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Vessel Operations


A results driven, self-motivated and resourceful well experienced  Supervisor/Manager with a proven ability to develop and strengthen management teams in order to maximize company profitability and efficiency.  Experienced  leading and growing all sectors of a business to make it a dynamic  and  progressive  organization.  Possessing excellent business level communication skills and able to establish sustainable and profitable relationships with customers, suppliers and stakeholders across the  world.

A Highly experienced Marine Electro- Mechanical Engineer/Project Manager  with sound  handling knowledge of Industrial facilities, Mechanical plant, Marine facilities, Oil and Gas plant with advance skill on various Engineering practices for on board, site and  workshop  machineries,  systems, installation, Repair  and  commissioning    and  Estimation, Budget planning,  

            A approved  safety officer with sound knowledge on worksite safety, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), workplace health and safety (WHS), Prepare HSE training  programs & carry out training and instruction for trainers,  Risk Assessment  and control measures, (Official Approval from New Zealand safety council is awaited)

A experienced hands on with  21 years on Sailing/Marine repair, Oil & Gas system & Equipment trouble shooting, overhauling, installation & commissioning, Repair estimation, Prepare the Repair Quotations, prepare variation on the work scope and  invoicing, Preparation of profit-loss statement, Preparation of technical documents, trials, Technical meetings, Commercial negotiation including the purchase process,

A experienced administrator with sound knowledge on  team development and recruiting, conducting interviews, Technical and  administration assessment of candidates, selection of candidates preparation of contracts agreement, Advice to Senior Management/ stakeholder on remuneration package with refer to the experience, public relations,

Planning, Developing, implementing of technical ideas & information to provide  most  favorable  solutions to facilitate corporate growth with cross functional team and diverse technical backgrounds and workshop management for  man &  Material. Prepare work process, scheduling of workers,

Seeking position as a Regional Manager/Branch Manager  in a company where I can demonstrate my multi- disciplined skills and knowledge.


  • Strategic Thinking
  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Good Leadership Skill
  • Risk assessment and Risk  Management
  • Coaching & Mentoring(Technical, Administration & OHS Training)
  • Budget planning and execution, Profit & Loss statement ( financial  acumen)
  • production Management  Skills
  • Project management skill
  • Marketing Financial management & Cost control
  • Product launch
  • Client retention skills
  • Implementing policies
  • Administration & Recruitment skills


Nov  2015 to Present, Aimecs Engineering,  Auckland, New Zealand

Operations cum Service Manager –Industrial & Marine

(A Marine & Industrial engineering Company with a diversified capacity of handling various Marine, Oil& Gas and Industrial repair, refurbishment, overhauling & commissioning with in house strength of 30)

Operations & Service manager with experience of successfully coordinating the activities of various departments concerned with the production, pricing, sales, and distribution of products & services. Comfortable working with people of all levels and having a excellent commercial approach to solving problems and developing business processes. Having proven people management skills, with the ability to manage performance and motivate staff on an individual and team level.


  • Marine & Industrial Operations Management: : Managing a team of approximately 30 employees in a busy work environment. Negotiating contracts, ensuring that they balance value and risk. Establish and implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, and procedures. Creating, managing and analyzing performance data and other information. Ensuring that capacity and capability are continually planned. Encouraging, identifying and developing best practice strategy. Ensuring compliance to all Environmental Health & Safety goals & objectives. Producing Operations manuals which define how the business is to be run. Working closely with the Financial Manager, Facilities Manager, IT Manager & HR department.

  • Marine & Industrial  Diesel Engines Overhauling service Management(Hands on): Technical and service management and hands on skill on service team for trouble shooting, overhauling, installation and commissioning of Marine & Industrial, Power plant  diesel engines from  MAAN, Warstila, MTU, Peilstick, Cummins, Daihatsu, Caterpillar& Volvo Penta. Planning & scheduling of works, Technical & commercial meeting with customer, commissioning of engines, trials, load testing alignment, Preparation of technical report,

  • Procurement of Spare parts and inventory Management :  Procurement of spare parts from OEM and  Inventory management, update the inventory  by ordering parts, Estimate the budget for yearly consumable spare parts and oil, 

  • Inspection of repair for estimation & costing :Carry out inspection and repair of Naval vessels and commercial  vessel arriving in the port  and prepare estimate for the repair , discuss with the client and technical superintendent and ship owner for the  technical clarification and repair approval

  • Prepare repair Plan and technical solutions :Give proper technical advice for repair of  deck machineries, hydraulics and pneumatic, mechanical overhauling , engine routines and overhauling, steering gear servicing, stores  and logistics advice and engineering and electrical spare parts advice,

  • Man & Material Management: Arrange Man & material for the  project, scheduling of works, prepare the work process, Advice technically for the team leader, project meetings,

  • Effective Man & Material Management for repair and time keeping :Effective man and material management with  commercial acumen  for early completion of works, pre- plan the works prior to the arrival of the vessel, arrange material, learn technical know how, give capsule training for the project team,  carry risk analysis,  discuss with team leader, 

  • Repair Budget planning &spare parts arrangement and inventory management :Carry out budget planning and estimation of forth coming works and  commercial profit and loss statement preparation, make competitive price against the market price, arrange the material from overseas to reduce the cost, arrange the  consumable in bulk to reduce total cost.

  • Technical and commercial meeting with Ship owner& Technical Superintend :Prepare  available list of inventory and  forward  to the ship owner and technical superintendents for  easy selection and  approval with refer to the IMPA code 


 Marine   Hydraulic  Engineer


Responsible for the day-to day running of the business in my part with a particular emphasis on ship repair sales and business development. Making sure that the business continues to grow by way of  developing    new clients whilst maintaining its existing customer  base

  • Meeting customer and arrange business ,estimation and costing of work and advice the cost of repair  and time of repair
  • Technical advice for repair and propose necessary modification by feasibility study to for economical operation of system

  • Arrange necessary new parts and system drawings advice service team for early completion by keeping the account of time to reach targeted profit  margin ,Work out profit and loss of every work understand  financial  feasibility

v Deliver technical advice on  servicing of marine and industrial hydraulic   equipment’s, Propose and educate systematic Dismantling assembling and testing of all hydraulic and mechanical devices for timely completion of  works

  • Arrange requirements and training to Carry out commissioning of all hydraulic, electrical and mechanical  control system

  • Advice and arrange necessary l spare parts for the service works and material in reasonable rate with price negation and keeping eye on inventory for hydraulic , mechanical and electrical components

  • Carry out site inspection and service of marine and industrial equipment, estimate the cost of repair and prepare the quote for the repair, report the customer rep for  approval

  • Design, manufacture  hydraulic  cylinders for various capacities and  purposes

  • Carry out trouble shooting rectification of marine Deck Machinery, Steering gear , Engine room machinery, and auxiliary  machineries

  • Overhauling of Hydraulic pumps and motors and pneumatics systems, trouble shooting on engine control and rectifications

  • Installation and commissioning of engine room, steering and deck machineries and trials and documentation

  • Control of spare parts inventory and update the inventory according the  machineries   modifications

  • Risk assessment and control measures for every work and carry out tool box talk and instruction prior to commencement of works



(A leading  ship/Rig Building & repair company with in house strength of 10000)

     A Senior project Manager with experience on  Deep water transport & installation including onshore, Inshore and offshore load outs & heavy lifts ,Deep water installation  of FPSO, FSOs, Semisubmersibles, Platforms, including subsea templates, Development of marine transport & installation procedures including Contingency & Emergency, Offshore construction management, Risk assessments, Marine commissioning and Asset Acceptance, Risk Management of projects through HAZIDs/HAZOPS and Risk Assessments, High level HSE Support for all offshore operations & installations, Shipyard Management of Semi-Submersible, FPSO and topside New Builds and conversions, Interface Management for statutory Requirements during offshore operations, Repair & construction Management of Oil tankers, Cargo Carriers, passenger vessels, Oceanographic research vessels & Military vessels


  • Identifying, developing and directing the implementation of business   strategy.
  • Cultivating the company’s reputation in the market & with customers &   suppliers.
  • Involved in planning & organizing the organization’s activities to achieve   targets.
  • Responsible for the Profit & Loss responsibility for the  business.
  • In charge of leading, motivating and developing the management  team.
  • Developing business plans and preparing comprehensive business  reports.
  • Building client relationships that result in revenue and profitability  growth.
  • Responsible for the companies health and safety and legislative  adherence

  • Inspectionofrepairforestimation& costing:Carry out inspection and repair of Naval vessels and commercial  vessel arriving in the port  and prepare estimate for the repair , discuss with the   client and technical superintendent and ship owner for the  technical clarification and repair   approval

  • PreparerepairPlan andtechnical solutions:Give proper technical advice for repair of deck machineries, hydraulics and pneumatic, mechanical overhauling , engine routines and overhauling, steering gear servicing, stores and logistics advice and engineering  and  electrical  spare  parts advice,

  • Serviceworks Electrical& Automation/PowerManagementsystem: Carry out service works on the main switch board, electrical propulsion, main propulsion system controls, pneumatics controls, electrical and automation controls

  • Hands on in Hullandstructure repair fabrication & welding:Carry out fabrication and repair works on ships structure, accommodation and other and engine room spaces. Carry out repair as per the class approval

  • Repairon ROROCarrierandContainer carrier Reefer and storage system:Carry out maintenance for the regular arrival vessels, RORO carriers, container carrier and with permission to owner on electrical motor swapping and spare motor overhauling, overhauling of spare available onboard and technical advice and training for the maintenance and up keeping of  maintenance records

  • RepairofhydraulicDeckMachinery&Engine/Propulsioncontrolsystems:Overhauling of hydraulics machineries, deck cranes , steering gear pumps, hydraulic cylinders, flushing of hydraulic systems, calculation of flow, pressure and kw required, propose modifications, design, install, commissioning of hydraulics, pneumatic and automation systems , trials, preparation of technical manual and submission.

  • ElectricalandAutomationwithPLC programming,installation& commissioning:Prepare the work flow patter and design and program the PLC ,Siemens S7 and similar  install  and  commissioning, training of staff and  prepare maintenance plan,  prepare technical  documentation  and  submit to the satisfaction of client

  • EffectiveMan& MaterialManagementforrepairandtimekeeping:Effective man and material management with commercial acumen  for  early completion of  works,  pre- plan the  works prior to the arrival of the vessel, arrange material, learn technical know how, give capsule training for the project team,  carry risk analysis,  discuss with team  leader,

  • RepairBudgetplanning&sparepartsarrangementandinventory management:Carry out budget planning and estimation of forth coming works and commercial profit and loss statement preparation, make competitive price against the market price, arrange the material from overseas to reduce the cost, arrange the  consumable in bulk to reduce total  cost.

  • Technicalandcommercial meeting with Ship owner& Technical Superintend:Prepare available list of inventory and forward to the ship owner and technical superintendents for easy selection and  approval with refer to the IMPA  code

  • Mainpropulsionengine,Shafting,CPP&ThrusterServicing(Arrangeinhousetraining)

Carry out internal service works on branded like wartila, rolls Royce propulsion system by training  staff internally and arranging spare parts for the original source, carry out commissioning trials and adjustment  as per the OEM  settings

  • Docking& Undockingof vesselsandrepair works at Dry Dock:Carry out dry docking of vessels,  arrange hull survey and inspection , carry out hull treatments, as the standard painting   codes, overhauling of sea chest and overboard valves, renewal of meshes, ICCP inspections, calibration of pitch with bridge controls, Propeller insitu and workshop    polishing,

  • HullSurveyandObtainClassapproval: Arrange class reps( surveyor) for survey and inspection, carry out load test on deck machineries, carry out life saving appliances and life boats, replacement   of life rafts, repair of boat davits

  • Service in-Charge for Marine, Industrial & Power Plant  Diesel Engnes: Service Manager for trouble shooting, overhauling, installation and commissioning of marine, industrial and  power plant diesel engines from MAAN, Wartsila, Cummins, Caterpillar,  MTU, MAK, and SEMPT peilstick, Volvo Penta. Procurement of spare parts, spare parts management,            Technical solutions, planning and scheduling of service teams, preparations service report, sea and harbor trials, load testing

  • LeadEngineeron allMechanicalhydraulicrepair onboardship inworkshoprepair: Senior Engineer for all the ship repair activities  on vessel in the yard and  offshore    programs

  • DeckmachineryInstallation,commissioning/overhauling&Trials: Overhauling all deck machineries like anchor windlass, mooring winches, deck cranes, deck stand valves,  cargo hold  hatch covers in workshop and  on-board  ,

  • Propulsionsystemtroubleshootingandoverhauling: Trouble shooting and rectification of propulsion systems including, cpp, azimuth thrusters, tunnel thrusters, water jet propulsion .  Assistance to rudder and propeller for Mechanical overhauling and system, calibration and trials , Hydraulic and pneumatic system  trouble shooting and  rectification

  • Cargo& ballast systemoverhaulingandtesting: Overhauling of cargo ballast system, tubing , flushing, pressure testing, timing adjustment, installation of butterfly valves and actuators, electrical and hydraulic trouble shooting and  rectification

  • Overhaulingandtestingofhydraulicpump & motors: Overhauling and testing of all hydraulic and water/cargo pumps and  motors for  deck machinery , propulsion , cargo and ballast  control,  hatch cover system etc.

  • Overhaulingofhydraulicmotorfor deck machinery: overhauling & testing of radial piston motor staffa, kayaba, Mitsubishi and high flow low pressure vane motor of rolls Royce, Hatlapa,  Norwinch  are used for deck machineries

  • Yard& workshopmachineries overhauling and testing: Overhauling of industrial machineries like press machine, bending machine, shearing machines, and dock arm system, cherry picker,  crawler cranes, yard cranes,  overhead cranes ,  industrial machine  shop equipment like NC  and  CNC lathes, welding and cutting sets, fork lifts, floating docks, and all yard and workshop utilities machineries

  • Attendthe offshore jobsforhydraulicsandmechanical: Attend all offshore jobs for hydraulic, mechanical, pneumatic and  related electrical  system

  • Troubleshooting & Servicingofcargocranes: Trouble shooting , rectification and servicing of cargo cranes, hugglands Macgregor, IHI high and low pressure cranes, tsuji& Mitsubishi cranes, Oriental deck cranes, Macgregor , TTS deck cranes, Lifeboat and rescue boat   davits,

  • Estimationandcosting of repair: Estimation of costing of all repairs, discuss with customer and get approval for the same, explain the technical feasibility for  repair.

  • Overallin-charge: overall in charge for workshop/On board activities, man and material management , Identification, trouble shooting, rectification and all mechanical/hydraulic /electrical works on board vessel and  in the  yard



(A fleet owner with 100 container vessels and general cargo carrier operating globally,)


Manager Fleet workshop  as a Direct in-charge on repair/installation of following  system/   equipment’s

onboard fleet vessels  and workshop machineries  with borne(sustained)  strength of 150   workers

  • Liaising with officials of government departments and regulatory  bodies.
  • Managing multi-disciplined teams and resolving any conflicting  priorities.
  • Developing business plans and preparing comprehensive business  reports.
  • Improving margins and maintaining a high quality service to  clients.
  • Reviewing, refining and developing the strategy and direction of the  company.
  • Building client relationships that result in revenue and profitability  growth.
  • Responsible for the companies health and safety and legislative  adherence.
  • Creating and maintaining links with other trade and professional   associations.
  • Keeping control of business expenditure, ensuring it's within agreed  budgets

  • Technicalmanagement& Inspectionofrepairfor estimation& costing:Carry out inspection and repair of Naval vessels and commercial vessel arriving in the port and prepare estimate for the repair , discuss with the client and technical superintendent and ship owner for the technical clarification and repair approval

  • PreparerepairPlanandtechnical solutions :Give proper technical advice for repair of deck machineries, hydraulics and pneumatic, mechanical overhauling , engine routines and overhauling, steering gear servicing, stores and logistics advice and engineering  and  electrical  spare  parts advice,

  • Serviceworks Electrical& Automation/PowerManagementsystem: Carry out service works on the main switch board, electrical propulsion, main propulsion system controls,  pneumatics  controls, electrical and automation  controls

  • Hulland structure repair fabrication & welding:Carry out fabrication and repair works on ships structure, accommodation and other and engine room spaces. Carry out repair as per the class approval

  • RepaironROROCarrierandContainer carrier Reefer and storage system:Carry out maintenance for the regular  arrival vessels, RORO carriers, container carrier and   with permission   to owner on electrical motor swapping and spare motor overhauling, overhauling of spare available onboard and technical advice and training for the maintenance and up keeping of maintenance records

  • Repairofhydraulic DeckMachinery&Engine/Propulsioncontrolsystems:Overhauling of hydraulics machineries, deck cranes , steering gear pumps,  hydraulic  cylinders,  flushing  of  hydraulic systems, calculation of flow, pressure and kw required, propose modifications, design, install, commissioning of hydraulics, pneumatic and automation systems , trials, preparation of technical manual and submission.

  • ElectricalandAutomationwithPLCprogramming,installation& commissioning:Prepare the work flow patter and design and program the PLC ,Siemens S7 and similar install  and  commissioning, training of staff and prepare maintenance  plan,  prepare technical documentation  and  submit to the satisfaction of client

  • EffectiveMan& MaterialManagementfor repairandtime keeping:Effective man and material management with  commercial acumen  for early completion of works, pre- plan the works prior to   the arrival of the vessel, arrange material, learn technical know how, give capsule training for the project team,  carry risk analysis,  discuss with team  leader,

  • RepairBudgetplanning&spare parts arrangementandinventory management:Carry out budget planning and estimation of forth coming works and commercial profit and loss statement preparation, make competitive price against the market price, arrange the material from overseas to reduce the cost, arrange the  consumable in bulk to reduce total  cost.

  • ServiceworksHullprotectionandPainting: Supply of consumable like, paint, solution for cleaning,  cotton rags,  oil and lubricants  as per the owners request


  • Technicalandcommercial meeting with Ship owner& Technical Superintend:Prepare available list of inventory and forward to the ship owner and technical superintendents for easy selection and  approval with refer to the IMPA  code

  • Mainpropulsionengine,Shafting,CPP&ThrusterServicing(Arrangeinhousetraining)

Carry out internal service works on branded like wartila, rolls Royce propulsion system by training staff internally and arranging spare parts for the original source, carry out commissioning trials and adjustment  as per the OEM settings

  • Docking& Undockingofvesselsandrepair works at Dry Dock:Carry out dry docking of vessels, arrange hull survey and inspection , carry out hull treatments, as the  standard painting  codes, overhauling of sea chest and overboard valves, renewal of meshes, ICCP inspections, calibration of pitch with bridge controls, Propeller insitu and workshop    polishing,

  • HullSurveyandObtainClassapproval: Arrange class reps( surveyor) for survey and inspection, carry out load test on deck machineries, carry out life saving appliances and life boats, replacement   of life rafts, repair of boat davits

  • ArrangePre repair& Post Repairseatrials:Carry out sea trials of vessel, removal and installation of auxiliary engines, commissioning of engines and  trials

  • MechanicalOverhaulingofshipsystems:Stern gear system: Includes spare parts of Main propulsion engine, reduction gear box, propeller shaft with seals, propeller  (CPP-control  pitch propeller or normal fixed pitch propeller),Steering gear system: includes Hydraulic steering gear unit (Hydraulic power pack unit, Steering gear parts, electrical motor etc),Bow, Stren, Azimuh,&  Retractable thrusters& propulsion unit with electro/pneumatic control  system.
  • Deckmachineries:All deck machineries like Anchor windlass with anchor & chain, Life boat & davit, Deck cargo gear cranes, Cargo hold hatch covers with rubber & fittings, Capstan, mooring winches, bitts, panama chalks, mooring ropes, cargo container fittings on deck &  cargo  hold,  provision crane, fishing net & operating winches, refrigerator fish hold, automatic  fish  washing  vibrator machines, water tight booby hatches, accommodation watertight port holes, mast lights & signals, LSA & FFA items, Audio-visual alarms, pilot ladders, gangway with operating air winches   etc
  • HullProtection& coating:Blasting & painting of outside surfaces including underwater hull like HEMPEL, INTERNATIONAL, SIGMA, JOTUN paints with the  paint  manufacturer  representative,  High pressure water jet washing, Hydro blasting  etc.
  • EngineroomMachinery:other items like Pumps, compressors, Alternators with prime mover engines, purifiers, main & auxiliary switch boards, bilge alarm system, Hydrophor pump & tank, Air compressor, Boiler, Turbines, Ventilation fan & motor, Air conditioning system, control consol, Shaft generator, Intermediate propulsion shafts with bearings, Turbocharger, Fuel injection pumps, lubricating oil, stern tube oil, water heater, oily water seperator-15 PPM, Engine room  overhead  crane, Hot & Cold insulation etc.
  • Tanks & Cargo holds: Blasting, painting, deep well pump, stripping pump, ballast pump, bilge pump, sacrificial anodes & ICCP cathodic protection system  etc.
  • Accommodationitems: Panelling & flooring with cold insulation, Air condition system, washing machines, galley items like cooking range, fridges, cold freeze provision room, lights, fans, dish  washer machines etc
  • Bridgeitems: All radio equipment SOLAS approved, VHF, GYRO, fish finder, echo sounder, speed log, tank alarm, mast lights with all audio visual alarms, EEBD, EPIRB, navigational items   etc.

  • Work withclass & flags& Modifications: Carry out third party approval, carry out acceptance trials, basin trials & sea trials ,Design & Implementation of Additions and Alterations in vessel system and elements to meet operational commitment with required  class  approval  ,Technical  documentation , manual preparation, field service engineers & technician management for timely completion of works in order to avoid delay in vessel departure and business ,Work Class & flags to suitable appropriate selection ,plan the approval process with approval of stakeholder/ship owner Liaising with OEMS and shipyards and arrange service documents ,warranty claims ,  service  engineer and technician for  commissioning and trials for   repair

  • Electricalsystemservicing& Overhauling:Overhauling ,rewinding, inspection, testing of electrical motors of fleet vessels in time, rebarring of rotor assembly, stator  staggering ,  lock rotor  test,  run test,  supervising of electricians and motor winding  staff. Global procurement of  winding   wire and accessories , prepare standard procedure for windings,Ensure to keep fully transparent communication in between superiors to establish rigid technical personal relation Carry out timely repair of vessel by planning and executing limited  staff and  resource.

  • In charge for routine/brake down maintenance of all workshop equipments incuding, Lathes, drilling machines, boring machines, welding machines, electrical motor testing and winding machines, overhead cranes, hydraulic presses, sheet rolling machines, shearing machines, pipe bending machines, Maintenance of unit transports, Store inventory management updating,  load  testing  of lifting appliances, conduct tool box talk and risk assessment   preparations,



(A Multinational Company, Manufacture, supply, installation and service of Marine Diesel Engines/Propulsion systems/Automation and control systems for marine and industrial surroundings with staff around the globe. Reporting to the Manager Propulsion  field Services   .)

Main Responsibilities

  • Hands on experience & Supervise hydraulic /Mechanical overhauling of Main propulsion, Shafting, gearbox, OD box, Azimuth Thrusters, Bow Thrusters, Tunnel Thrusters, Retractable Thrusters, Installation, Trouble shooting , commissioning &  Trials

  • Design, selection, installation, commissioning,& trials of  Hydraulics,  Pneumatic,  electrical  automation system, commissioning and trials of control systems for Marine main Propulsion and related system

  • Hands on experience in Overhauling, installation, commissioning, trouble shooting,  trials  on  Hydraulic controllable pitch propellers for marine main propulsion, related automation system  selection, installation, commissioning  and  trials

  • Hands on experience and Supervise Installation/commissioning/Trouble shooting/Overhauling  &  trials  on  hydraulic systems for slow 2 stroke & medium speed 2 stroke and four stroke Main and Auxiliary  engine control system. Developing and implementation of operational safety procedures for service tech and Engineers & Making reports on all  the works carried out and Estimation and quoting for  repair /installation / Commissioning of  systems

  • Hands on experience and Supervising of  technicians for hydraulic tubing, flushing, pressure testing   of system tubes on Conversion of FSO and FPSOs and  installation  of  new  construction  vessel/repair vessels

  • Inspection/Estimation/ Costing and quoting of repair works on various marine/industrial related works End to end management and training of all service  personnel.

  • Repairing of workshops equipment for routine and brake down  overhauling


  • Installation time and charges reduced by making Wise handing and installation   systems onboard deep sea semi floating oil drilling rigs.


(A Multinational Company, Manufacture, supply, installation and service of Hydraulic valves, actuators and other systems components used for construction machinery, Industrial surroundings,  Marine  Propulsion control systems/Automation and control systems with 30,000 staff around the   globe.)

  • Responsible for managing customer support services and providing customers to high quality, cost effective solutions whatever the mechanical/electrical/Hydraulic/Pneumatic application. Planning scheduling and executing the maintenance service programs with concern of manpower, logistics. targets and deadlines
  • Trouble shooting on Hydraulic and pneumatic system and problems  solving  whilst  optimizing  logistics for field engineers and team leaders. Applied procedural service and installations with preparing proper teams and guide lines for prior servicing and increased profit   margin

  • Overhauling of truck mounted construction  machineries  like  concrete  pump,  cranes,  concrete mixer, wheel loader, Dump truck, Excavators, wheel rollers, mobile winches, cable layers, tower cranes,

  • Design and manufacturing of hydraulics power packs, tubing and hoses systems, Mobile hydraulics drive and control systems in close and open loop  system,

  • Responsible for selection, Installation, Servicing and testing/trouble shooting of hydraulic pumps, motors, control valve blocks in shop floor and insitu servicing different installation/service sites in the country and outside by keeping regular interaction between stake holder/customer and field staff working closely with technical sales by identifying specific customer need, contracts and focused solutions
  • Supervising the team with the close relation in the extreme productive mode with the manpower including 15 Service tech, 04 service engineers, sales engineer, site servicing technicians, mobile servicing units, tools and accessories, office accountants and clerical  staff
  • Trouble shooting & insitu rectification of hydraulic systems of mobile construction equipment, marine hydraulics systems, and industrial hydraulic  systems

  • Inspection/Estimation and quoting the cost of repair of systems/ Installation and commissioning of new Electro hydraulics, Electro-Pneumatics  systems.
  • Lab analysis of hydraulic/Lub oil for its purity and composition. & Design and supervise of hydraulics and pneumatics tubing works/ flushing and pressure testing of system. Design of Hydraulics/Pneumatics servo and proportional control system & Consulting service /Advice to the customer for selection suitable components for optimum system performances to meet their exact requirement


  • Reconfigured field service department and manufactured required special tool, jig, fixtures for safe  and fast working there by achieved tremendous saving of man hours and totally eradicated  the  rework.

  • Arrange special training for service engineers and technicians to make professionally sound  manpower there by reduce the damage on works and increase the   profit.


(A Government of India company consisting of more 70000 staff member mainly focusing for ship repair   and

new construction of vessel for military purpose and tug  boats)

In charge of end to end planning of maintenance of fleet  vessels.

Sailed on board as marine engineer for 15  years

  • Carry out and Supervise the overhauling, installation , commissioning, Trouble shooting of Marine  Main Propulsion & Auxiliary Engines ( MAN, Wartsila, SEMT  Peilstic,  MTU,  Cummins,Caterpillar,MTU, Volvo Penta  ),

  • Carry out Supervise the installation, commissioning, trouble shooting,  trials  of  Marine  Air  conditioning and Refrigeration  machineries, Ventilation systems, Chilled water plants, cold& cool  room and related electrical and automation  systems

  • Design/Supervise the installation/Trouble shooting/Repair/Overhauling of Hydraulics and pneumatics systems and selection of system components like valves, actuators, etc. Design/Supervise the installation/Trouble shooting/Repair/overhauling Propulsion systems and steering   gear.

  • Supervise Mechanical overhauling, installation and commissioning ,trouble shooting trials on Main propulsion shafting, plumber blocks, controllable pitch propellers, water jet propulsion, Azimuth & Retractable thrusters

  • Estimation and costing of ships repair cost and budget planning. Liaise with Onboard equipment  OEMs and arrange booking for services as per the ships availability. Conduct pre –repair and post repair trials and analysis, vibration trials onboard machineries and equipments .Modification and installation of control system for ships control and related engineering   systems.

  • Calculation propulsion power calculations and selection of propulsion plants including main engines and ships control system, main reduction gear box, selection of hydraulic system for the ship and selection of pumps and motors and control  valves.


  • Bachelor in  Mechanical  Engineering -           Ninans   College   of  Engineering,  Kottayam, Kerala,India, ( Under West coast university/ assessed by California university )-04   years

  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering form (03 years) from  Kerala state education board

  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering - Technical Education Board –Kerala India, (Under All India council of technical education)-02  years

  • 15 years Served in India Navy as a Naval Marine Engineer/Ship repair Engineer & Planner

  • Certificate course in Project Management

  • Holding   Valid      CDC       issued    from           Mumbai    (India)&        Valid         STCW courses FPFF,EFA,PST,PSSR


  1. Microsoft Window, Excel, Access, Publisher, Word Corel Draw, Internet and email, AutoCAD, programming in VB, Oracle, ERP  Software’s.

  1. English: As a business language level, German: Learning  stage.


  1. )           Holding Valid International Drivers  License  Issued     from  United Arab Emirates Dubai/New Zealand

References available on request

Auckland, Auckland,
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