Stausholm Resigns from Statoil Board
Jakob Stausholm has informed that he will resign from his position as member of the board of directors in Statoil ASA with immediate effect in order to avoid potential conflicts…
Statoil BoD Selections Announced
In a meeting in the Corporate Assembly of Statoil ASA on 9 June 2015 Øystein Løseth was elected as new chair and Roy Franklin as a new member and deputy chair of Statoil's board of directors.
Recommendation from Statoil's Nomination Committee
The nomination committee in Statoil has recommended that the company's corporate assembly elects Øystein Løseth as new chair and Roy Franklin as a new member and deputy chair of Statoil's board of directors.
Election of Statoil’s Board of Directors
In a meeting in the Corporate Assembly of Statoil ASA, Svein Rennemo was re-elected as chair and Grace Reksten Skaugen as deputy chair of the board of directors. Bjørn Tore Godal…
Statoil Recommends Løseth for Board of Directors
The nomination committee in Statoil recommends that the company's corporate assembly elects Øystein Løseth as a new member of Statoil's board of directors. Furthermore, the nomination…