Friday, September 20, 2024

Sound Energy Starts Drilling at Tendrara

April 21, 2016

Sound Energy, the European / Mediterranean focused upstream oil and gas company confirmed the commencement of drilling of the first well at Tendrara, onshore Morocco.

With the rig-up completed on 15 April, the well was spud on 20 April 2016.  Drilling is expected to reach a total measured depth of 2640 metres with the drilling programme anticipated to include coring, logging, completion and testing.                      
The Company looks forward to updating shareholders on the achievement of each of the three casing points and achievement of TD.  The final results of the well will be announced after the end of drilling and testing operations, approximately 80 days after the spud day.
James Parsons, Chief Executive, commented, "I am pleased to report that drilling of our first well in Morocco has now commenced.  This well is a significant milestone for our Company and we expect it to both unlock Eastern Morocco's regional gas play and significantly broaden Sound Energy's resource base."

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