Thursday, October 10, 2024

GTT's Mark Technology for SHI's LNG Carrier

October 13, 2016

GTT has received an order from Samsung Heavy Industries (010140.KS) (SHI) to equip a new LNGC (Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier) with Mark technology. The vessel will be built at SHI’s shipyard in Goeje Island for a European ship-owner. Delivery is scheduled in 2019.

SHI should apply to this LNGC the latest GTT technology, Mark V, which offers an unrivalled thermal efficiency. With Mark V, GTT has created a real breakthrough by reducing the guaranteed daily boil-off rate to 0.07% of the tank volume. In addition, this new solution relies on a new metallic secondary membrane based on Fe36Ni (invar). SHI has actively taken part in the Mark V development, in particular in building a large scale cryogenic mock-up used for the validation tests.

“This new order reinforces the partnership of excellence between GTT and Korea”, said Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT. “It also offers SHI the opportunity to master a very promising new technology”.

With more than 227 equipped vessels in the world, of which 45 are under construction, the Mark technology is sea proven and acknowledged by the key players of the LNG Industry. The latest evolution of this technology, Mark V, highlights the continuous innovation policy of GTT, aiming to permanently improve its performance to satisfy customer and market requirements.

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