Friday, September 20, 2024

North Dakota Oil Output Dips Slightly for February

Posted by April 13, 2016

North Dakota's oil output fell 3,000 barrels per day in February, far less than expected as producers brought some wells online to generate cash, the state's energy regulator said on Wednesday.
The state's roughly 11,000 active wells pumped about 1,119,100 barrels per day in February, Lynn Helms told a community group in Williston, the state's oil capital. The state reports production on a two-month lag and final numbers are slated to be released on Friday.
The decrease was far less than the dip of roughly 30,000 barrels per day each during December and January amidst the oil price drop.
"Some folks needed some money so they mobilized some frack crews," Helms said. "They went and got some oil."
Helms added that the state's oil producers captured 89 percent of produced natural gas for February, exceeding state minimum requirements.
(Reporting by Ernest Scheyder)

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