European independent marine designer ICE will showcase its proprietary design capability at the 14th Asia Pacific Marine Show in Singapore, March 16-18. This will be the fourth time ICE is exhibiting at this event, which will see the company feature its generic marine designs for several Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) hulls and for a self-propelled jack-up liftboat.
Enabling FPSO newbuilding projects to have a quick start-up and save costs, ICE’s FPSO hull designs provide a suitable platform for a wide range of FPSO topside and mooring configurations. The barge-shaped designs feature double sides, a single bottom and a rounded bow to minimize slamming. The designs are economical to build using conventional shipyard technology and can be assembled from joinable hull modules built in more than one yard.
With a service life of 25 years or more without dry-docking and providing accommodation for 110-160 people, one of the FPSO designs shown is adaptable to topside configurations weighing up to 30,000 tons and a production rate of up to 150,000 barrels of oil per day. Having been granted DNV approval in principle, the design is capable of storing 1.6 million barrels of oil available for discharge, with an offloading capacity of one million barrels of oil per day. A design with an even larger capacity is currently being developed.
Steinar Draegebo, Chairman of the ICE group of companies, commented, “Our focus over the last 10 years has been the marine design of FPSO vessels, involving more than 40 such projects ranging from new construction and conversions to various technical studies.
There is currently huge pressure on costs in the oil and gas industry. By combining a lean and efficient U.K. contracts management organization with substantial engineering resources based in Romania, one of Europe’s lowest-cost countries known for the skills of its engineers, ICE offers clients the certainty of excellent engineering at a competitive price. With an annual capacity of 700,000 man-hours, ICE can complete large marine design assignments in a short timeframe.”
On the stand ICE is also showing a robust self-propelled jack-up liftboat that provides a low-cost flexible platform for maintenance, wind turbine installation and other offshore jobs.