Friday, September 20, 2024

Solar Technology News

World First: High-Wave Floating Solar Park

A Belgian consortium has launched a project in high-wave offshore solar technology with the aim of building floating solar parks in the North Sea.Large maritime market players Tractebel, Jan De Nul Group, DEME, Soltech and Ghent University formed a consortium and announced the launch of an…

New Glass-focused Development for DESERT Technology

Photo: J. v. G. Thoma

Having already made significant advanced features in the field of solar panel technology for use in the desert, J. v. G. Thoma said it is setting its sights on realizing new visions that could offer even more drastic performance improvements in the future. With previous work having focused…

Solar Energy Firms Get Loans to Light up Rural Tanzania

When Tanzanian company ARTI Energy brought solar lights to Kiromo village in the eastern district of Bagamoyo eight years ago, local people were excited but found them expensive. "I really liked those lamps, but I could not imagine then that I would ever own one," recalled Kiromo resident Salum Ali.

South Africa Seeks Partners for Gas Power Plant, Solar Parks

South Africa's department of energy is seeking private investors to partner in the development of a 600 megawatt (MW) gas-fired power plant and three solar parks in the Northern Cape province, according to a newspaper ad placed on Wednesday. State-run power utility Eskom is scrambling to…

America's Secret Weapon

This presidential election has the country captivated. As many commentators have pointed out, the primaries are more focused on personalities than policy. While the parties focus on who is going to represent them in the fall, I want to make the case for something that I hope every candidate…

ARENA's Fund for Emerging Solar Technology

An innovative solar cell technology with the potential to reduce the cost of renewable energy is receiving a funding boost from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). ARENA is providing up to $892,000 to support CSIRO to develop and apply guidelines for assessing the performance of perovskite solar cells.

Africa Turns to Solar to Meet Energy Needs

Most sub-Saharan nations have negligible solar power; Rwanda has a 8.5MW park connected to grid. Cut in half by the equator, sunshine is one thing that Africa has in abundance. Now a growing number of African enterprises are tapping this under-utilised source to keep their businesses running.

California Sets Meeting for Proposed Solar Power Plant

California regulators said a committee will hold a meeting on May 7 on BrightSource Energy's proposed 500-megawatt Palen solar power plant, which could provide electricity for more than 200,000 homes. Privately held California solar power company BrightSource and Spanish engineering firm Abengoa SA are developing the Palen project…

PlanetSolar Bound for Boston

PlanetSolar: Photo courtesy of the owners

swissnex Boston welcomes "PlanetSolar DeepWater Expedition," June 22-26, 2013. In support of its mission to build stronger relationships between scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators in Massachusetts and Switzerland, swissnex Boston is welcoming the world's largest solar-powered boat to Boston's Fan Pier for its inaugural visit.

Solar Powered Ferry Sets Sail

For centuries, sailing has been about how to catch the wind. Now it is becoming a question of how to catch the sun. Australian inventor Robert Dane has designed and built the world's first solar-powered ferry, the Solar Sailor, which is driven by both solar and wind power and took top prize in this year's Australian Design Awards.