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Republic of India.
Tue, 08 May 2019 19:40 IST (15:10 UTC)

Maritime Jobs,

Dear Sir,

STS Superintendent/ Mooring Master

I have been in the marine profession since Sep 1970, a period of 48+ years. The last 20 years (1988 to 2008) of my sea career, I sailed only on ocean going tankers.

*Mooring & Loading Master/ Pilotage Service Overview: April 2008 - Oct 2018: 10 yy 07 mm

(i) Miden Systems Limited (Lagos) and
(ii) Lamnalco Marine & Offshore Services (Sharjah).

As a Marine Pilot/ Mooring and Loading Master for Shell Offshore Marine oil terminals, I carried out navigational, mooring, loading & un-mooring advice/ assistance to the shuttle/ export tankers which called at FPSO Sea Eagle (tandem mooring Lead Pilot) and FPSO Bonga (SBM Pilot); and previously (for 3 years) at Bonny offshore as an SBM Pilot.  I conducted marine & safety inspections & supervised immediate maintenance of the mooring and off-loading equipment. I acted as the terminal's (Shell- SPDC and/ or SNEPCo) representative on board the off take tankers for emergency situations & all export operations, which included final cargo documentation.

Marine Pilot/ Mooring Master experience breakdown:
(1) Marine Pilot/ Loading/ Mooring Master for Shell Offshore Marine oil terminals (07 yy 07 mm):
Employer: (a) Miden Systems Limited, Lagos, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

(i) Apr 2011 - Jul 2011: 00 yy 04 mm
Tandem mooring "Lead Pilot"/ Loading Master at FPSO Sea Eagle (weather wanes), off Forcados, Nigeria (SPDC);

(ii) Aug 2011 - Oct 2018: 07 yy 03 mm
SBM Pilot/ Loading Master at FPSO Bonga deep water port (SNEPCo);
Navigation, berthing (Bonga SBM), tandem mooring (Sea Eagle), loading, un-berthing and documentation of ULCCs, VLCCs, Suezmax, Aframax, Panamax & Handymax tank vessels.

Over the last 7 years, I had been awarded several times by Bonga FPSO OIM's (SNEPCo), for my excellence. Contrary to FPSO Bonga terminal requirements, due to the temporary inability of a Hold Back Tug, in agreement with the OIM and MSS, I undertook & berthed several OTT's without a hold back tug, which assisted to cut down on demurrage losses.

(2) Marine Pilot/ Loading Master for Shell Offshore Marine Oil Terminals (03 yy 00 mm):
Employer: (b) Lamnalco Marine & Offshore Services, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

(i) Apr 2008 - Dec 2010: 02 yy 09 mm
SBM Pilot/ Loading Master at offshore terminals, Bonny, Nigeria;
(ii) Jan 2011 - Mar 2011: 00 yy 03 mm
During the 3 month notice period, I was re-located to Forcados/ Warri as a Tandem mooring "Lead Pilot"/ Loading Master to attend the FPSO Sea Eagle (which weather wanes), off Forcados, Nigeria (also SPDC);
Navigation, tandem mooring (Sea Eagle), loading, un-berthing and documentation of ULCCs, VLCCs, Suezmax, Aframax, Panamax & Handymax tank vessels.

In April 2011, due to Nigerian localization law, I was made redundant from Lamnalco Marine & Offshore Services and was absorbed by a Nigerian local (take over) Company- Miden Systems Limited. Whilst in Nigeria, I stayed in SPDC Residential Area camp (restricted), Forcados, Nigeria. Initially, I flew by chopper to and from the FPSO's Bonga and/ or Sea Eagle, when required, to attend the off take tankers.

(3) Master Mariner (Ship's Captain)- 19 years:
Employer(s): Various International Ship Management Companies, based in Mumbai, India and abroad.

Jun 1989 - Mar 2008: 18 yy 10 mm
(i) During my 19 years’ service period as a Master (Ship's Captain), in various International Ship Management companies & my extensive sea career, I have had experience on various tanker vessels- VLCC, Suezmax, shuttle Aframax, Panamax, Handymax, product, chemical, product-chemical, OBO & clean ballast tankers, etc. hauling crude, products and chemicals worldwide. I was known as a dependable Master and noted for my trouble shooting qualities. I was transferred to vessels, where there were administrative, operational & crewing problems- “to get the job done”. I was frequently shuttled on troublesome vessels, where there had been a complete breakdown in discipline & utter lack of maintenance.

07 May 2007 - 27 Sep 2007: 04 mm 21 dd
(ii) (a) Sailed as Master on the 107,123 DWT shuttle Aframax tanker 56 Eagle Tucson, which belonged to AET Inc. Ltd., in Singapore (commercially operated by AET Inc. Ltd., Houston) & was engaged primarily in STS operations in US Gulf (GOLA, SWP LA & Sabine LA). During this period, she conducted 13-STS operations & 1 tandem mooring (ETUC 0715 FPSO Yu'um Kak Naab, MX) loading approximately 500,000 barrels each time from several STBL's, which cargo was thence discharged at various US Gulf ports. This has been elaborated in attachment "Lighterage Operations- 20070927".

(ii) (b) Additionally, I sailed as Master on 2 other vessels, 52 Genmar Minotaur and 50 Seatransport for 04 months each. Both these vessels were on short hauls between South America and the US mainland. Both Aframax vessels were also engaged in STS operations in the US Gulf- GOLA and SW Pass.

(iii) Conducted various river steaming operations without a pilot on board, for e.g.: Munguba in Brazil- in Rio Amazon from Bãrrá Norté to Macapa & back: 150 miles each way; and many more. The remnant journey of 163 miles from Macapa to Munguba and back was with a pilot.

I am committed to further development and to driving new standards of achievement. I am prepared to reach specific goals - both as an individual and as part of a team, whilst remaining focused on continuous improvement and agreed business objectives. I take responsibility for my own performance and I am driven, determined and ready to learn. I believe that I can be considered an employee who will provide the energy that moves the Organisation's business interests forward and help to supply the world’s growing demand for energy.

In my long career, I have been considered a dependable leader- both in terms of professional excellence and personal attributes. I have been considered an expert in my job deliverance and have constantly found ways to further develop my skills to reach unmatched excellence. I pride myself to have the ability to inspire and motivate others around me. I have also been known to be accountable- prepared to take calculated risks and tough decisions and see those decisions through, mindful of the consequences.

I strongly believe myself to be progressive, determined and decisive. I also am confident that my skills, knowledge, expertise and leadership qualities will make a difference to the Parent Organisation now and in the future.

After working as a Marine Pilot in Nigeria for 10 years and 07 months, I believe I am ready for additional responsibilities and challenges.

It is my keen desire and fervent hope to have the opportunity to work directly for a reputed International Company for at least 5-6 years before I retire.

I look forward to a positive response.

Thanks & BRgds
Marine Pilot/ Mooring & Loading Master

  • Master Foreign Going (Unlimited)
Mumbai, Maharashtra,
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