Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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A dynamic talent demonstrating sterling leadership, innovative decision-making and substantial technical expertise during a distinguished 20-year United States Navy career now actively seeking new challenges and opportunities and offering an immediate impactful addition to any organization


A comprehensive and substantial technical and managerial skill set that demonstrates the following:

  • Thrives and excels in leadership in high-stress, high-visibility settings, and effortlessly meets and surpasses any and all previous performance benchmarks while also increasing overall effectiveness of each member of his team.
  • Enthusiastically adopts and leverages innovation and new technologies and crafts policy and procedures that establishes enterprise-wide best operating practices. Quickly absorbs new disciplines and masterfully executes new abilities with significant contributions to organizational success.
  • Seizes opportunities for collaborative "outside the box" thinking for high-impact solutions. Enthusiastically engages fully tested process improvements and promulgates insightful perspectives on lessons learned.
  • Results driven and developmentally focused, redefines the high performance model for his team and has successfully and consistently produced high level performers at all levels of his career.
  • Uniquely gifted in team leadership, operations planning, customer service, change management, professional coaching and development, emerging technology and skillset acquisition


Associate's Degree in Arts in General Studies                                                       May 2013 

American Military University, Charles Town, WV                            

Bachelor’s of Arts in Biblical Studies                                                                     Spring 2017

Regent University, Va Beach, VA                                                       

Master’s of Divinity/ Master’s of Business Administration                                 Enroll Spring 2017

 Regent University, Va Beach, VA


Electronic Warfare Leading Chief Petty Officer                                                    May 2013 - Present

USS Bainbridge DDG96                   

Headed a fifteen Electronic Warfare and Cryptologic specialists through two arduous EUCOM and CENTCOM deployments, five critical emerging technology testing periods, and 10 months of training and evaluation periods.

  • Led the installation, testing and integration of the first operational AN/SLQ-32(v)6 in the US NAVY and set the benchmark for future system operations.
  • Leveraged eight Electronic Warfare specialists over two deployments, conducting 24 hour operations in two areas of operations, identifying more than 1000 unique signals of interests and producing more than 500 technical analysis reports in support of national level special operations.
  • Mentored personnel to 95% promotion rate. Presented more than 200 hours of Suicide Prevention and Victim and Witness Advocacy training to over 600 personnel.

Deputy Branch Chief                                                                                               Aug 2010 – Mar 2013


Led 20 multi-service personnel conducting 24-jour maritime operations in support of global national intelligence objectives.  Led 28 Command fitness leaders in administration of Command Fitness Test for 571 personnel.

  • Spearheaded 24-hour operations that directly contributed to the of more than 80 metric tons of illicit narcotics worth $1.9 billion, in a single year, surpassing all mission records since inception. Selected as NSA/CSS Senior NCO of the Quarter.
  • Tripled NSA/CSS Maritime Analysis Support Team’s customer base, leveraging national capabilities, and increasing production 200%. Award the NSA STAR award. Qualified Enlisted Information Dominance Warfare Specialist.
  • Optimized multiple intelligence applications (RT-RG, GCCS-M, GALE, Google Earth, ArcGIS) across multiple operating platforms (Windows, Linux), streamlining the production process leading to more than 230 metric tons of illicit narcotic interdictions. Awarded Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)                                                    Nov 2009 – Aug 2010

NAVCENT, 82 Airborne, 101 Airborne     

Oversaw 24-hour watch operations for 30 multi-service personnel in support of ISAF mission objectives while stationed at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan.

  • Expertly managed more than 300 collection assets for twelve regional forward operating bases. Coordinated and tasked allocations in support of 100 significant combat action missions resulting in the successful prosecution of more than fifty targets of interest.
  • Professionally developed and mentored fifteen Naval personnel resulting in four sailors of the quarter, 100% promotion rate, two Defense Meritorious Service Medals and ten Joint Commendation Medals.
    Managed and enforced all applicable United States and Japanese environmental regulations for Squadron operations.
  • Exercised a keen learning capacity to learn unfamiliar intelligence systems to become a critical member of the 82 Airborne, 101 Airborne, and NSA/CSS commands. Awarded Joint Commendation Medal.

Electronic Warfare Leading Chief Petty Officer                                                    Feb 2007 – Nov 2009

USS Bulkley DDG84  

Guided thirteen Electronic Warfare and Cryptologic specialists through an arduous EUCOM and CENTCOM deployment, a grueling seven-month Ship Rehabilitation Availability and 10 months of training and evaluation periods.

  • Expertly managed a thirteen personnel team while conducting 24 hour operations in the CENTCOM and EUCOM areas of operation. Intercepted, cataloged and disseminated more than 2000 contacts of interest reports to tactical decision makers.
  • Professionally developed and mentored thirteen Naval personnel resulting in two Sailor of the Quarter winners, 99% promotion rate, and 7 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal awardees.
  • Led the Command Fitness Program for 300 sailors and executed two Command Fitness Assessments resulting in a 95% success rate. Awarded Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

Leading Petty Officer                                                                                                May 2005 – Feb 2007


Managed a four personnel team conducting 24 intelligence operations in support of deployed units in the EUCOM area of operations.

  • Authored and executed a rigorous four-month job qualification curriculum used to qualify intelligence analysis professionals, setting the standard for job performance.
  • Meticulously ensured the quality assurance of more than 50,000 intelligence reports to eight deployed units, and the successful execution of more than twenty special operations.
  • Conducted twice daily intelligence assessment briefings to intelligence staffs and three remote commands, ensuring a comprehensive and synthetic situational awareness.

Submarine/Surface Leading Petty Officer                                                              Mar 1999 – May 2005

Naval Security Group Activity Norfolk, Surface / Submarine Direct Support

Led a 30 personnel division responsible for augmenting 50 deployed units, conducting more than 75 special operations missions in support of global objectives.

  • Coordinated the successful augmentation of more than 75 special operations missions, utilizing thirty intelligence and cryptologic professionals in support of worldwide mission. Responsible for more than
  • Authored a dynamic 20-week job qualification standard program from entry-level, intermediate and supervisory Electronic Intelligence experts, establishing the benchmark for professional performance.
  • A trailblazer and sterling model for success, qualified as Supervisor in two separate mission support disciplines, one of only three personnel to qualify as a Supervisor in two separate mission support disciplines and the only one to do so at a junior rank.

Chesapeake, Virginia,
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