Friday, September 20, 2024

Magnolia LNG Project Progresses

October 27, 2014


Liquefied Natural Gas Limited informed that an update on the status of Environmental Information Requests from the Federal Environmental Regulatory Commission (FERC) in relation to the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary, Magnolia LNG LLC (MLNG) has been provided. These information requests are consistent with the normal process for applications filed under Sections 3 and 7 of the Natural Gas Act for LNG terminals and interstate pipelines.

Environmental  -  on Thursday 23 October 2014, both MLNG and Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline (KMLP) received follow-up data requests from FERC covering additional questions on the environmental aspects of the projects.  These additional questions are normal and MLNG will respond directly to the Information Requests it receives from FERC.

Seismic and geotechnical  -  on Friday 24 October 2014, MLNG submitted responses to FERC's second Information Request covering seismic and geotechnical information.

Technical and safety  - the Company shortly expects to receive an Information Request on both the technical and safety Resource Reports submitted.   Responses to this Information Request from FERC and any other clarifications required, need to be addressed in order for FERC to issue a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review followed by the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Magnolia LNG is moving substantially closer to the issuance of both documents and is targeting their release in this calendar year.

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