Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fire Aboard Alaska Natural Gas Platform

Posted by October 2, 2014

The U.S. Coast Guard launched several assets in response to a report of a fire on board a natural gas drill platform in Cook Inlet Thursday.

The Coast Guard diverted a Coast Guard Hercules HC-130 crew and an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew to conduct an overflight of the Baker Platform in Cook Inlet, near Nikiski. The Coast Guard also launched the Coast Guard Cutter Mustang and the diverted the Coast Guard Cutter SPAR to the location.

A five-mile, no-fly safety zone at 5,000 feet and a two-mile safety zone have been established around the platform.

All four people aboard the platform were safety evacuated.

"Our goal is to mitigate any potential risk to the environment," said Cmdr. Shane Montoya, the Coast Guard Federal On-Scene Coordinator and acting Coast Guard Sector Anchorage commander. "We will work closely with all parties involved to establish a unified command."

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