Sunday, September 22, 2024

Oxford Institute News

U.S. Shipping Sanctions Give Boost to EU Refiners

Exxon's Rotterdam Refinery (CREDIT EXXON)

U.S. sanctions imposed last month on subsidiaries of vast Chinese shipping fleet Cosco have given an unexpected boost to European refiners as less crude oil from the North Sea and West Africa heads east, traders and analysts…

Australia Dominates China's LNG Supply

Offshore Australia: Shell’s Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility delivered its first LNG cargo earlier this week. Pictured is the Prelude FLNG facility, with the Valencia Knutsen berthed side-by-side (Photo: Shell)

Australia's fast-expanding liquefied natural gas industry has this year been supplying the lion's share of China's growing demand for imports of the commodity, with appetite surging as Beijing shifts away from dirtier…

Shale Innovator Mark Papa Joins Schlumberger Board

Oilfield services company Schlumberger NV has appointed shale pioneer Mark Papa and energy researcher Tatiana Mitrova to its board of directors, according to a filing on Monday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.Papa…

Trump Bets on New European LNG Terminals

© Wojciech Wrzesien / Adobe Stock

U.S. President Donald Trump expects the European Union to fund 9 to 11 liquefied natural gas (LNG) ports to absorb "vastly" more shipments from the United States but current EU investment in new projects will only help…

Peak Oil Demand and its Implications for Prices: Kemp

Even if oil consumption reaches a peak and then starts to fall, the world will still need large quantities of oil for many decades to come. The prediction is contained in a thoughtful paper co-authored by Spencer Dale…

India's LNG Play Risks Eventual Shortages

India is planning to join the Asian rush to boost the use of natural gas over coal, a further sign that the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market will tighten faster than previously expected. India's state oil refiners Indian Oil…

Gazprom Prepares Cold Reception for US Super-cooled Gas

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States is set to do battle in Europe but Russia's Gazprom is setting the stage, preparing a cold reception for the super-cooled gas set to cross the Atlantic. A weakened rouble…

Top Deck Changes at Hurricane Energy

Hurricane Energy plc, the UK-based oil and gas company focused on hydrocarbon resources in naturally fractured basement reservoirs, announces that Non-executive Chairman, John Hogan, has advised the Company of his intention…

Kremlin's Long-term Gas Deals in Europe Intact For Now

Russian gas giant Gazprom will lower its prices to keep European customers locked into long-term supply contracts, maintaining an arrangement that has for decades helped Moscow secure political leverage in Europe. But…

New Global Oil Deal Could Draw Lessons from 1998

OPEC rifts and pact with Russia under scrutiny; secret talks led by Mexico pulled off tricky deal in 1998. After a year of secret diplomacy and hushed-up private talks around the world, OPEC's mighty Saudi Arabia and…

LNG Industry Needs Flexibility to Avoid Boom-and-bust Future

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) buyers and sellers need to embrace flexible trading practices, including cargo swaps, to cut costs and avert repeated painful boom-and-bust cycles, industry players told a conference on Tuesday.

LNG Industry Needs Flexibility to Avoid Boom-and-Bust Future

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) buyers and sellers need to embrace flexible trading practices, including cargo swaps, to cut costs and avert repeated painful boom-and-bust cycles, industry players told a conference on Tuesday.

Expectations of Saudi Oil Shake-up Stir Uncertainty

A shake-up of Saudi Arabia's oil leadership by King Salman has introduced a new element of unpredictability to its energy policymaking at a moment when Riyadh is grappling with slumping crude prices and its war in neighbouring Yemen.

Low Oil "Double-Edged Sword" for Egypt

Egypt expects to save $4.2 bln due to cheap oil in 2014/15. The fall in global oil prices will cut Egypt's fuel subsidy bill but could hit the finances of oil-exporting Gulf allies who have showered it with billions of dollars in aid.

Free Cash Flow Says Little About the Future of Shale

The independent companies at the forefront of the U.S. shale boom will finally earn enough from selling oil and gas to cover their capital expenditures next year, for the first time since 2008. Free cash flow, which measures operating cash flow minus capital spending…

South Stream May Stay in Limbo for Years

The South Stream pipeline project designed to carry Russian natural gas to the European Union bypassing Ukraine will probably remain on hold for years, Bloomberg has reported. According to  New York-based risk research group Eurasia…

Russia, Ukraine to Hold Gas Crisis Talks as Deadline Looms

Ukraine and Russia will try to avert a gas war in last minute talks on Monday, brokered by the European Union in the hope of preventing supply disruptions and taking the heat out of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia…

Ukraine Crisis Speeding Gazprom Deal with China

Europe's plans to reduce its dependence on Russian energy as the Ukraine crisis threatens supplies are spurring efforts by Russia's top producer, Gazprom, to sign a deal next month to pump gas to China, industry sources say.

UK Well Placed to Deal with Potential Russian Gas Export Cut

Britain is well placed to deal with the possibility of a Russian cutoff of gas to Europe during the Ukraine crisis, because it receives most of its imports from Norway and has significant domestic reserves. As relations worsen between Kiev and Moscow…