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Engineer  / Naval Architect

Skype: don.onthemove


Professional Profile:

A respectful, skilled and experienced client facing Project Operations Management Professional with national and international marine and airport management experience,  technically skilled, commercially adept and effective in identifying any cost effective areas where economies and operational efficiencies can be obtained and easily maintained,  without compromise of the contracted specifications,  contract management  standards or  the completed works finished quality, and ultimately its operational compliance.  Possesses polished team building, inter-personal, negotiation skills and communication abilities. Safety and profit focused and is very effective in client liaison, communications, and conflict resolution, leading large mixed teams of skilled, trades, unskilled staff, professionals and contractors to meet or exceed client expectations.  I’m a skilled and effective team leader adept at team building and creating a working environment people like to come to work in, because it’s dynamic, interesting and challenging. My experience covers the Aviation, Marine, Engineering / Facilities Service Support, Construction and Project Management sectors where I have successfully delivered small, medium, large and mega projects safely, on time and within budget. Most recently a US$168M job plus US$15.5M awarded for EOTs’ and contract variations on a 4 year contract, with an ongoing maintenance element worth US$7.3M annually.

Career Summary:

Nov 2015 – March 2017. Government of the Northwest Territories.

In my fixed term position with the GNWT I am employed in the role of Regional Airports Manager and held responsible for all local, territorial and Federal (CAR’s / TP314 5 Edition / ICAO) regulatory, administrative, commercial development, environmental and contractual aspects of airport operations for the Arctic ‘A’ and ‘B’ airports within the South Slave Region. My terms of reference are to mentor two associates in the full suite of airport operations management practices and through teams of airfield maintenance specialists (AMS.) maintain the regulatory compliance and operational efficiency of Arctic 'A' and 'B' airports. In the summer months we are also involved in providing oversight for air tanker base (A flight of 5 aerial firefighting aircraft.) operations. The position is based in Ft. Smith NWT on the banks of the Slave River flowing into Great Slave Lake. Any skilled manpower and technical resources are limited throughout the Canadian Arctic Region and the North in general; consequently operating costs are very high and sometimes border on the exotically expensive for the most rudimentary of services, making the managers obligation to police  and manage service contract standards , general operating costs and associated expenses’ crucial to any successful operations. My term position is scheduled to end 01 March 2017

2012 – Present. Fore n” Aft Marine Surveyors / Knot Buoys Marine Services.

Through a small staff I maintain, own and operate two companies at  my home base of Creston, in the Kootenay Region of British Columbia, Canada:  Fore n’ Aft Marine Surveyors” and  Knot Buoys Marine Services.” Generating and performing marine surveying work is the primary focus.  Fore n” Aft has been kept busy performing survey work on behalf of the principal dredging contractors operating in the Ft.McMurray area which are universally within the 24.0M / 75 feet in length or 150 gross tonnes class; there are 4 main contractors in the region we actively maintain a business relationship with. Whilst Knot Buoys Marine are the premier Yanmar Marine Diesel Engine dealer in the BC interior region and employ two (casual) skilled professionals in this area of operations. The survey work is predominately seasonal work carried out on behalf of mortgage lenders, insurance companies and buyers, whilst the more substantial service, repair and refurbishment work is much more of a year round activity, or a consequence of survey work that has been done previously, I am fortunate in being able to work anywhere there are marine vessels. Due to my other work commitments I endeavour to be very selective regarding the work we take on, and much prefer taking on smaller and quicker turnaround jobs, utilising the trade skills, education, professional management experience, suitable and adequate level of tooling, equipment and property which I already have, as opposed to becoming committed to other lengthy, costly and complex repair works requiring longer term commitment, additional skilled / licensed manpower, extensive materials and physical inputs.

2012 - Nov 2015.  Raytheon Canada Limited / Canadian Base Operators JV.

  • With RCL / CBO I was employed as the Logistics Service Support      Manager by this (see above) JV responsible for the maintenance and      management of 46 short and long range radar sites across the High Arctic      Region of North America. Collectively this is known as the North Warning      System, (NWS.) my role in this very dynamic working environment was to      ensure we had and maintained consistent and reliable radar facility performance      through a closely monitored and very elaborate timed preventative      maintenance system. This includes 24/7 close technical support the      movement of skilled maintenance trades and IT personnel, spare parts, mobile      and static equipment, dangerous goods, fuel, rations and arctic airport /      heliport maintenance, repair and operation (per Canadian Civil Aviation      Regulations TP312.) across the Arctic. On this jointly funded by USAF and      Canadian DND job I held a high level security clearance to perform this      work. My duty rotation in this position was 6 weeks in and 6 weeks out.

2008 – 2012.  Project Manager / Team Leader. Cooper Crouse Hinds, Abu Dhabi, UAE

  • Employed by the AGL principal contractor (CCH) on the Abu Dhabi      International Airport (AUH) 2K runway expansion project,  I provided direction and leadership to a      core team of 12 expatriate engineering airport professionals on the ICAO CATIIIb      airport lighting component of the $6.4Bn project
  • Responsible for overseeing the installation of ICAO CATIIIb      airfield ground lighting (AGL), airfield lighting control and monitoring      system (ALCMS) and taxiway guidance signage (TGS) on parallel runways,      associated taxiways and aprons, whilst maintaining full active compliance      with the established KPI
  • Managing and liaison with the US based OEM team to plan,      implement and maintain  a cost      effective and efficient national and international communications and supply      chain, for internationally sourced parts and materials
  • Supervise plans and performance of a local sub-contracted group      comprising  of 150 third country      national trades personnel, vehicles, plant and equipment
  • Working effectively within the GCAA, ICAO and airport licence      holder regulatory framework ensuring all contractors meet with their      contractual obligations to the client, and the applicable ICAO CATIIIb      standards, while completing the CAT IIIb AGL and ALCMS installation works      on time, around live airport operations in order to ensure stiff financial      penalties are not incurred by the employer
  •  Per FIDIC contract terms      and conditions, wherever possible launched,  pursued and justified EOT and contract      variation claims, resulting in US$15.5M in additional revenue over the      contract period
  • Programming and overseeing the completion of the works within      the politically, technically, culturally and administratively challenging      environment of an abbreviated form of FIDIC and the confines of a highly      regulated  aviation environment of a      very large and rapidly developing CATIIIb international airport facility
  • Completed all US$168m supply and install phase 1 contracted      works in 2011 without penalty
  • Thereafter led and successfully pursued ADAC for ALCMS      maintenance contract with CCH eventually being awarded the annual ALCMS      maintenance at AUH on a  service      contract with a value of US$7.3m

Programme Managers:   Parsons International Limited

RE Services:                       Halcrow International Partnership

Employer:                           Formerly; Sub Committee for AUH, Latterly; ADAC FM

End User:                            Abu Dhabi Airports Company

2002 – 2008. Director of Airports / Manager of Operations & Standards, Nunavut Airports Division,                             Government of Nunavut

  • Responsible for the contractual, regulatory compliance and      operational efficiency of 25 Arctic A & B  (ICAO CATI and CATII equivalent.) Canadian      public airport facilities in the Nunavut Region of Canada
  • Nunavut Airports Division comprises CAN$1.94bn in assets, over      370 units of HD plant and mobile equipment, a HQ and regional staff of 70+      personnel and has an annual operating budget of CAN$46m
  • Responsible for all daily operations of the division and      overseeing the performance of its airports, with accountability for      adherence to airport standards of a multiple airport certificate holder,      managing all commercial regulatory processes and meeting all regulatory      obligations  as per Transport Canada      TP312E Airport Operating Standards (ICAO Annex 14 Equivalent.)
  • Monitor existing Government of Nunavut, Transport Canada,      Federal, Territorial and Industry contracts, policies and programmes in      order to ensure all are appropriate and meet with regulatory, safety,      environmental and financial rules, regulations and standards
  • Plan, implement, maintain and further develop facilities      processes and improvements which will meet the existing and future      regulatory requirement as and when required
  • Liaising with Federal, Regional and community government      regulators, agencies, authorities, air carriers and airport stakeholders,      ensuring the effective communications of information in an appropriate      manner.
  • Plan, develop and aggressively pursue Transport Canada ACAP      funding requests. Typically resulting in one ATB and one Airport      rehabilitation project PA, plus three or four pieces of capital plant      equipment PA.
  • Management and supervision of a large and diverse body of      engineering, financial and administrative professionals, trades and local      staff across multiple departments and locations, including both contract      and lease administrative teams, in addition to providing technical      leadership and support to the HQ, regional and on-site teams responsible      for local operations
  • Conducted negotiations and drafted contracts with various      suppliers and customers, identifying and mitigating the employer against      unwarranted liability and risk throughout programmes and projects
  • Planning and developing programmes, contingency and emergency      response plans, including designing and delivering projects in conjunction      with consultants, contractors and other service providers
  • Initiate, launch and oversee purchases and procurement of goods      and services ensuring regulatory compliance is adhered to and cost      effectiveness obtained wherever possible.
  • Advocate and very active in providing and maintaining a      continuous vocational skill training curriculum throughout the      organisation. The emphasis on SMS, HSE and vocational skill development
  • Initiated “NavCanada” Community Airport Radio Operator training      (CARS) is conducted through Nunavut Arctic College. Saving  Nunavut Airports Division and GN      CAN$3.0M PA

Career Summary Continued.

1995 – 2002. Owner Mill-Air Service Centre, Creston, BC, Canada

1994 – 1995. Service Manager, Kokanee Ford, Creston, BC, Canada

1991 – 1994. Marine Engineer, BC Ferry Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada

1985 – 1990. Project Engineer, Hunting Technical Services, Western Sudan, Somalia, Mozambique

1883 – 1985. Branch Engineer/Business Development Manager, Scottish Power Services, Aberdeen, Scotland

1981 – 1983. Plant Superintendent, Roughton & Partners, Juba/Yei Southern Sudan

1978 – 1980. Plant Manager/Chief Engineer, Prospect Estates Ltd, British Virgin Islands

1977 – 1978. Mechanical Supervisor, Jedco Corporation, Jeddah, KSA

1969 – 1977. Corporal, British Army, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

Qualifications and Memberships

Level                                                  Subject                                                                            Date

Certificate           St Johns Ambulance, Standard First Aid Level C CPR                                           02/15

Diploma               Marine Surveying Lloyds of London Maritime Academy                                    12/14

License                 Firearms Licence, non-restricted Possession & Acquisition                10/14

Certificate           Industry Canada, Restricted Radiophone Operator (Aero) Trainer   07/08

BSc                        Industrial Engineering Specialised Technology, U of Scranton, PA, USA        90/92

Licensed              Transport Canada Marine Engineer (Motor)                                                        90/92

Certificate           H2S Alive Robert Gordon Institute of Technology                                83 & 02

City & Guilds       Motor Vehicle Technology Part 1 & 2 (Journeyman)                                          69/74

Certificate           Reid Kerr Engineering Exam Certificate                                                                 66/69

O’Level                English Math Science & Geography                                                                        66/69

Memberships:   Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers

                              International Association of Airport Executives, Certified Member designation

                              Purchasing Management Association of Canada

                              Canadian Airports Council, Operations, Safety and Technical Advisory Committee

                              Member Canadian Airports Council, Training and Regulatory Working Committee


Computer:           Literate with the current suite of MS Office, Power-point, MS Project & Primavera

Languages:         English is my mother tongue plus modest useful spoken Arabic, German & Swahili

Driving Licence: UK, Canadian, UAE & International

Nationality:         British and Canadian Passport Holder. My permanent residence is in BC Canada.

Interests:             Sailing, Boating, Rowing, Kayaking, Badminton, Reading.

References are available upon request or through LinkedIn.

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