Britain is Wrong to Reject Fracking Application: Kemp
"The first shock of a great earthquake had, just at that period, rent the whole neighbourhood to its centre," is how Charles Dickens described the coming of the railroads to north London. "Houses were knocked down; streets broken through and stopped; deep pits and trenches dug in the ground; enormous heaps of earth and clay thrown up; buildings that were undermined and shaking…
UK Delivers Blow to Local Shale Project
British local government officials rejected a shale gas project in northwest England on Monday, dealing a blow to Britain's shale gas sector that is supported by Prime Minister David Cameron's government. Officials at Lancashire County Council spurned a shale gas planning application lodged by Cuadrilla Resources, saying the project would have an "unacceptable" visual and noise impact.
British Officials Reject Key Shale Gas Fracking Application
British officials on Thursday rejected a Cuadrilla Resources application for shale gas fracking in northwest England, a landmark decision that is likely to deter potential investors in Britain's nascent shale gas industry. The company's project at Roseacre Wood near Blackpool could have become one of Britain's first shale gas production sites, but the permit…
UK Officials Delay Shale Permit Decision to Wednesday
British officials have adjourned until Wednesday the process for deciding on whether to grant shale gas firm Cuadrilla a project planning permit in northwest England. If approved, the shale gas project at Preston New Road near Blackpool could become Britain's first producing shale gas site. Officials at Lancashire County Council deferred a decision to Wednesday…
UK Shale Gas Firm Cuadrilla Hits Planning Snag
British shale gas firm Cuadrilla hit another obstacle to getting the gas out of the ground when a local council refused it a permit on Wednesday for a site where it wanted to take geological measurements. Lancashire County Council in northwest England said it had rejected Cuadrilla's request for a three-year extension of a planning permit at its Grangehill site, where no hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, was planned to take place.
UK's Cuadrilla Hits Block in Local Shale Gas Planning
The start of shale gas production in Britain may be delayed after local government officials recommended on Wednesday that two fracking applications from Cuadrilla be rejected in a vote next week. Cuadrilla as planning to start shale fracking work at two sites in northwest England this year, but if Councillors act upon the recommendation not to grant the permits, the projects will be delayed.