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Project Engineering / Project Management

Transdev VTMI Railroad contractors, Miami FL                    4/6/2015 - 3/4/2017

Bridge Inspector, Operator, Welder, Trackmen

NARS bridge inspection certified, FRA railway worker safety qualified, FRA sec 213 qualified  

  • Inspection of bridge infrastructure- which includes the ties, rail, frogs, joints, switches, parapet, abutment, main girders, through girders, traffic deck, bearings, expansion joints, floor beams, stringers, super and sub frames of the entire bridge and logged all inspections
  • Inspect equipment before use- do full walk around checking lights are working, looking for leaking hydraulic lines, flat tires, hazards. Check oil, hydraulics, and coolant level before operating 
  • Inspect vehicles-Do full walk around checking cosmetics, lights oils and fluids for proper levels and operations
  • Follow up on inspection report-fill out inspection checklist stating mileage, time and signed  
  • File daily progress reports- turn in a detailed list of accomplishments from the prior day and tasks still to be finish if wasn't complete  
  • Address any damaged or unsafe driving conditions to supervisor
  • Job brief at job site on the day’s duties, time limits, track limits and hazards
  • Operate backhoe- to move rail, replace railroad ties, spread and grade ballast
  • Operate skid steer-to bush hog, grade ballast, dirt and sand or regular clean up around the facility
  • Operate excavator/ tie rane(OTE)-to haul and place railroad ties at work location and gather used ties, grade ballast to good walking conditions
  • Operate gismo(OTE)-used to cut down small trees and stumps blocking the view of tracks or vegetation      control
  • Operate forklift- used to unload pallets off trucks and or organize the facility
  • Operate front end loader-used to spread large amounts of ballast, major clean up or loading dump trucks        
  • Operate spike puller(OTE)- pull spikes from railroad ties for reinstallation
  • Operate spike driver (OTE)-drive spikes into new railroad ties
  • Thermite welding-welding railroad rail back together with molten metal
  • Arc welding-welded frog blowouts and points to keep in FRA standards  
  • Run hydraulic rail cutter-used to cut rail when installing and preparing a weld or replacing bad rail
  • Run hydraulic rail grinder- used to grind off excess molten metal after weld
  • Run hydraulic hand tamper- For quick use to tamp under sunk and pumping ties/rail
  • Run hydraulic spike puller-To pull spikes from ties during gaging or replacement
  • Run hydraulic spiker-use for spiking preset spikes
  • Operate rail puller-used to stretch rail during welding    
  • Operated section trucks remote crane- to load and unload rail or frogs on an off the truck in remote work location
  • Watchman lookout- continuously looking and listening for trains and hazards while workers perform maintenance on track
  • Safety committee-was elected/voted in to be the field safety lookout employee, anyone with any safety concerns, problems or lack of PPE would let me know so i could access the situation or order more materials

Central Bridge Lexington KY                            2/7/2011 - 2/16/2015

Operator/Carpenter/shop management

OSHA safety certified, Crane and Rigging certified

  • Shop management - kept inventory, listed procurement needs, marked out damaged tools, inspected chains, chokers and shackles to make sure of safe use in the field and organized      materials inside and outside of the shop
  • Operated finish machine-on bridge decks testing the x dimensions and pouring/finishing the deck   
  • Operated man lift - used to work in between the beams, work in diaphragms, paint the bridge or for a lift to the top
  • Operated excavator - used for digging or jackhammering out footers, slopes, embankments, moving barrier walls, hanging man basket over the bridge for workers to perform painting on beams or wrecking overhang jacks, used for concrete bucket, and transporting forms or materials to different location, spreading gravel or dirt  
  • Operated high lift - used high lift to spread, gather and grade dirt/gravel or to load dump trucks with excess dirt or fill  
  • Operated skid steer - used to grade dirt and gravel, haul heavy tools and materials to remote locations were needed   
  • Operated backhoe - used the backhoe for digging ditch lines to precise grade for culverts, pipe lines or manholes
  • Operated front end loader - used the front-end loader to load transport and grade dirt and gravel
  • Operated forklift - to load pallets of materials on or off semi or to move and organize materials
  • Operated front end loader to load transport and grade dirt and gravel
  • Crane rigging - signaling and hooking load to the crane for a proper and safe lift
  • Cutting H pile rigging holes with      cutting torch-holes that the crane can safely hook to lift the pile into place evenly with equally distributed weight for a safe and proper use
  • Rig pile - signal crane hookups down using correct signal methods then hook the pile up with a inspected and correct weight limit shackle, chain, or choker          
  • Drive pile - use crane signals and a pile driver to drive pile into the ground for footer, abutments or retaining walls  
  • cutting off excess with torch- after hitting rock bottom cut excess off at shot grade  
  • Welding more pile on if needed-If pile didn't go far enough I would weld another piece on and continue driving until state requirements were met
  • Using skill saws - for cutting plywood and 2x for correct and precise measurements for braces and forms       
  • Running quickie concrete saws - used for cutting rebar or concrete  
  • Running hammer drill- to drill holes for bolt, rebar or to pinch nail 2x to concrete  
  • ½ impact - to run ⅝ ½ bolts into concrete to hold EFCO forms and braces into place  
  • Built concrete forms- built  2x4,4x8 or customized forms to follow through with correctly graded concrete pours
  • Set forms - by hand or with a machine to remote bracing destination
  • Brace forms to withstand extreme pressure- brace forms with snap ties, whaler’s, hog pins brace and nailing joints and pinch nailing or bolting the bottom depending on circumstance         
  • Poured concrete footers, piers, caps, diaphragms, decks, sidewalks and concrete barriers
  • Vibrated concrete - used to run concrete to grade and to get all excess air out of the concrete to avoid honey combs and voids in the concrete   
  • Finished concrete - with a hand float or bull float to grade and make smooth as possible for a good cosmetic looking finish
  • Hooked up bridge beams - flag crane down to stirrups hook up an inspect hook ups to be sure they are properly secured to be lifted before cabling up
  • Inspected safety post- make sure safety post are secure and stable for full safety efficiency.   
  • Inspected safety post cable- check cable clamps and for frayed cable before sending the beam to the caps  
  • Set bridge beams - beams are brought in with semis hooked up with crane and swung onto the caps where I would flag the cranes to where the beams needed to be, stable my end make sure the other side is stable an in place then cable down to set my end in the marked location.  
  • Set beam braces to secure beams - fly braces in with crane lower them down in between and bolt them to the beams to secure beams from falling or moving   
  • Set overhang jacks on the side of beams to pour concrete out away from the beam and can set up a handrail for safe walking\working condition
  • Deck overhang jack I used 2x4 to string the top of the jack’s toe nail them in place while hooked off, then deck the top with plywood and nailed down for security  
  • Built handrails for safety procedure according to OSHA standards  
  • Set up finish machine for bridge deck, set the machine up for correct width of the bridge to set it
  • Tested x dimensions to make sure the finish machine is finishing at the correct grade scue or supra        
  • Put together call orders - foremen would call needing materials for jobs and I loaded and secured everything that they needed from the shop onto a semi and had ready to be delivered



Wininger Motors-Rv service, collision center                                      05/05/2008-01/15/2011

RV technician, Mechanic, shop management  

  • Associated with customers daily  to make sure their experience buying a car or getting an estimate on damage repairs was as pleasant as possible
  • Showed cars- getting the customer in the right car was main priority so showing and explaining the car top to bottom was a huge factor in making sure it was the right fit for them and making sure they drive away with a smile on their face.          
  • Estimated repairs on car  damages through close thorough procedures to make sure to see all damages  on a vehicle so I could add up the right material list and get a cheap as possible rate for the customer to get their car fixed  
  • Found parts needed to fix vehicles- search state and nation-wide junk yards and manufacturing companies to find specific and nearly identical body parts for a vehicle to save money an extra unnecessary work. (One-day travel is Cheaper than 3  days of work)  
  • Performed vehicle an RV  diagnostic -this was critical in being able to fix the (right) problem so getting it right the first time is essential to save time and money rather  it's through computer program diagnostics, test driving, or visually seeing the problem
  • Engine replacement
  • Transmission replacement
  • Brake replacement-replaced drum and disc brakes on cars, trucks, rvs and campers   
  • Front end parts replacement- tie rod, lower and upper control arms, bushings, torsion bars anything that needed fixed I did   
  • Routine oil changes
  • Routine transmission fluid changes
  • Checked coolant/ water ratios in radiator before winter-very important up north to keep the right ratios of water and coolant in your radiator to keep your coolant from freezing and busting your engine block and radiator  
  • Repaired dents-sometimes I  could easily pop dents out with a dent puller and then some would have to  be bondoed and sanded out and sent to the paint booth
  • Prepped for painting- I would make sure to clean and wipe down parts being painted from all dirt and debris and then mask it off to ensure only the areas needing paint got painted   
  • Pinstripe- after the paint  booth I would install pinstripe on cars truck and rvs if necessary
  • roofing -the roof of a rv or  camper is the life of them and so as we were always getting campers and rvs to buy and resell most of them had water damage due to an old or damaged roof so replacing them seemed never ending          
  • Plumbing- I would repair or replace leaking sinks, bathtubs, hot water heaters and any other plumbing that would break or leak in a RV or Camper   
  • Laying flooring (carpet, hardwood, linoleum)- most campers with bad water damage would have buckled or peeling floors that I would take out cut of if necessary and replace with new for a nice restoration   
  • Cabinetry- I would repair, build or replace cabinets that were broken or had water damage in campers  and rvs  
  • Framing-again due to water  damage inside wall studs would get rotted and molded and I would tear out and replace with new   
  • HVAC- I was constantly replacing components and replacing the AC units, stoves and refrigerators in RVs and campers as they are not made as durable as your regular household appliances and when they are not used for a long period of time or used all the time they seem to have problems    
  • Sound systems I would install  new TV’s and radios with all new surround sound systems in the campers an rvs to help with selling them as quick as possible
  • Detailing after all the work on the rv, camper, car, truck is complete and ready to go on the lot I would go through with a deep detail inside and out to make it look and smell brand new for a quick an impressive sell
  • Maintained inventory- make sure the shop’s tools are all put and kept in place to keep work flowing as smooth as possible without having to run around and look for tools also keeping track of inventory to make sure work is not stopped due to a lack of materials   
davie, FL,
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