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Philippines fishermen fear solar farm on lake could hurt their income

August 11, 2024

Philippines to install solar panels at Laguna Lake

The lake is a source of income for thousands of fishermen

Pressure mounts on the country to switch to clean energy

By Mariejo Ramos

Alcones, a member of a group that opposes the government's plans to install solar panels on top of Laguna de Bay, the largest source of freshwater fish in the country, to meet the growing demand for electricity, is opposed to this plan.

"Laguna Lake provides income and life to fishermen who have not finished school, like us. "It also provides many displaced workers with an alternative source of income by fishing," said Alcones a 55-year old father of two, who lives near Laguna Lake.

The Philippines, an archipelago with more than 7,500 islands, is limited by its land resources. It aims to produce 50% of its electricity using renewable sources by the year 2040. This compares to just a fifth of their current output in 2021.

Solar panels on ponds, reservoirs and other water bodies are an alternative to traditional solar farms, which require land. They're also a good option for countries that are dependent on fossil fuels but have limited land.

Last year, Indonesia launched Southeast Asia's biggest floating solar facility in a manmade reservoir.

According to a report released in January by the Responsible Energie Initiative of Forum for the Future - a group of nongovernmental organizations that promote "ecologically sound and socially fair" renewable energy - these innovative projects could compete with those who rely on fishing and farming.

The report described Laguna Lake as the first large-scale photovoltaics project on a natural water body in the world and a "testing grounds" for technology.


The project will see three floating solar farms on 2,000 hectares (about 91,000 acres) of water, generating about 2 gigawatts to power the Laguna area as well as the capital in 2026.

Three companies have been awarded contracts, but they must undergo an environmental impact analysis before construction can begin.

Alcones' livelihood is dependent on the Laguna Lake Development Authority, a state agency that oversees the development, preservation and sustainability of this area.

Mhai dizon, the LLDA renewable energy project coordinator, explained that the LLDA meets regularly with fishing groups to listen to their concerns. The government, he said, "wants to keep them as close to home as possible" once the solar project begins.

The National Federation of Small Fisherfolk Organizations in the Philippines (or Pamalakaya), the Philippines' biggest fishermen's union, has accused the LLDA of consulting only local government officials and small Laguna fishermen groups.

According to Ronnel Arambolo, vice-chairperson of Pamalakaya and the request from Pamalakaya for a meeting with the LLDA, the group met in Manila in late July. They raised concerns about the Laguna solar project, which could affect more than 8,000 people, including 2,000 aquaculture workers.

Arambulo, a Pamalakaya fisherman, said that the fishermen are concerned about the project because they fear it will reduce their catches and cause danger to communities in case they become untethered when strong typhoons or rising water levels occur. Arambulo said that the panels could also damage docks and impede boats.

According to a report by the Responsible Energy initiative, waterborne solar panels continue to be tested. They raise "numerous" questions about the potential effects of these panels on the environment and the local community.

Potential risks include coastal soil erosion, increased siltation and sedimentation, disruption of photosynthesis, and decreased fishing yields, as ecosystems change.

Marvin Lagonera is Forum for the Future’s energy transition strategist for Southeast Asia. He said that depending on the location and size of floating solar, it can restrict independent fishermen's access to fishing grounds. He said that a "rights-based approach" is essential to clean energy transitions.

He said that this includes engaging meaningfully with affected communities including environmental groups, local communities and civil society.


Mylene Capongcol said that the Laguna Lake project will generate enough electricity to power 2 million homes.

She said, "The Department of Energy is supporting the development of floating projects because this will contribute to government's goal of 35% renewable energy in the mix of power generation by 2030 and 50% renewable energy by 2040." The Philippines is increasingly focusing on renewable energy.

According to a recent report by Ember, the energy think-tank, it is Southeast Asia's coal-dependent nation. Last year, 62% of the country's electricity was produced using the dirty fossil fuel.

Only 18% of the total island land is considered arable. This means that clean energy adoption has been slow.

In a recent report, Rystad Energy stated that floating solar panels could help ease tensions surrounding land rights which have hampered solar development in other countries.

It was estimated that floating solar farms in Southeast Asia currently produce 500 megawatts, but 300 more MW will be added this year.

The report stated that the Philippines' inland lake areas are ideal for solar farms.

Lagonera saw this technology as an opportunity for the Philippines, to accelerate their shift to greener energy. He said that floating solar systems are an innovative way to achieve the Philippines' ambitious targets for renewable energy.

As floating solar scales it also poses a similar threat to limited resources. Laguna's coasts are surrounded by three dozen towns, whose residents depend on the water and food supply of Laguna Lake.

The Philippines is home to an endemic silver perch, the ayungin (a mudfish), catfish and other fish species.

A third of Filipino fishermen live below poverty level. Alcones makes an average of 5,000 Philippine Pesos ($87).

He says he has seen a decrease in the number and variety of fish, and he blames it on the stress caused by its use as an irrigation reservoir and waste-sink as well as a flood basin.

The LLDA is of the opinion that floating solar farms will actually improve Laguna's fisheries.

Dizon stated that "based on studies...the bottom of the panels could be used as a breeding ground for fishes".

Some Laguna fishermen have welcomed the solar power project while others feel they have more to gain than lose.

(source: Reuters)

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