I would like to work in industry as a merchant marine
2005 - Present C-Mar America inc Houston Tx
Position-Able Bodied Seaman
Vessel-Q4000,Superior Endeavour,Gulmar falcon and Hos energy13501
Duties-Tigh up ship during docking and undocking,preasure wash ship to keep it clean and assist during bunkring.
1998 -2000-ROro Shipping company
Position-Deck Hand
Duties-metal bright rost,chip and paint ship,used ship crane to load and unload ship supplies and keep watch to keep unwanted solicitors away from ship
2004-Home study careers G.E.D Diploma New York
2005-sunny maritime collage- STCW 95 Fire fighting,survivor,First aid,Personal safety and Basic cpr first aid
2009- Sea School Diploma St.Petersburg, Fl
Able Bodied seaman with Navigational watch and life boat certificate.
2009-United State Coast Guard - Merchant mariner credential with able bodided seaman,life boat and endorsement of navigational watch.
Other experience-Team player,reliable and stable at work,smart confidence and always on time at work.