Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What are the main issues in Mozambique's elections?

October 2, 2024

Next week, Mozambicans are voting in legislative and presidential elections. It is almost certain that the Frelimo Party will extend its half-century in power. The party has been fighting a longstanding Islamist insurgency within one of Africa's biggest gas fields.

Daniel Chapo is the candidate of the ruling party and a former law professor. He will replace Filipe Nyusi, who was previously a radio announcer.

Here are the key issues that face one of the poorest countries in the world and its 34 million citizens as they head to elections.


Aid agencies claim that militants linked to the Islamic State launched an insurgency against the government of Cabo Delgado, a province rich in natural gas in northern Mexico, in 2017. The insurgency killed thousands of civilians and destroyed livelihoods. The insurgency disrupted energy projects worth billions of dollars.

The government, with the help of regional troops and Rwanda has managed to contain the insurgency. However, there has been an increase in violent attacks since the beginning of the year.


Gas projects worth more than $50 billion were planned for development before the insurgent wave. The projects aimed to turn the country into an important liquefied gas (LNG).

After insurgents attacked Palma in the north, a logistic hub near the project site, TotalEnergies declared force majeure for 2021 and halted the work on the $20 billion LNG Project.

Patrick Pouyanne, the Chief Executive Officer of the company, said that the company would like to restart the LNG plant following the presidential elections.

Exxon Mobil's and Eni's other LNG project was also postponed. Exxon anticipates making a final decision on investment by the end 2025.


Mozambique continues to be shaken by the "tuna bonds" scandal, in which $1.5 billion was lost in a loan made to state-run fishing firms, partly funded by Credit Suisse.

Credit Suisse, owned by UBS, reached a settlement out of court with Mozambique last year over a decade-old scandal that prompted the International Monetary Fund to temporarily stop support for the country. This led to monetary collapse and triggered a debt default.

Mozambique claimed that it was a victim of a conspiracy between shipbuilders and corrupt officials, as well as banks. Nyusi denied all wrongdoing. He was the defense minister at that time.

The scandal led to criminal investigations in Maputo and New York. Senior Frelimo politicians have been charged with their involvement. This has caused a serious blow to the image of the party.


Mozambique, one of the world's most disaster-prone nations, is vulnerable to extreme climate events like cyclones, droughts, and floods.

El Nino-induced droughts have devastated southern African countries including Mozambique, wiping out crops. In August, United Nations Mozambique reported that 1.8 million people were affected by the drought.

Mozambique is also frequently hit by devastating cyclones. Mozambique, along with its neighbours Malawi and Madagascar, bore the brunt last year of Cyclone Freddy, which ripped through the area, killing more than 1,000 people.


Since Mozambique gained its independence in 1975, Frelimo is in power.

A 16-year civil conflict between Frelimo, the former guerilla group now leading the opposition in the country, and Renamo - the main government opponent - led to the deaths of around one million people. The worst of this bloodshed was ended by a 1992 truce.

Violence has erupted around elections.

The two parties, in an effort to bring about "definitive" peace, signed the Maputo Accord for Peace and National Reconciliation just before the 2019 elections to put an end to years of conflict.

Over 5,000 ex-combatants have given up their weapons and reintegrated back into society. (Reporting and editing by Tim Cocks, Michael Perry, and Bhargavacharya)

(source: Reuters)

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