Lewis B. Puller Successfully Completes Float-Off
The Navy's third Mobile Landing Platform (MLP), Lewis B. Puller successfully completed launch and float-off at the General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Co. (NASSCO) shipyard Nov. Lewis B. Puller is the first afloat forwarding staging base (AFSB) variant of the MLP. The ship is designed around four core capabilities - aviation, berthing, equipment staging area, and command and control - and optimized to support a variety of maritime missions.
US Navy Orders Production of Hydroid AUV's

Hydroid littoral battlespace sensing Autonomous Unverwater Vehicles (AUV's) enter full rate production for SPARWAR. Hydroid, Inc., a subsidiary of Kongsberg Maritime and a leading manufacturer of AUV's, announce that its contract to provide Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS) AUVs to the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) has moved directly from the Engineering Development Model (EDM) phase to full rate production (FRP).