydrodynamics (Marine Hydrodynamics)
  3. Mathematics
  4. Marine Design Workshop
  5. Ship Maneuvering
  6. Fluid Mechanics
  7. Numerical Analysis
  8. Computer Programming (Python, Fortran, Matlab)
  9. Marine Engineering
  10. Marine Machinery
  11. Craft
  12. Technical Language
  13. Hydrodynamics

Grants and Funded Projects

  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design and Construction of an Innovative Wave Energy by Combination of Oscillator Plate and Piezoelectric Materials (9 months, 21000$, Funded by Iran’s Presidential Deputy of Science and Technology)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design and Construction of Tunneled Planing Hull (3 months, 1000$, Persian Gulf University)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design and Construction of Active Trim Tab for Motion Reduction of a Hull Model (9 months, 30000$, Iran Ship Building Industries)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design of Fishing Vessels (6 months, 7000$, Funded by Iran Ship Building Company)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design and Construction of an Innovative Technology for Marine Tourism Industries (6 months, 4200$, Funded by Iran Ship Building Company)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Re-Evaluation of Conceptual Design Phase of Craft Design (4 months, 4000$, Iran Ship Building Industries)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design of Liana: a special craft (1 month, 3300$, Port and Seafaring Organization of Iran)
  • Abbas Dashtimanesh, Design and Construction of Triple Stepped Planing Hulls (6 months, 20000$, Persian Gulf University and University of Tasmania (Australian Maritime College))

  • Member of Brilliant Talent of Amirkabir University of

Some of Refereed Journal Publications

  1. S. Tavakoli, S. Najafi, E. Amini, A. Dashtimanesh, Performance of high-speed planing hulls accelerating from rest under the action of a surface piercing propeller and an outboard engine, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 55, pp: 45-60, 2018.

2.      A. Dashtimanesh, A. Esfandiari, S. Mancini, Performance Prediction of Two-Stepped Hulls Using Morphing Mesh Approach, Journal of Ship Production and Design, 2018. (DOI: 10.5957/JSPD.160046)

  1. S. Tavakoli, P. Ghadimi, P. Sahoo, A. Dashtimanesh, A Hybrid Empirical-Analytical Model for Roll Motion Prediction of Prismatic Planing Hulls, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.0, No.0, pp:1-21, 2018. (DOI: 10.1177/1475090216689212)

4.      S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, P. Sahoo, An Oblique 2D+T Approach for Hydrodynamic Modeling of Yawed Boats in Calm Water, Journal of Ship Production and Design, 2017. (DOI: 10.5957/JSPD.160032)

5.      P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, P. Taghikhani, Dynamic Response of a Wedge Through Asymmetric Free Fall in 2 Degrees of Freedom, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.0, No.0, pp:1-22, 2017. (DOI: 10.1177/1475090217733150)

6.      S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, Running attitudes of yawed planing hulls in calm water: development of an oblique 2D+ T approach, Journal of Ships and Offshore Structure, Vol.12, No.8, pp: 1086-1099, 2017.

7.      A. Dashtimanesh, S. Tavakoli, P. Sahoo, A Simplified Method to Calculate Resistance and Trim of a Two Stepped Planing Hull, Journal of Ships and Offshore Structure, Vol.12 (sup1), pp: S317-S329, 2017.

8.      P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, Presenting a Mathematical Model for Analysis of the Effects of Warp form on the Performance of Planing Hulls, Iranian Journal of Marine Technology, Vol. 4, Issue. 10063, pp: 39-52, 2017.

9.      A. Dashtimanesh, R. Khosravani, A.R. Kohansal, Capability Evaluation of Morphing Mesh Approach for Hydrodynamic Analysis of One Stepped Craft, Iranian Journal of Marine Technology, Vol. 4, Issue. 20016, pp: 42-52, 2017.

P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, A nonlinear mathematical model for coupled heave, pitch, and roll motions of a high-speed planing hull, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol.104, No.1, pp: 157-194, 2017.

11.   P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, Calm water performance of hard-chine vessels in semi-planing and regimes, Polish Maritime Research, Vol.23, No.4, pp: 23-45, 2017.

12.   P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, R. Zamanian, Steady Performance Prediction of a Heeled Planing Boat in Calm Water Using Asymmetric 2D+T Model, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.231, No.1, 2017.

P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, Coupled Heave and Pitch Motions of Planing Hulls at non-zero Heel Angle, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.59, pp: 286-303, 2016.

14.   P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, A. Feizi Chekab, Three Dimensional Simulation of Transom Stern Flow at Various Froude Numbers and Trim Angles, International Journal of Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. x, No. x, pp: x-x, 2016.

15.   P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, An Analytical Procedure for Simulation of Roll Motion of the Warped Planing Hulls, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.230, No.4, pp: 600-615, 2016.

P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, Feizi Chekab, Introducing a New Flap Form to Reduce the Transom Waves Using a 3-D Numerical Analysis, Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, Vol.12, No.4, pp: 265-275, 2016.

17.   P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, M. Farsi, S. Najafi, Investigation of Free Surface Flow Generated by a Flat Plate Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method and Flow3D Simulations, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.227, pp: 125–135, 2013.

18.   A. Dashtimanesh, P. Ghadimi, A Three Dimensional SPH Model for Detail Study of Free Surface Deformation Just Behind a Rectangular Planing Hull, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.35, No.4, pp: 369:380, 2013.

P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh and H. Hosseinzadeh, Solution of Poisson's Equation by Analytical Boundary Element Integration, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.217, pp: 152–163, 2010.

P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, Solution of 2D Navier-Stokes Equation by Coupled Finite Difference-Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.35, No.5, pp: 2110–2121, 2011.

  1. P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, R. Djeddi, Study of water entry of circular cylinder by using analytical and numerical solution, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.XXXIV, No.3, pp: 225-237, 2012.

22.   P. Ghadimi, M. Farsi, A. Dashtimanesh, Study of Various Numerical Aspects of 3D-SPH for simulation of the Dam Break Problem, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Vol.XXXIV, No.4, October-December 2012.

23.   P. Ghadimi, M. Yousefi, A. Dashtimanesh Application of an iterative high order difference scheme along with an explicit system solver for of stream function-vorticity form of Navier-Stokes equations, Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 135 / 041401, 2013.

24.   A. Dashtimanesh, P. Ghadimi, SPS turbulent of transom stern flow, Brodogradnja, Vol.65, No.1, pp: 1-16, 2014.

25.   P. Ghadimi, S.R. Djeddi, M.H. Oloumiyazdi, A. Dashtimanesh, Simulation of Flow over a Confined Square Cylinder and Optimal Passive Control of Vortex Shedding Using a Detached Splitter Plate, Scientia Iranica (International Journal of Science and Technology), Vol.22, No.1, pp: 175-186, 2014.

26.   P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, R. Zamanian, M.A Feizi Chekab, S.H.R. Mirhosseini, Rooster Tail Depression by Originating a Modified Transom Stern Form Using a Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Solver, Scientia Iranica (International Journal of Science and Technology), pp: 765, 2015.

  1. A. Dashtimanesh, P. Ghadimi, Simulation of Free Surface Flow by Using SPH Method and a Comparison Study on Two Different Smoothing Functions, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol.39, 2012.
  2. P. Ghadimi, A. Saadatkhah, A. Dashtimanesh, Analytical Solution of Wedge Water Entry by Using Schwartz-Christoffel Conformal Mapping, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Computing, Vol.2, No.3, 337-354, 2011.
  3. P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, A. Feizi Chekab, A Numerical Investigation of the Water Impact of an Arbitrary Bow Section, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.19, No.3, pp: 186-195, 2013.
  4. P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A.Dashtimanesh, A. Pirooz, Developing a Computer Program for Detailed Study of Hull’s Spray Based on Morabito’s Approach, Journal of Marine Science and Application, Vol.13, pp: 402-415, 2014.
  5. P. Ghadimi, M.A.Feizi Chekab, A. Dashtimanesh, Numerical Simulation of Water Entry of Different Arbitrary Bow Sections, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Vol.11, No.2, 2014.
  6. P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, Initiating a Mathematical Model for Prediction of 6-DOF Motion of Crafts in Regular Waves, International Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol.2013, 2013.
  7. P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, S.R. DJeddi, Mathematical of longitudinal dynamic pressure distribution on planing hulls, Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol.1, No.2, pp: 53-65, 2013.
  8. P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh and S.R. Djeddi, "Three-Dimensional Mathematical Investigation of Dynamic and Hydrostatic Pressure Distributions on Planing Hulls”, Journal of Computational Engineering, Vol.2013, 2013.
  9. P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, S.R. DJeddi, Development of a Mathematical Model for Simultaneous Heave, Pitch and Roll Motions of Vessel in Regular Waves, Research Journal of Computation and Mathematics, Vol.1, No.2, pp: 44-56, 2013.
  10. P. Ghadimi, S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, A mathematical Scheme for Calculation of Lift of crafts with Large Mean Wetted Length and A Comparative Study of Effective Parameters, Universal Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.2, pp: 35-54, 2014.
  11. P. Ghadimi, A. Loni, H. Nowruzi, A. Dashtimanesh, S. Tavakoli, Parametric Study of the Effects of Trim Tabs on Running Trim and Resistance of Planing Hulls, Advance Shipping and Ocean Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, pp: 1-12, 2014.
  12. A. Dashtimanesh, P. Ghadimi, Considering artificial viscosity in model for simulation of transom waves, International Journal of Physical Research, Vol.1, No.1, pp: 12-20, 2013.
  13. A. Dashtimanesh, A. Keshtkar, J. Abbasi, Conceptual Design of Two Stepped Planing Hull to Achieve 80 Knots in Persian Gulf Sea State Condition, Journal of Craft Engineering, No. 46, 1394. (In Persian)
  14. B. , A. Kohansal, A. Dashtimanesh, A Numerical Study of the Effects of Changing the Height and Location of the Step on a Flat Plate, Journal of Marine Engineering, Vol. 25, pp: 15-22, 2017. (In Persian)
  15. A.Dashtimanesh, A. Esfandiari, F. Roshan, A. Kazemipour Esferjani, A. Safarinezhad, Numerical Simulation of a Near-Shore Wave Energy Converter, Journal of Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp: 75-85, 1396. (In Persian)
  16. A. Dashtimanesh, Development of a Computer Program for Analysis of coupled Heave, Pitch and Roll Motions of Craft in Regular and Irregular Waves, Journal of Craft Engineering, Vol. 49, pp:48-56, 1395. (In Persian)
  17. A. Dashtimanesh, M. Gholizad, Presentation of a Computational Model for Performance Evaluation of Two Stepped Hulls in Calm Water, Journal of Craft Engineering, Vol. 47, pp:28-34, 1394. (In Persian)
  18. A. Dashtimanesh, R. Mallahzade, H. Hatami Rashkvastaei, Performance Computation of Trimaran Tunneled Boat Using Numerical Simulation, Journal of Craft Engineering, Vol. 48, pp:10-18, 1395. (In Persian)
  19. R. Niazmand Bilandi, A. Dashtimanesh, S. Tavakoli, Development of a Nonlinear Mathematical Model to Simulate Two Stepped Hulls Behaviors in Regular Waves, Journal of Craft Engineering, Vol. 50, pp:72-87, 1396. (In Persian)

Conference Presentations

  1. F. Di Caterino, R. Niazmand Bilandi, S. Mancini, A. Dashtimanesh, M. De Carlini, C.N. Del Mediterraneo, A Numerical Way for a Stepped Planing Hull Design and Optimization, Proceedings of NAV 2018: 19th International Conference on Ship and Maritime Research, Trieste, Italy, 2018.
  2. S Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, P Sahoo, Prediction of Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Coupled Heave and Pitch Motions of Heeled Boats by Asymmetric 2d+T Theory, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37 InternationalConference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2018), Madrid, Spain, June 17-22, 2018.
  3. S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, S. Mancini, A Theoretical Method to Explore Influence of Free Roll Motion on Behavior of a Planing Vessel Through Steady Yawed Motion, 11th Symposium on Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2017), Italy, 2017.
  4. S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, P. Sahoo, Theoretical Model for Roll Dynamic Response of a Boat in Oblique Waves, 14th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2017), Nantes, France, pp: 63-70, 2017.
  5. S. Tavakoli, A. Dashtimanesh, P. Sahoo, An Oblique 2D+T Approach for Hydrodynamic Modeling of Yawed Boats in Calm Water, The Fifth Chesapeake Power Boat Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, June 2016.
  6. A. Dashtimanesh, S. Tavakoli, P. Sahoo, Development of a Simple Mathematical Model for Calculation of Trim and Resistance of Two Stepped Hulls with Transverse Steps, Proceedings of ICSOS 2016: International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.
  7. S. Tavakoli, P. Ghadimi, A. Dashtimanesh, P. Sahoo, Determination of Hydrodynamic Coefficients in Roll Motion of Planing Hulls, FAST 2015: 13 International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, Washington, USA, 2015.


  1. Hydrodynamics of Planing Hulls, Publication of University of Technology, 2016 (In Persian).

  • Computational fluid dynamics 12 years by 2018
  • high speed craft design 7 years by 2018
  • Computer programming (Matlab, Python) 10 years by 2018
  • Assistant professor at Persian Gulf University
    Sep 2014
  • Researcher at Iran Ship Building industries
    Apr 2013
  • phd
    Marine hydrodynamics at Amirkabir university of technology
    2009 - 2013
Bushehr, Bushehr,
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