Monday, September 16, 2024

Renewable Energy Sources News

EIA: US natgas production to decline by 2024, while demand will rise to record levels

The U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Short-Term Energy Outlook for 2024 predicts that natural gas production in the United States will decrease in 2024, while demand will reach a new record. EIA projects that dry gas production in the US will fall from a record high of 103.8 billion cubic foot per day (bcfd), in 2023, to 103.4 bcfd by 2024. This is because several producers have reduced drilling activities following spot gas prices at Henry Hub benchmark. In March, the number of people in poverty fell to its lowest level for 25 years. EIA's projected production for 2025 is 104.8 bcfd.

APPEC-India ONGC Videsh focuses on stakes in oil and gas assets amid energy transformation

The head of finance at ONGC Videsh said that the company is focusing on acquiring stakes overseas in oil and gas producing companies, as the shift to renewable energy will likely reduce the demand for conventional fuels. We are not interested in long-term projects, due to the energy transition. Anupam Agarwal, at the APPEC Conference, said that exploration was not a top priority for the moment. ONGC Videsh is the overseas investment arm for the top oil and natural gas exploration company in the country, Oil and Natural Gas Corp. It has stakes in 32 oil and gasoline projects in 15 different countries.

Ministry: Romania will launch CfD-based support scheme for green energies in mid-November

Romania will launch its first auction of onshore renewable energy projects by mid-November through a contract-for-difference (CfD) support scheme funded by the European Union, the energy ministry said on Monday. It said that the scheme would set a strike-price of 78 Euros per Megawatt Hour for solar projects, and 82 Euros for wind. The long-awaited low carbon energy support scheme will fix the price of electric for providers to an agreed level for a period of 15 years. After the Ministry reduced the scope of the initial 2 GW auction…

US LNG Export Dominance Tested as Europe's Demand Wilts

The United States has remained the largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) so far in 2024, but a steep drop in selling prices and a sharp swing in export volumes to key markets is likely testing exporter appetite to stay on top.The United States shipped a record 56.9 million metric tons of LNG during the first eight months of 2024, according to Kpler.That surpassed the 54.3 million tons from Australia and 53.7 million tons from Qatar during that period, and marks only the second straight year that U.S.

Energy Minister: Romania could connect 1373 MW of new power by 2024

Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy, said that Romania will be able to connect 1,373MW of new electricity to the national grid before year's end, with most of this coming from solar parks. The European Union state wants to reduce its carbon emissions in order to meet the emissions reduction targets of the bloc and to also ensure supply security, which is a growing concern since Russia invaded Ukraine. The country's electricity is generated using a mixture of gas, coal and renewable energy sources. It has also committed to phase out brown coal under the EU-funded recovery aid package.

Russell: Asia spot LNG prices fall as demand increases, but prior rally bites back:

Last week, the spot price for liquefied gas (LNG), in Asia, eased amid signs of seasonal demand peaking. The five-month rally has also reduced purchases by price sensitive buyers. The price of LNG spot for delivery to North Asia fell to $13.80 per mmBtu in the week ending Aug. 23. This is a 2.1% drop from the previous week's eight-month high, $14.10. The benchmark price fell for the first time in four weeks. However, it remains 66.3% higher than the lowest price of $8.30/mmBtu that was reached at the start of March. The Asian LNG price has been driven up by heavyweight buyers like China and Japan.

Russell: Asia spot LNG prices fall as demand increases, but prior rally bites back:

Last week, the spot price for liquefied gas (LNG), in Asia, eased amid signs of seasonal demand peaking. The five-month rally has also reduced purchases by price sensitive buyers. The price of LNG spot for delivery to North Asia fell to $13.80 per mmBtu in the week ending Aug. 23. This is a 2.1% drop from the previous week's eight-month high, $14.10. The benchmark price fell for the first time in four weeks. However, it remains 66.3% higher than the lowest price of $8.30/mmBtu that was reached at the start of March.

Offshore Energy Production & the World Economy

Copyright NickEyes/AdobeStock

As the price of gas continues to seemingly hold steady at around three dollars a gallon, the pocketbooks of Americans continue to suffer. Regretfully, due to global conflict and the outbreak of wars across Europe and the Middle East, oil prices are continuing to climb upwards, troubled by geopolitical conflict and fears of a potential shutdown of international oil and gas fields.Thankfully, the United States has long been blessed with tremendous sources of domestic energy that, if properly utilized, can protect us from suffering a similar energy-reliance disaster as experienced in Europe.

Protecting Offshore Energy Sources via USV

Photo courtesy Mr. Dave Meron

When most people discuss energy sources such as fossil fuel and green energy, it is from an “either-or” perspective. Some favor the former while others advocate for the latter. However, what is often lost in the arguments on both sides is that regardless of the type of energy being extracted or generated, those platforms that are offshore, especially oil rigs, oil and gas pipelines, and wind farms, are incredibly vulnerable to anyone who wants to attack these sources in wartime, or just to…

Blue Hydrogen: A Key Player in the Future of Energy Transition

Source: 2022 edition of GECF Global Gas Outlook 2050 - January 29, 2023

The energy sector is undergoing a transformation, with a growing focus on cleaner energy sources and technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future. In this context, hydrogen is emerging as a key player in the energy transition, with a variety of clean production methods offering different advantages and competitiveness in the market.The recent results of the Accelerated Energy Decarbonization Scenario (AEDS), developed within the framework of the 7th edition of the GECF Global Gas Outlook…

Thinking Holistically about Hydrogen’s Place in the Energy Transition

©Shawn Hempel/AdobeStock

As energy operators across the world come to terms with the continuously changing nature of the energy transition, the need for a wide-lens view of the situation is clear. This includes knowing the capabilities and pitfalls of renewable energy sources at our fingertips, hydrogen being one that is especially prevalent.Kees van Wingerden, an expert with more than 45 years’ experience in industrial safety and infrastructure development, makes the case for holistic thinking and planning for the ‘new’ energy landscape. Everyone has an opinion on the energy transition and believes theirs is the ‘right’ one.

Thinking Holistically About Hydrogen’s Place in the Energy Transition

© magann / Adobe Stock

As energy operators across the world come to terms with the continuously changing nature of the energy transition, the need for a wide-lens view of the situation is clear. This includes knowing the capabilities and pitfalls of renewable energy sources at our fingertips, hydrogen being one that is especially prevalent.Kees van Wingerden, an expert with more than 45 years’ experience in industrial safety and infrastructure development, makes the case for holistic thinking and planning for the ‘new’ energy landscape.Everyone has an opinion on the energy transition and believes theirs is the ‘right’ one.

Aberdeen Selects BP as Hydrogen Hub Partner

Credit: malp

Aberdeen City Council on Monday announced BP as its preferred bidder for a commercial partnership for hydrogen hub development "which will accelerate the city’s ambitions to become a world-class hydrogen hub."Following a tender process that began in June, the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub concept will enable the continued development of a hydrogen economy in the city, the Council said.A key part of the program will involve the creation of Scotland’s first scalable green hydrogen production facility.

Japan Sets Aside $3.4B for Hydrogen R&D


The Japanese government said on Tuesday it will allocate up to 370 billion yen ($3.4 billion) from its green innovation fund for two projects to accelerate research and development (R&D) and promotion of hydrogen use over the next 10 years.Japan unveiled an ambitious goal in December to boost the country's demand for hydrogen to 3 million tonnes a year by 2030, from about 2 million tonnes currently, and to 20 million tonnes by 2050.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)…

MethanQuest: Test Results In for Renewable Hydrogen, Methane as a Fuel

Microgrid Concept for Inland Port: In the MethanGrid research group DVGW, Rolls-Royce Power Systems and other partners have developed a complete locally coupled energy supply system for the Karlsruhe inland port facility. Electricity, gas, heating, industry and transport - all the current sectors - are coupled by means of this microgrid so that the available energy, including renewables, can be optimally exploited. Image courtesy Rolls-Royce Power System/MethanQuest

As the maritime industry embarks on 'the path to zero', it is widely acknowledged that there is currently not a 'silver bullet' solution, nor is it likely that a solution will emerge from a vaccum. Collaboration is the path forward, and efforts such as MethanQuest offer promise.The project MethanQuest was launched in September 2018 with 29 partners from research, industry and the energy sector to work on processes for producing hydrogen and methane from renewables and for using them to achieve climate-neutral mobility and power generation. The project participants have now submitted their interim results.

Shell Accelerating Renewables Push in Germany

Shell has begun securing offshore wind power assets whose electricity it could use as feedstock for electrolysis to make hydrogen. Image for illustration - Credut:Gerwin Schadl/AdobeStock

Royal Dutch Shell in Germany aims to produce aviation fuel and naphtha made from crops and renewable power and to increase to commercial scale an electrolysis plant that makes fossil-free hydrogen, as it seeks to move away from crude oil.The energy major told an online conference on Friday it had applied for subsidies to carry out the work from the European Union and from German funds earmarked for decarbonization.Fabian Ziegler, head of Shell Deutschland, said several hundred million euros should be spent per year…

Opinion: Egypt Banks on Renewables to Meet Expected Energy Demand Surge

Photo courtesy: Wärtsilä Energy Business

To meet its soaring demand for energy, Egypt is turning to renewable sources. Its targets, if accomplished, will see it become a pioneer in the African energy landscape. But are the plans realistic?Egypt’s population has now passed 100 million. As one of the most populous and fastest-growing nations on the African continent, providing electricity to all its citizens is a matter of priority for the Egyptian government.To ensure continuous security and stability of energy supply, Egypt has launched an energy diversification strategy…

Oil Industry Veterans to Launch Hydrogen Investment Fund

AdobeStock - Image by CrazyCloud

Two energy industry veterans plan to launch an investment fund focused on hydrogen this year as more and more governments include the niche fuel in their global warming battle plans.Hydrogen has long-been touted as a potential clean fuel as it only emits water vapour but it has failed to gain traction, mainly because of historically high production, transportation and storage costs.But with the European Union for one now looking to promote so-called green hydrogen to help reach net zero emissions…

World First Full Scale 'Ammonia as Fuel' Marine Four-Stroke Engine Test

The project leaders pictured at the Sustainable Energy Catapult Center’s test facility at Stord, Norway from left to right: Egil Hystad, Wärtsilä, Willy Wågen, Sustainable Catapult, and Kjell Storelid, Wärtsilä. (Photo: Wärtsilä)

While there is no consensus on the marine industry ‘fuel of the future’ that will meet ever tightening international emission mandates, a group of organizations has commenced what it is calling the world’s first long-term, full-scale, testing of ammonia as a fuel in a marine four-stroke combustion engine. Wärtsilä, Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, and Repsol, and the Sustainable Energy Catapult Center, have teamed for the effort, as ammonia offers promise as a carbon-free fuel for marine applications…

Saipem, CDP Sign Energy Transition Agreement

A Saipem Drillship / Credit: Saipem

Italian energy contractor Saipem has agreed with state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) to study the development of energy transition projects in Italy and abroad.In a joint statement on Wednesday, the two groups said the agreement was focused on carbon-cutting initiatives, the circular economy and energy efficiency.The protocol is aimed at helping Italy achieve the targets in its National Energy and Climate Plan which, among other things, require the installation of new capacity from renewable energy sources up to about 42 gigawatts.Saipem is jointly controlled by CDP and Italian energy group Eni.(Rep