Wednesday, September 18, 2024

First Alternative Energy Hub at Antwerp Port

April 29, 2016

The Antwerp Port Authority and ENGIE have signed a 30-year concession agreement for the development of an Alternative Energy Hub at Quays 526 and 528 in the Port of Antwerp. The Alternative Energy Hub will consist of a bunker and filling station with liquefied natural gas (LNGLF) (LNG) for inland navigation and road transport.

The site will also feature a compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station and rapid chargers for electric vehicles. With the development of the Alternative Energy Hub, the Port of Antwerp and ENGIE are taking a major step forward in the energy transition and promoting sustainable energy consumption in the transport sector. The concession takes effect on 1 October 2016 and the first phase of the hub will be operational by the end of 2017.

Port of Antwerp – a green port
The Port of Antwerp aims to remain a leader in creating a sustainable and green port. Through its efforts it is seeing the number of environmentally friendly seagoing vessels rise with every passing year. In taking the initiative to appoint a concession holder for the development of an Alternative Energy Hub it is demonstrating its commitment to becoming more environmentally friendly.

The Port Authority has been an LNG pioneer for some years now. With the LNG Masterplan for Rhine-Main-Danube, the Port of Antwerp is working with 32 partners from across Europe to make cleaner LNG fuel a reality in inland navigation. The aim is to encourage the inland navigation sector to use LNG as a fuel and to provide opportunities for inland vessels to bring LNG to inland European ports. With the construction of an LNG bunkering station, LNG will be permanently and continuously available in the Port of Antwerp starting in 2017.

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