Friday, September 20, 2024

Vladimir Putin Urges Ukrainians to Negotiate With Rebels

Posted by June 23, 2014


Ukrainian government troops and pro-Russian separatist forces on Sunday fierce fighting, which makes the Ukrainian authorities to make further unilateral ceasefire declared by pressure. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the Ukrainian authorities to negotiate with the rebels.

Russia and Ukraine were held in Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union anniversary, Putin and Ukrainian President Poroshenko emphasized the need to achieve peace in eastern Ukraine.

Friday night, seven-day ceasefire implemented soon under pressure, the Ukrainian government blamed separatist forces attacked military bases and outposts near the border with Russia and Ukraine, after violent clashes continued through Sunday.

"Unfortunately, our eyes ...... tell us fighting continues, we see that the Ukrainian side last night, gunfire active." Putin in Moscow, presented flowers to the Tomb of Unknown Soldier said.

He said the military is still not clear whether the Ukrainian government support, "the right-wing paramilitary forces' use of artillery, he was not accused of separatist forces.

Polo Shenke Xi Wang unconditional support for Putin on Friday announced his 15-point peace plan.

Putin in the Kremlin website published a review, generalities expressed support for a cease-fire and peace plan.

"We need to make sure to stop all the fighting," Putin said, "Ultimately, the political process is the most important by the cease-fire, to promote dialogue with all parties to find a compromise acceptable to all parties, it is very important."

The White House said Poroshenko with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on the phone on Sunday, separatists continue to attack government forces in Ukraine. (End)

Compilation: Hou Xue Ping Issued by: interbedded

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