Friday, September 20, 2024

Transportation Capacity News

Qatar Invests in US Midstream Crude firm

Qatar's sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) has purchased a significant stake in US-based Oryx Midstream Services, the largest privately held crude midstream provider in the Permian Basin.The stake was acquired from an affiliate of Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners. Oryx serves clients in the Permian Basin.Additionally…

US Oil Production Up, Needs More Pipelines

The rising domestic crude oil production in the United States has created a need for more pipeline capacity, revealed the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).EIA recently launched a new liquids pipeline projects database that tracks more than 200 crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGL), and petroleum…

Efficient Wave-Generated Power … Really!

SurfWec Artist Concept. Images Courtesy:  SurfWEC LLC.

Wave-generated power could be considered the Rodney Dangerfield of offshore renewable energy sources; it gets no respect. There have been a number of high-profile, expensive failures that have conspired to give the sector a poor reputation despite a number of engineering advances. A new entrant is SurfWEC…

Cheniere's U.S. LNG Outage Spurs European Reload Activity to Asia

Photo: Cheniere Energy

Cheniere Energy, dealing with an ongoing partial outage at its Sabine Pass liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in Louisiana, is making use of its idle tankers to pick up LNG in Europe for sale in Asia where prices are surging, traders said.Feedgas volumes into Sabine Pass fell by a third to 2 billion cubic feet/day on May 15 and have remained there ever since…

Price Rally Spells Fleeting Relief for Canadian Producers

Canadian heavy crude rallied to a two-month high relative to U.S. crude this week, offering some relief to oil producers in Alberta struggling with thin margins amid plentiful supply. The rally was likely to be short-lived, traders and analysts said, because output continues to grow without a corresponding increase in transportation capacity.

Suitability Survey Completed for Second Largest Semi-Submersible

The Xin Guang Hua  (Photo: Global Maritime)

Global Maritime Consultancy & Engineering, a provider of offshore marine warranty, dynamic positioning and engineering services, has completed a suitability survey for the world’s second largest semi-submersible - the ‘Xin Guang Hua’ - in advance of her maiden voyage. For the survey, Global Maritime…

Norway to Ramp Up Gas Production Capacity, Eyes Arctic Pipeline

Norway plans to increase its gas production capacity and is evaluating the potential for building a pipeline from the Barents Sea to meet future demand in Europe, its gas system operator Gassco said on Tuesday. Norway meets about 25 percent of Europe's gas needs, competing with Russia for top place,…

Tennessee Pipeline Co. Files Application with FERC

Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (TGP), a Kinder Morgan company  today filed a certificate application under Section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for its proposed Northeast Energy Direct Project (NED). “The NED Project is a transformative project for the northeast United States…

Kinder Morgan's TGP for Lowering Energy Cost

Kinder Morgan, Inc. The Massachusetts DPU order finding that it has the authority to approve contracts entered into by electric distribution companies (EDCs) to secure dedicated natural gas pipeline transportation capacity is an important step in ensuring that electric generators have reliable access…

W. Europe Could See Record Russian Gas Imports

Russian gas imports into Western Europe could rise to a record this summer as utilities increase purchases from Russia, taking advantage of lower prices for oil-indexed gas contracts, analysts said. Europe's biggest utilities have deferred taking delivery of Russian gas in the winter until the second quarter…

BP to Sell Stake in Major North Sea Gas Pipeline

Oil major BP has put up for sale its stake in one of Europe's biggest natural gas pipelines in the North Sea as part of its ongoing asset disposal programme. BP holds a 36 percent interest in the 404-kilometre subsea Central Area Transmission System (CATS) that runs through the central sector of the British North Sea.

Maritime Fuel of the Future: Training to an Uncertain Standard

Despite its unquestionable allure, LNG as a fuel carries with it as many risks as it does answers to the problems it promises to solve. As industry and OEM’s work to remove any doubt, the collaborative effort outpaces the slow-moving regulatory machine. Even as Lloyds Register predicts that LNG will reach a maximum 11% share of marine propulsion solutions in 2030…

Ecospeed to Coat EXMAR Caribbean FLNG

In order to tap into Colombian stranded gas reserves, Pacific Rubiales Energy Corporation and EXMAR nv have partnered in a project to build and operate a floating LNG liquefaction, and storage unit, the Caribbean FLNG, which will be stationed at a jetty several kilometers off the Caribbean coast of Colombia for at least 15 years.

Flow Meters Provide LNG “Boil Off” Solution

Image: Allison Engineering

Level and flow instrumentation suppliers Allison Engineering have enjoyed success with a specialist flow meter application for their ST110 Gas Flow Meters being used on board LNG ships to measure boil-off gas, the natural wastage gas generated in the storage tanks. As the demand for Liquefied Natural…