Venture Global CP2 export plant in Louisiana to move forward with environmental report

The proposed CP2 LNG export plant of Venture Global, a U.S. liquefied gas (LNG), company in Louisiana has moved a big step closer to being built after the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released a draft report on Friday. As global prices rose, the demand for LNG increased. This was due to the new projects developed by Venture Global, among others, and to supply disruptions as well as sanctions related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Venture Global shares, which had hit a low of $16.00 in the morning session, are now trading at around $16.78.
Shell denied by US regulator the request for documents older than Venture Global LNG
Shell lost its bid on Thursday to obtain access to non-public documents related to Venture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass plant. This is a setback to a larger dispute over the access to cargoes coming from the facility. Shell, BP and BP Galp have filed contract arbitration lawsuits in the U.S.A. and Europe over the status and inability of the plant to receive contract cargoes. Shell and other companies claim they lost billions in profits from gas that was promised but not delivered under long-term agreements. Venture Global LNG claims that the Louisiana plant has not been fully commissioned.
Cheniere Asks for More Time to Build Texas Corpus LNG Expansion

Top U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter Cheniere Energy Inc asked federal regulators to extend the amount of time it has to build the proposed Stage 3 expansion at its Corpus Christi LNG export plant in Texas due to pandemic delays.When the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved construction of Stage 3 in November 2019, the regulator gave Cheniere five years, or until around November 2024, to complete the project.Cheniere asked FERC in a filing late Tuesday to extend…
Enterprise Offers Crude Shipments From Gulf Coast to Cushing

Enterprise Products Partners LP said it would offer spot shipments of crude on an existing pipeline from the U.S. Gulf coast to Cushing, Oklahoma, the delivery point for benchmark U.S. crude futures, as demand to store oil inland surges.The move marks a sharp reversal from recent pipeline projects that were all built connecting inland markets to the Gulf Coast as U.S. crude exports climbed to record highs after Washington lifted a ban in late 2015.However, the coronavirus pandemic has crushed global oil demand and dented U.S.
Cheniere Seeks U.S. OK to Return Louisiana Sabine LNG Tank
Cheniere Energy Inc asked U.S. energy and safety regulators to approve a process that would allow the company to return to service a storage tank that leaked at its Sabine Pass liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plant in Louisiana:* Cheniere, the biggest U.S. LNG exporter, said in a filing earlier this week that its proposed process would prioritize work on one tank, known as S-101, and allow that tank to return to service in the near term.* The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) ordered Cheniere to shut two tanks at Sabine on Feb.
FERC Approves Plaquemines LNG Facility
The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the construction of Venture Global's proposed $8.5 billion Plaquemines liquefied natural gas export facility in Louisiana. Venture Global LNG to build an LNG Plaquemines export terminal and a gas pipeline between the terminal and the interstate gas network.PGNiG will receive liquefied natural gas from this terminal from 2023.“We congratulate our American partners from Venture Global LNG for obtaining the final FERC approval for the construction of the second natural gas liquefaction facility.
Eagle LNG Project Clears FERC Hurdle
The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued the order granting authorization for siting and constructing of the proposed on-water Jacksonville liquefied natural gas (LNG) Export Facility, developer Eagle LNG Partners LLC announced.The LNG export facility and terminal, planned in Jacksonville, Florida, will have a production capacity of approximately 1.65 million LNG-gallons per day with 12 million LNG-gallons of storage plus marine- and truck-loading capabilities located on…
Chart Gets Order for Calcasieu Pass LNG
U.S. LNG equipment maker Chart Industries has received full notice to proceed (FNTP) regarding its production of cold boxes and brazed aluminium heat exchangers for Venture Global’s 10 million tpy Calcasieu Pass LNG export terminal project.The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Venture Global LNG request to proceed with full site preparation at its proposed 10 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) export terminal in Louisiana earlier this week.Venture Global recently announced…
Delfin Asks for FLNG Project Extension

Delfin LNG LLC asked U.S. federal energy regulators for a three-year and six-month extension until March 28, 2023 to build facilities proposed to connect floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) vessels off the coast of Louisiana.The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order on Sept. 28, 2017 authorizing Delfin to build and operate the facilities to transport and deliver natural gas to FLNG vessels in federal waters off Cameron Parish in Louisiana.The FERC order required Delfin…
Tellurian Clears Hurdle for LNG Export
Texas-based natural gas company Tellurian has announced that the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy has issued the long-term authorisation for Driftwood LNG to export domestically produced LNG from its proposed export facility to non-free trade agreement (non-FTA) countries.U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said, “I am pleased to announce the order signed today authorizing Driftwood, owned by Tellurian Inc., to export up to 3.88 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas as LNG…
FERC Authorises Driftwood LNG
U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has granted the authorisation for the construction and operation of Tellurian's Driftwood LNG export facility in Louisiana, U.S.Driftwood LNG is a proposed 27.6 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) liquefaction export facility near Lake Charles, Louisiana, and the associated Driftwood pipeline, a 96-mile proposed pipeline connecting to the facility.President and CEO Meg Gentle said, “Tellurian thanks FERC and other state and federal agencies for their…
U.S. FERC Approves Two New LNG Export Terminals

The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on Thursday approved construction of two proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals, Tellurian Inc's Driftwood in Louisiana and Sempra Energy's Port Arthur in Texas.Tellurian said in a release it planned to make a final investment decision on its $30 billion Driftwood project, which includes pipelines and production fields in addition to the liquefaction plant, in 2019 with first LNG production expected in 2023.Sempra has said it…
Kinder Morgan says Louisiana Natgas Pipe in Service for LNG Terminal

U.S. energy company Kinder Morgan Inc told federal regulators on Tuesday that it put part of the Louisiana natural gas pipeline in Louisiana into service:* The $122 million pipeline is designed to deliver up to 0.6 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) to Cheniere Energy Inc's Sabine Pass liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Louisiana as Cheniere adds a fifth liquefaction train at the facility.* One billion cubic feet of gas is enough to fuel about 5 million U.S. homes for a day.* Cheniere…
Enbridge to Put More of Ohio TEAL Natgas Pipe Into Service

Canadian energy company Enbridge Inc on Wednesday sought permission from U.S. energy regulators to put the remaining part of its Texas Eastern Appalachian Lease (TEAL) Phase 1 natural gas pipeline in Ohio into service.In a filing with the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Enbridge said it expects to complete work on the last part of the $200 million TEAL project by Oct. 26 and would like FERC to approve of its request by Oct. 30.The facilities Enbridge is seeking to put into service…
FERC Green Signal for Calcasieu Pass LNG
Venture Global LNG announced that the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the company’s 10 MTPA Calcasieu Pass facility on the Gulf of Mexico.On August 31, 2018, FERC notified Venture Global LNG that it plans to issue a Final Order for the Calcasieu Pass facility and the associated TransCameron Pipeline no later than January 22, 2019, in line with the Notice of Revised Schedule for Environmental Review issued on May 18…
U.S. Approves Williams' Atlantic Sunrise Natgas Pipe for Service

U.S. federal energy regulators on Thursday approved a request by Williams Cos Inc's Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co (Transco) unit to put the Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline from Pennsylvania to South Carolina into service.The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) said in a filing approving the startup of the nearly $3 billion project that Transco has "adequately stabilized the areas disturbed by construction and that restoration is proceeding satisfactorily."Atlantic Sunrise is one of several pipelines designed to connect growing output in the Marcellus and Utica shale basins in Pennsylvania…
Tellurian to Start Building Louisiana LNG Export Terminal in 2019

U.S. liquefied natural gas company Tellurian Inc said on Wednesday it remains on track to begin construction of its Driftwood LNG export terminal in Louisiana in the first half of 2019 and begin operations in 2023.Tellurian President and CEO Meg Gentle said in the company's second-quarter earnings release that Tellurian is on schedule to announce its partners in the Driftwood project in the third or fourth quarter.Driftwood is one of more than two dozen LNG export projects under development in…
TransCanada Urges U.S. to Help Gas Pipeline Approvals
The United States should help the natural gas industry overcome environmental challenges to new pipeline projects by adjusting regulations or adopting new laws favoring infrastructure, an executive at TransCanada Corp said at a conference this week. Suppliers in the United States, the world's biggest natural gas producer, have had a harder time getting shipments to market as more environmental lawsuits by U.S. states, green groups and property owners have tied up pipeline construction. "It's definitely not getting easier to build a new pipeline," Stanley Chapman, executive vice president and president of U.S.
U.S. Court Stops Work on Natgas Pipeline

EQT Midstream Partners will stop construction in West Virginia of parts of its $3.5 billion Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline, after a U.S. federal appeals court issued a stay order last week against a permit, a U.S. regulator and the company said. The pipeline company will not proceed with construction in waters affected by the stay order in West Virginia, the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said in a document issued on Monday. Mountain Valley Pipeline told FERC it was consulting on the implications of the stay issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit with the U.S.
North American Pipeline Operators Fold in Assets After New FERC Rules

Three large North American pipeline operators said on Thursday they would absorb their midstream assets after a U.S. energy regulator removed some tax benefits for master limited partnerships (MLP) in March.Enbridge Inc, Williams Cos and Cheniere Energy Inc all said they would buy out their MLP pipeline or storage assets in multi-billion dollar deals.An MLP is a limited partnership that is publicly traded and, as such, enjoys the benefits of paying no tax at the company level as well as the liquidity that comes with being traded on a major stock exchange.But changes made by the U.S.