Thursday, September 19, 2024

NMA Prohibits CO2 Firefighting on MODU's

Posted by September 21, 2015

Statutory Alert: The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has updated Regulation No.227 on precautionary measures against fire and explosion on mobile offshore units, with effect from 1 January, 2015.

Section 10.2.1 prohibits using carbon dioxide or other gases which are toxic to humans in the concentrations necessary to extinguish fires in machinery spaces and other spaces of high fire risk.
This requirement applies to:

  • mobile platforms, including drilling ships, equipped for drilling for subsea petroleum deposits,
  • mobile platforms for use other than drilling for subsea petroleum deposits registered by the NMA, and
  • foreign-registered mobile offshore units requiring a Letter of Compliance (LOC).


Any foreign-registered mobile offshore unit which holds an LOC must comply with this requirement by the next certificate renewal date or the next  special survey date.
The requirement will also apply to mobile offshore units operating on the Norwegian continental shelf using Framework regulation § 3.


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