Friday, September 20, 2024

Harvey Gulf International Marine News

LNG Bunkering Market to Reach $12bn by 2024

The global LNG bunkering market was valued at approximately USD 397.70 million in 2017 and is expected to generate revenue of around USD 11899.60 million by the end of 2024, growing at a CAGR of around…

Harvey Gulf Emerges From Chapter 11 Proceedings

Harvey Gulf International Marine announced that it has completed its financial restructuring and emerged from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings. This marks the completion of the Plan of Reorganization approved by the bankruptcy court…

Shell Deploys Third LNG-powered OSV

Harvey Liberty (Photo: Shell)

Shell Offshore Inc. today marked the delivery of the third liquefied natural gas (LNG) powered offshore supply vessel (OSV) in Port Fourchon, La. The new vessel, Harvey Liberty, chartered from specialist company Harvey Gulf International Marine…

Bright Future for LNG Bunkering - TMR

Transparency Market Research (TMR) have given a detailed insights and analysis of the global market for LNG bunkering fuel in its recently published market research report. On the basis of capacity, the market…

Harvey Energy Begins Work for Shell

Gulf Coast Shipyard Group (GCSG) informed that Harvey Energy, the first LNG vessel operating in the United States—for Shell Upstream America’s deep water operations in the Gulf of Mexico—is fully in service.

Gulf of Mexico Sees First LNG-powered OSV

Harvey Energy

A special Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) has been delivered to Shell for its deepwater operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The vessel, Harvey Energy, is chartered from Harvey Gulf International Marine and…

Maritime Fuel of the Future: Training to an Uncertain Standard

Despite its unquestionable allure, LNG as a fuel carries with it as many risks as it does answers to the problems it promises to solve. As industry and OEM’s work to remove any doubt, the collaborative…

A New Standard in Marine Communications

KVH provides and Harvey Gulf employs possibly the most sophisticated on-board SATCOM and related service package on the water. That’s no accident. If quality service, high tech hardware and quality personnel…

Harvey Gulf Breaks Ground with LNG Facility

Artist's Depiction: the Harvey Gulf LNG Fuleing facility in Port Fourchon, LA.

Louisiana out in front on LNG bunkering infrastructure. New Orleans-based Harvey Gulf International Marine (HGIM) has announced the ground breaking of construction on its $25 million Phase 1, Slip B, LNG…

LNG – Who Cares?

You say you don’t work on an LNG ship? You should care nevertheless. Just ten years ago, LNG Import terminals were being built and/or contemplated throughout the United States. Then, it was widely expected…

First Harvey Gulf LNG OSV Launched by GCSG

Gulf Coast Shipyard Group (GCSG) has launched of the first of six Harvey Gulf International Marine 302’ x 64’ Dual Fuel Offshore Supply Vessels. Incorporating breakthrough clean-burning LNG technology…