Friday, September 20, 2024

Gas Association News

Japan Marks 50 years of LNG Imports

File Image: AdobeStock / © Fotmart

Japanese gas buyers on Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary since the first cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) arrived in Japan, now the world's biggest importer of the fuel.The arrival of the cargo on Nov. 4, 1969 helped transform Japan's energy system…

Drilling Ban Proposals Divide Democrats

AdobeStock / © Shamtor

In the southeast corner of New Mexico, new houses, hotels and jobs are sprouting like flowers in the desert. Trucks hauling equipment and laborers jam once-barren highways on the way to thousands of oil rigs.The Democrats who control the…

Norway Oil Investment to Rise in 2019

(Photo: Equinor)

Oil and gas investment in Norway is expected to grow for a second year in a row in 2019 but will fall back between 2020 and 2023, an industry lobby group said on Monday.Western Europe's largest oil producer has seen a recovery in oil industry activity thanks to higher crude prices…

dena Launches Global Alliance Power Fuels

The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – and partners from industry have launched the Global Alliance Power Fuels. The aim of this international alliance is to open up global markets for synthetic fuels based on renewable energy sources.

Planning a Wind Farm in Norway? Connecting to Grid from 2019 May Cost You

Grid investments of $17 billion are planned by 2025; big power consumers and producers may need to contribute. A Norwegian plan to force big power consumers and producers to pay for grid upgrades and extensions could disrupt new projects…

Trump's Steel Import Tariffs May Hurt US LNG Exports

© Wojciech Wrzesień / Adobe Stock

U.S. natural gas trade groups said on Thursday they are concerned that new U.S. steel import tariffs could delay or reduce new pipeline projects as well as dent exports of liquefied natural gas. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday…

Greenpeace Appeals after Losing Norwegian Arctic Lawsuit

Environmental groups launched an appeal on Monday after an Oslo court rejected their arguments that Norway's oil and gas exploration in the Arctic violates citizens' right to a clean environment. Greenpeace and Nature and Youth disputed the Oslo District Court's verdict last month…

Alaskan Lease Sale Draws Tepid Response

An oil-and-gas lease sale that raised concerns with environmentalists due to the vast amount of acres offered in Arctic Alaska drew few bids on Wednesday, government officials said. Seven bids were received, covering about 80,000 acres…

US Senate Pushes Alaska Wildlife Refuge, But Drillers Look Elsewhere

© George Burba / Adobe Stock

Even as the U.S. Senate moves to allow oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the real action is 150 miles (241 km) west, where industry proponents hope a coming sale of 10 million acres of land will revitalize the state's sagging crude production.

Alaska Eyes Foreign Capital to Jump-start Energy Projects

Alaska is pursuing foreign investors for its oil and gas industry, hoping to advance recent discoveries while struggling to compete with lower-cost shale projects and reverse a decades-long output decline. Sovereign wealth funds, banks and…

Perry's Proposed Grid Rule Scrambles Energy Alliances

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry's attempt to save the coal and nuclear industries by proposing a new grid resiliency rule is making for some odd bedfellows across the energy sector. The proposed grid resiliency rule threatens to turn two…

Statoil Achieves Climate Target Two Years Ahead of Schedule

The Åsgard field in the Norwegian Sea. (Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland)

Statoil has already achieved its 2015 target of reducing the CO2 emissions from the Norwegian continental shelf by 1.2 million tonnes annually from 2008 to 2020. The reduction equals the emissions from some 600 000 private cars annually, or almost every fourth car on Norwegian roads.

Norway Oil & Gas Output at Risk if Labor Walks

Five Norwegian oil and gas fields will shut down production unless a wage deal is agreed with the Lederne trade union, an industry lobby group said on Friday. The shutdown would affect fields operated by Statoil , Shell and Eni and would cut output by 443…

Conservationists Sue to Halt Fracking in Ohio National Forest

Four conservation groups on Tuesday sued the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management in an attempt to halt fracking plans in a portion of Ohio's only national forest. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Columbus, argues that…

Trump's EPA to Reconsider O&G Emissions Rule

© Ikan Leonid / Adobe Stock

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Wednesday it would reconsider a rule on emissions from oil and gas operations and delay its implementation, marking the Trump administration's latest effort to dismantle Obama-era environmental regulations.

Trade Groups Seek Information on New US Decommissioning Rules

Seeking information related to the recent changes to the financial assurances and bonding required of offshore oil and gas producers, four oil and gas industry trade groups today submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to both…

Oil Industry Workers Split Between Trump and Clinton

U.S. oil and gas industry workers have contributed only slightly more money to the campaign of Democrat Hillary Clinton than to Republican Donald Trump since the two clinched their parties' nominations for the White House, according to Reuters' review of federal disclosures.

Pennsylvania Adopts New Fracking Regulations

New regulations governing the extraction of natural gas through fracking will go into effect on Saturday in Pennsylvania, the first overhaul since the industry took off in the state more than 10 years ago. The new rules allow the state's…

Norway Oil Strike Could Escalate Quickly -union

More than 300 workers on strike; conflict involves pay of more than 6,500 union members. A strike involving Norwegian oil service workers could be expanded at any time, but no decision has yet been made on whether to escalate the dispute, trade union Industri Energi said on Thursday.

Norway Labor Union in Small Expansion of Oil Industry Strike

Photo: Statoil

Norwegian trade union Industri Energi will expand the ongoing strike among Norwegian oil service workers by 23 people, on top of the 335 that went on strike on Sept. 21, a union spokesman told Reuters on Friday. The strike affects operations of subcontractors to the oil industry…