Woodside's North West Shelf Project Extension approved by Western Australia
Woodside Energy, Australia's largest oil and gas producer in terms of market value, announced on Thursday that the state of Western Australia had granted Woodside Energy approval to extend the project life of its North West Shelf LNG (liquefied Natural Gas) until 2070.
You can also find out more about the decision-making process by clicking here.
Woodside announced Thursday that the approval marks the end to a six-year waiting period and restarts the federal approval process for environmental protection, which was halted because of pending appeals.
Liz Westcott said that the state's approval was a crucial step in the long-term processing at Karratha Gas Plant of the North West Shelf Joint Venture's field resources and the third-party gas reserves.
Woodside must submit a detailed report detailing its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases within a year, and then every five years.
The appeals committee of the state in its
Updated earlier this month, the estimated project emissions were nearly 4.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide over the extended lifetime of 50 years.
Environmental groups have opposed the extension for years, citing potential environmental and cultural damage. Over
700 appeals
The state's Appeals Convenor received the appeals.
The WA government has failed its community and future generations, according to Anna Chapman of the Conservation Council of WA. She said that the WA government approved the largest fossil-fuel project in the Southern Hemisphere despite a large number of protests.
(source: Reuters)