Friday, September 20, 2024

Russia evacuates another border area amid increasing threat from Ukrainian units

August 12, 2024

After Kyiv increased its military activities near the border, just days after the biggest incursion by the Ukrainians into Russian sovereign territory since the beginning of the 2022 conflict, Russia evacuated parts in another area next to Ukraine.

Ukrainian forces crossed the Russian border in the early hours of Tuesday morning and advanced across western parts of Russia's Kursk Region. This surprise attack may have been intended to gain leverage for possible ceasefire negotiations after the U.S. presidential election.


Surprised by a surprise

According to Russian war bloggers, Russia stabilised the front by Sunday in the Kursk area, although Ukraine had cut out a small sliver where the battles continued on Monday.

Vyacheslav gladkov, regional governor of Belgorod, to the south, announced that the Krasnaya Yruga district had been evacuated due to "enemy activities on the border", which he described as a "threat".

Gladkov stated, "I'm sure that our soldiers will do all they can to deal with this threat." "We have begun to relocate residents of the Krasnaya Yaruga District to safer areas."

The Russian government has implemented a strict security regime throughout the regions of Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk.

Belarus said

It was increasing its troop numbers on its border, after Minsk claimed that Ukraine had violated the airspace of its country with drones.

The audacious Ukrainian assaults on Russian territory were designed to show its Western supporters that Kyiv is still capable of major military operations, while also trying to gain a bargaining chip before possible ceasefire negotiations.

After the 2023 Ukraine counteroffensive failed to achieve any significant gains, Russian forces have advanced this year along a 1,000 km (620 mile) front.

Ukraine has broken its silence about the terrorist attacks that took place on Saturday

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy

According to the Ukrainian government, an incursion was launched into Russian territory in order to "restore" justice and put pressure on Moscow's military. Reporting by Lidia Kelley in Melbourne and Moscow; editing by Guy Faulconbridge

(source: Reuters)

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