Monday, September 16, 2024

Six Skiffs Pursue Oil Tanker

March 27, 2014

GAC advised mariners in its daily alert that on or about 1:23 p.m. UTC, March 26 the Master of an oil tanker reported being pursued by six skiffs in position 13.16.00 N - 042.57.00 E, BAM of the in the Bab El Mandeb between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, and Djibouti and Eritrea in the Horn of Africa.

Skiffs had an undetermined number of personnel onboard but came within 1.8 NM, GAC reported.

Procedures IAW BMP4 were conducted.

GAC recommends that vessels within the vicinity of this alert operate with a heightened level of security and report any suspicious activity to MSCHOA, UKMTO or MARLO.

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