Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Oil Spills News

Nigeria approves Exxon Seplat after two years

Nigeria has approved the sale to Seplat Energy of Exxon Mobil Corp.'s onshore assets, said the chief executive of the country's Upstream regulator on Monday. This comes more than two years since the original $1.28 billion agreement.Since it was announced in February 20, 2022, the sale has been scrutinized as it awaits regulatory approval.Bola Tinubu, the President of Nigeria, said that the ministerial approval would be granted within a few days following the clearance by the regulator.Gbenga Komolafe, CEO of the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission NUPRC…

Australian regulator: No decision on Woodside Browse Gas Project yet

Western Australia's environmental regulator announced on Monday that it will release recommendations in 2025 on Woodside Energy’s Browse gas project. A newspaper had reported earlier this week that the large project could be rejected. This $20.5 billion gas project off the coast of Western Australia, the largest in the country but still untapped resource has been on the drawing boards for years. The Sydney Morning Herald reported on Monday that the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) sent preliminary comments to the company, in February, calling the proposed terms "unacceptable".

Crude Spill Hits Environmentally-sensitive Area in Venezuela, Report

Copyright REC and ROLL/AdobeStock

Crude oil spilling from one of state-run PDVSA's joint ventures has hit an environmentally sensitive area at Venezuela's eastern region, three sources close to the operations said on Tuesday.Oil spills and gas leaks have become frequent in recent years in Venezuela, where lack of investment and delayed maintenance have contributed to the deterioration of PDVSA's aging energy infrastructure.The leak came from an oil well at Platform G, one of the sources said, referring to infrastructure located at the Pedernales shallow-water field in eastern Venezuela.

Robotics: Autobots Transform in the Offshore Energy Sector

BladeBUG is a blade walking inspection robot, focusing on leading edge erosion inspection. Images from ORE Catapult.

Robots and robotics have slowly been entering our lives, in various shapes and forms (and fictional characters), from self-driving household vacuum cleaners to highly automated manufacturing systems. Now they’re heading for the offshore world – in just as many shapes and forms.There could be a lot to gain from robotics, but platforms and offshore wind turbine structures are also very challenging places to put them on. For oil and gas, key drivers are around safety and cost . For the offshore wind sector, the sheer volume of structures being installed is driving a push for robotic systems to do inspection…

Equinor to Clean up Onshore Bahamas Spill

Satellite image after the impact of Hurricane Dorian on the South Riding Point oil terminal at Grand Bahama Island. The red outline denotes the plume area of the oil spill, ca. 0.5 sq km, and ca. 1.3 km in length. (Photo: ESA Sentinel-2 satellite)

Equinor will clean up the onshore oil spill discovered this week at its Bahamas storage terminal in the aftermath of hurricane Dorian, the Norwegian energy company said on Sunday.In preparation for the hurricane, Equinor shut down operations at the South Riding Point terminal on Aug. 31 and none of its staff were at the site during the storm."Based on current visual assessments, there are no indications of continued oil leakage from the tanks or of oil spills from the terminal to sea or beaches," Equinor's statement…

Green Group Asks Cosco to Avoid HFO in Arctic

Clean Arctic Alliance has sent its second letter to Cosco, in which the NGOs urge the Chinese liner company to make public what fuel types its vessels use in the Arctic.Responding to reports that the 190m-long COSCO-owned cargo vessel Tian’en is due to arrive in the Swedish port of Gävle on August 18, having traversed the Arctic’s Northern Sea Route between the Pacific and the Atlantic, Clean Arctic Alliance Lead Advisor Sian Prior said: “Earlier this year, the Clean Arctic Alliance wrote to COSCO requesting it make public the nature of the fuel that the Tian’en…

Nigerians Pursue Shell Spill Case in the UK

© chris2766 / Adobe Stock

The Supreme Court in London will hear an appeal by Nigerian farmers and fishermen to pursue claims in England against oil major Shell over oil spills in the Niger Delta, lawyers for the two affected communities said on Wednesday.The decision to hear the appeal re-opens the possibility for British multinationals to be held liable at home for their subsidiaries' actions abroad.

Exxon Resumes Seismic Survey in Guyana

© Daniil Belyay / Adobe Stock

Exxon Mobil Corp has resumed seismic exploration for oil and gas off of the coast of Guyana after halting work in December due to a run-in with the Venezuelan navy, a Guyanese government official said on Tuesday.Vessels have been able to travel unimpeded since the incident, said Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin in an interview at Rice University in Houston where he addressed a group of business executives."That was a one-off on Dec. 22 and we haven't heard any reports of a recurrence," Gaskin said. He was in Houston…

Sunoco Pipeline to Pay $5.4 mln for Oil Spills

Pipeline operator Sunoco Pipeline LP has agreed to pay roughly $5.4 million to settle claims over crude oil spills from 2013 to 2015 in three U.S. states, the U.S.

US Oil Export Boom Sparks Battle to Build Texas Ports

© Robert Coy / Adobe Stock

Booming U.S. oil exports have set off a scramble to build Gulf Coast ports to handle more than 3 million barrels per day in new supplies expected over the next five years.Of seven proposed oil-export projects, nowhere is the opportunity greater or the competition more fierce than in Corpus Christi, Texas, where three firms are vying to open the state's first deepwater port.Commodities trader Trafigura has taken an early lead with a planned offshore facility that has an easier path to regulatory approval and faces fewer…

ASEAN Adopts Oil Spill Contingency Plan

International Maritime Organization (IMO) technical assistance and institutional support has been instrumental in the recent adoption of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan.IMO said that the plan was adopted by the 24th ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting, held in Bangkok, Thailand (8 November). The Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan provides for a mechanism whereby ASEAN Member States can request and provide mutual support in response to any oil spills.It also ensures a common understanding and effective integration between affected and assisting ASEAN Member States…

US Judge Halts Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

Photo: TransCanada Corp

A U.S. judge in Montana has halted construction of the Keystone XL pipeline designed to carry heavy crude oil from Canada to the United States, drawing a sharp rebuke on Friday from President Donald Trump.The ruling of a U.S. Court in Montana late on Thursday dealt a major setback to TransCanada Corp, whose stock dropped 2 percent in Toronto. Shares of companies that would ship oil on the pipeline also fell.TransCanada said in a statement it remains committed to building the $8 billion, 1,180 mile (1,900 km) pipeline…

"What's Your Arctic Fuel Choice?" Clean Arctic Alliance Asks Cosco

The Clean Arctic Alliance called on Cosco to make public the nature of the fuel that the Chinese cargo vessel Tian’en has used and carried through Arctic waters.Clean Arctic Alliance Lead Advisor Sian Prior was responding to news that the Cosco-owned  Tian’en has departed Arctic waters for the French port of Rouen, having travelled via the Arctic’s Northern Sea Route or “Polar Silk Road” along the coast of Russia, between the Pacific and the Atlantic."Cosco and its customers should commit using – and carrying only lighter…

Norway Awards Oil Permits to 11 Firms in Arctic Licensing Round

The West Hercules drilling rig in the Barents Sea. (Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland / Equinor)

Norway has awarded 12 oil and gas exploration licences to Equinor and 10 other companies focused mostly on the Arctic, where Oslo believes it has the greatest potential for significant new discoveries.Nine of the licences are located in the Barents Sea and three in the Norwegian Sea off central Norway, the Ministry of Oil and Energy said on Monday."This licensing round confirms that the oil companies see opportunities for further profitable petroleum activity in the north," Oil and Energy Minister Terje Soeviknes said in a statement.Equinor…

Canada to Buy Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline

© NoraDoa / Adobe Stock

The Canadian government said on Tuesday it will buy Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd's Trans Mountain pipeline project for C$4.5 billion but does not intend to be the long-term owner of the project, which has faced fierce environmental opposition.Canada will also offer federal loan guarantees to ensure construction continues through the 2018 season as part of the deal with the company, a unit of Houston-based Kinder Morgan Inc ."The federal government has reached an agreement with Kinder Morgan to purchase the existing Trans Mountain pipeline, and infrastructure related to the Trans Mountain expansion project," Finance Minister Bill Morneau told repo

Stena Oil Rolls Out Scandinavia's Largest Bunkering Terminal at Frederikshavn

Stena Oil has signed an agreement to create a new marine fuel terminal in the Port of Frederikshavn. The facility will be fully adapted for the new Sulphur Directive 2020 and its location will reduce the distances travelled by bunkering vessels. The oil terminal will be the largest of its kind in Scandinavia, with a capacity of 75 000 cubic metres. "We are delighted to be developing our business in Frederikshavn. We will create a state-of-the-art terminal that can handle all fuel types that meet the IMO’s global sulphur directive, which comes into effect in 2020.

Fieldwood Hungry for US Offshore Output

© eaumstocker / Adobe Stock

The Chief Executive of offshore oil and gas driller Fieldwood Energy LLC, Matt McCarroll, says he is not scared of the hurricanes, geological risks and costs that keep some oil companies out of the Gulf of Mexico. Instead, he is doubling down. The private equity-backed company - already the largest operator on the U.S. outer continental shelf - announced on Thursday it is closing a $480 million acquisition of Noble Energy’s assets in the Gulf of Mexico that will add 25,000 barrels per day (bpd) to its current net production of 72,000 bpd of oil equivalent.

Kinder Morgan Halts Most Work on Disputed Canada Pipeline

Kinder Morgan Canada on Sunday suspended most work on a C$7.4 billion ($5.8 billion) oil pipeline expansion that has become the focus of protests, a move underscoring uncertainty over major energy projects in Canada. Company Chairman Steve Kean said he would scrap plans to nearly triple the capacity of the Trans Mountain pipeline, which takes crude from Alberta's oil sands to a facility in the Pacific province of British Columbia, unless the various legal challenges could be resolved by May 31. The announcement was a blow to the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau…

Statoil's 2017 Renewables Spending in Line with Plans

Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland / Statoil

Norway's Statoil said on Friday its 2017 capital spending on new energy solutions, which include renewables, was between $500 million and $750 million, in line with its plans. Statoil began preparations for the construction of an offshore wind park off New York, but it will not start until 2023 at the earliest. At the end of 2017, Statoil had a net 290 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind capacity, and around 190 MW under development. Statoil said its CO2 emissions from oil and gas production were reduced by 10 percent per barrel in 2017.

Shell: Nigeria Payments, Oil Theft Climbed in 2017

Shell's payments to the Nigerian government grew to $4.32 billion in 2017, up nearly 19 percent from $3.64 billion in 2016, according to its annual sustainability report released on Monday. The bulk of the payments, $3.197 billion, went to state oil company NNPC for production entitlement. Crude oil theft from pipelines of Shell's Nigerian subsidiary SPDC increased by some 50 percent, rising to roughly 9,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2017 from 6,000 bpd in 2016, the report said. Sabotage-related oil spill incidents rose to 62, from 48 in 2016, though the volume spilled fell to 1,400 tonnes, from 3,900 tonnes in 2016.