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Robert W. Lorentz 



Special Boat Team 22, Coastal Detachment Charlie, 2 TroopStennis, MS 

Primary Diesel Mechanic/ Primary heavy weapons armorer     2015-2017 

  • Ensured the proper efficiency and function of all weapons within the detachment throughout a 2-year training cycle. 

  • Properly upkept 4 RIB boats with 8 Caterpillar diesel engines properly running with no mishaps and all proper Maintenace throughout a 2-year training cycle. 

  • Operated as a 50. Cal rear gunner expending over 680k rounds of ammunition in a 2-year training cycle. 

  • Operated the Forward Looking Infared Lazer (FLIR) as well as the Aqua Puma ISR platform with no mishaps in a 2-year training cycle. 


Special Boat Team 22, Coastal Detachment Charlie, 2 TroopSan Jose, Guatemala 

Primary Diesel Mechanic/ Primary heavy weapons armorer               2017 

  • Deployed to San Jose, Guatemala for 7 months. 

  • Deployed as lead Deisel Mechanic, Lead Armorer and ISR operator for Special Boat Team 22’s 2 Troop Coastal Detachment. Ensured constant success with 8 diesel engines operating in the mission set we professionalize in. Kept all weapons in the inventory ready for operations at all times.  

  • Led weapons and Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) training to 86 partner force Foreign National Special Forces student in over 100 hours total of classroom and field instructions. 

  • Scheduled, planned, maintained, ensured operational risk management and positive control of the use of over 46 pieces of sensitive equipment and over 100 total pieces of ancillary ISR gear with a valuation of 3 million dollars when travelling outside the United States. 

  • Observed and enforced the safety standard operating procedures and basic weapons handling instructions for Guatemalan Special Forces Boat Units in Coastal dynamic shooting and seizing tactics. 

  • Seized over 3 tons of illicit drugs from cartel members with Partner Force. 

  • Took place in a Joint Task Force mission with a classified platform from Special Operations Command South. 


Special Boat Team 22, Riverine Detachment Delta, 2 Troop 

Heavy Weapons gunner 

  • Insert, extracts on every weapons platform from .50cal to M240B, Gau 17, MK19, 48, 46, M4 and Scar Heavy. 

  • Designated Marksmen with Scar Heavy, Lead LPOP group. 

  • Successful hides training missions. 


Special Boat Team 22, Coastal Detachment Charlie, 2 Troop                  Stennis, MS 

Lead Boat Captain (Driver) / Lead Aqua Puma (ISR) Operator       2017-2019 


  • Led 8 Operators in my detachment throughout every block of training in a 2-year cycle. 

  • Successfully completed 2-years of training missions with the safety of 8 operators in all types of sea states and adverse conditions travelling well over 10,000 Nautical miles throughout coasts on the United States, including all around the Gulf of Mexico.  

  • Achieved all qualifications to lead a Coastal Detachment as Boat Assault Force Commander (BAF) 

  • Taught and mentored 6 junior operators in all coastal skill including, heavy weapons, small arms, ground mobility, communications, ISR and all tactics involved in our mission sets throughout a 2-year training cycle. 

  • Operated the Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV-PUMA) with over 21 hours of successful flight time. 

  • Led over 7 Key Leader Engagement (KLE) operations in a 2-year training cycle. Ranging from the Vice president, Foreign Nationals, Commander of Special Operations, Joint Task Force Units and many more.  


Special Boat Team 22, Coastal Detachment Charlie, 2 TroopPanama City, Panama  

Lead Boat Captain (Driver) / Lead Aqua Puma (ISR) Operator   2019 


  • Deployed to Panama City, Panama as detachments lead Boat Captain and ISR operator for 7 months. 

  • Had an integral part of congressionally funded and classified 311-foot maritime support vessel validation to assist in counter narcotics. 

  • Established UAV and ISR Standard Operating Procedures for the vessel. 

  • Controlled 4 aircraft as an unqualified Joint Terminal Air Controller (JTAC)  

  • Led operators on a Joint Task mission on a Classified vessel with Special Operations Command South. 

  • Successfully taught over 53 Foreign Nation Special Forces partner force students in mission sets required for them. 

  • Put together two 8-week selection/curriculum courses for partner force students in operations involving drug smuggling throughout South America. Not limited to but including Navigation, small arms, communication, advanced swimming, combatives, prisoner handling and most importantly vessel interdictions with proper search and handling procedures. 

  • Successfully made it back to United States with one hundred percent men weapons and equipment ranging over 11 million dollars in inventory safely. 


Special Boat Team 22, Coastal Detachment, Training Department              Stennis, MS 

Lead Boat Captain (Driver) / Heavy Weapons Gunner Observer  2019-2021 


  • Trained 2 detachments over 2 separate 6-month training cycles to become experts in shooting, moving and communicating on the water. Status C2 ready.  

  • Provided direct close observation of new gunners ensuring safety and discipline. 

  • Mentored over 6 Boat Captains under instruction (UI) in order to qualify them in the safety of the men, craft, detachment and mission sets over a year and a half period.  

  • UAV/ISR pilot observer with over 40 hours of flight time in a year and a half period. 

  • Ran multiple small arms ranges as Range Safety Officer. 




BCT Class 85 / CQT Class 85 / SERE   2014  



  • Awards/Honors: Operator of the year 2019, National Defense Service Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon x2, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal x2, Army Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal x2. 

  • Certifications: STCW-95, TWIC, Caterpillar Diesel Mechanic, Outboard Engine Mechanic, Sling Load Inspector (SLIC), Basic Roper, Unmanned Aircraft operator (UAV), Dynamic Live fire water and land range safety officer (RSO). Qualified Boat Captain (Driver) Naval Special Warfare Armorer, Crane (All Weapons), Forward looking Infared (FLIR) operator, Naval Special Warfare Cross Cultural Competence (NSW CCC). Naval Special Warfare Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE). Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Decontamination level 1, Administrative Laser Systems Safety Officer (ALSO), Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewman (SWCC) training instructor, Work Center Supervisor, Forklift certified.  

  • Extracurriculars: Eagle Scout, played 5 years of football as a Quarterback, received a scholarship to play football in Arizona as a Quarterback.  

  • Achievements: Participated in a study on Special Boat Operators health and well-being in the capacity of long-term bodily damage. In collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh sports science team, we determined that the speed and seas-state in which we transited on a daily basis was detrimental to our bodily health. Result: During training evolutions, we were no longer allowed to wear ballistic helmets or plates until reaching the Area of Operations. Every wave we took on our craft was the same G-force trauma as a car crash on our bodies. In real life operations, we are still required to wear full ballistics throughout the entirety of the mission. 


  • ISR 4 years by 2020
  • Special Boat Operator 7 years by 2022
  • Maritime Special Operator 7 years by 2021
  • Heavy Weapons Gunner 7 years by 2021
  • STCW-95 Jun 2022
  • TWIC May 2022
  • ISR
Pearl River, Louisiana,
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