Monday, September 23, 2024

G E Shipping News

Sources say that the distillation and catalytic cracker units at Venezuela's Amuay Refinery have resumed operations.

Five sources said this week that a catalytic cracker, and two distillation machines, at Venezuela's Amuay Refinery, the largest in the country, had resumed operation following an interruption of power earlier this month. Sources claim that a blackout occurred on September 12 which knocked the catalytic cracker of the refinery, which produces the finished fuel, offline.

Russian insurance boosts oil exports to India's top buyer

Data from sources in the shipping and trade industries shows that Russian insurers play a greater role in facilitating oil shipments by Russia to India, which is its largest buyer. This helps to protect Moscow's revenue through exports despite Western sanctions. According to calculations based upon the documents of the vessels, Russian firms insured 60% of Moscow’s oil cargoes bound for India in July.

Russian insurance boosts oil exports to India's top buyer

Data from sources in the shipping and trade industries shows that Russian insurers play a greater role in facilitating oil shipments by Russia to India, which is its largest buyer. This helps to protect Moscow's revenue from exports despite Western sanctions. According to calculations based upon the documents of the vessels, Russian firms insured 60% of Moscow’s oil cargoes bound for India in July.

US LNG Export Dominance Tested as Europe's Demand Wilts

The United States has remained the largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) so far in 2024, but a steep drop in selling prices and a sharp swing in export volumes to key markets is likely testing exporter appetite to stay on top.The United States shipped a record 56.9 million metric tons of LNG during the first eight months of 2024…

Nigeria's NNPC sends LNG cargoes from Japan to China

NNPC, the state-owned Nigerian company that produces oil and gas, has increased its shipments of liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to a Chinese port after its initial delivery to Japan in early June. Nigeria, Africa's top oil producer, has the largest gas reserves on the continent, with more than 200 trillion cubic foot. It has shipped the majority of its LNG via Nigeria LNG…

US sanctions 400 additional targets for helping Russia's war efforts

The State Department announced that the United States imposed sanctions Friday on more than 400 individuals and entities for supporting Russia's military effort in Ukraine. This included Chinese firms, which U.S. officials believed were helping Moscow skirt Western sanctions while building up its military. Washington has warned Beijing repeatedly over its support of Russia's defence industrial base.

US sanctions 400 additional targets for helping Russia's war efforts

The State Department announced that the United States imposed sanctions Friday on more than 400 individuals and entities for supporting Russia's military effort in Ukraine. This included Chinese firms, which U.S. officials believed were helping Moscow skirt Western sanctions while building up its military. Washington has warned Beijing repeatedly over its support of Russia's defence industrial base.

Equinor to close Hanoi office after halting Vietnam offshore wind plans

A company spokesperson revealed that Norway's state controlled energy giant Equinor had cancelled plans to invest into Vietnam's offshore sector. This is a blow for Vietnam's green power aspirations. According to the World Bank Group's report, Vietnam has drawn international attention to its renewable energy plans due to its strong wind in shallow water near densely populated coastal areas.

New 250kW Hydrogen Fuel Cell Prepped for Maritime

Image courtesy Sydrogen Energy Pte. Ltd.

Sydrogen Energy Pte. Ltd. (Sydrogen), a Singapore-based fuel cell components and systems company, announced its entry into the maritime market with a 250 kW fuel cell power module. Developed in a collaboration signed with Shanghai Hydrogen Propulsion Technology Co., Ltd. (SHPT), this system aims to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen technology in the shipping industry…

ABS Opens LNG Academy in Qatar

(Credit: Screenshot/ABS Video)

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has inaugurated the ABS Global LNG Academy, a cutting-edge training center dedicated to using the latest techniques to educate mariners in modern liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessel operations.Located in Doha and supported by QatarEnergy, the Academy is a coordinated effort with industry partners…

Exploring 'Future Fuels' - Methanol’s Superstorage Solution

Image courtesy SRC

Technical inquiries to SRC Group ramped up after it received Approval in Principle (AIP) for a concept which ‘reinvented methanol fuel storage’ on board ships. Delivering the answers has seen technical talk converting into project discussions        ‘Green’ methanol has the ability to one day run vessels almost emission-free, and commercial shipping increasingly investigates.

NYK, JERA, Resonac to Study Supplying Ammonia as Fuel to Vessels

NYK is conducting research and development of a tugboat equipped with a domestic ammonia-fueled engine (A-Tug) together with other partner companies. Image courtesy NYK

NYK, JERA Co., Inc. and Resonac Holdings Corporation signed an agreement to jointly study the supply of ammonia as fuel to ships.As part of the Green Innovation Fund Project of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), NYK is conducting research and development of a tugboat equipped with a domestic ammonia-fueled engine (A-Tug) together with other partner companies.

Bangladesh Puts to use China-built Crude Oil Offloading Facility

Copyright andriano_cz/AdobeStock

Bangladesh started in recent days a large crude oil receiving and offloading facility built by China that allows the south Asian oil importer to significantly reduce the cost of shipping in crude oil.The single-point mooring facility at Chattogram port last Sunday offloaded 82,000 tons (about 600,000 barrels) of crude oil from a 100,000-ton tanker, said an official with state-run Bangladesh Petroleum Corp (

Ørsted Breaks Ground on Carbon Capture Project

Advedøre Power Station. Photo courtesy Ørsted

Ørsted is embarking on the construction of two carbon capture (CCS) facilities designed to capture and store carbon emissions from the woodchip-fired Asnæs Power Station in Kalundborg and the straw-fired unit at Avedøre Power Station in Greater Copenhagen, representing Denmark's first full-scale carbon capture project.It is expected that the carbon capture project…

Shipping Rivals CMA CGM, Maersk to Collaborate on Green Fuels

Laura Maersk - the world’s first-ever container vessel sailing on green methanol was named in Denmark last week -  © A.P. Moller - Maersk. All rights reserved.

Container shipping giants CMA CGM and Maersk said on Tuesday they will cooperate in efforts to reduce emissions in the sector, including by supporting the use of methanol and aiding research into potential fuels like ammonia. The shipping industry is grappling with which fuels and vessel technology to adopt on a large scale to meet an objective of net zero emissions by around the middle of the century.

LPG: Dual-Fuel Engines Prove Their Worth

2022 was the first year all 15 VLGCs of BW LPG’s dual-fuel LPG retrofitted ships were sailing. Image courtesy of BW LPG

BW LPG has demonstrated the value of dual-fuel LPG operations beyond the company’s initial aim of meeting IMO 2020 Sulphur Cap regulations.In October 2020, the LPG carrier BW Gemini became the first very large gas carrier (VLGC) to have its low-speed main engine converted to an LPG dual-fuel engine. The project started several years earlier…

Russia Ships Naphtha to China via North Sea Route

Copyright chocolatefater/AdobeStock

Russia is shipping a naphtha cargo via the North Sea Route (NSR) as Moscow seeks to increase supplies using the route to major trade partner China, cutting its way through European waters, traders said and Refinitiv data showed.SCF Irtysh is loaded with with 37,000 tonnes of naphtha onboard, loaded at Ust-Luga port on August 5, 2023, for delivery to China.

ClassNK AiP for Ammonia Fuel Supply System

ClassNK issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) for an ammonia fuel supply system for oil tanker and container ship developed by Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI).ClassNK carried out a review of a conceptual design of the system developed by SHI based on the part C of its "Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels".

Rapid Charging Systems: Current Technology for the Future of Ferries

3mar (Mobimar) offers a ramp-mounted autonomous bow charging system, NECTOR, that can establish a rapid connection to the vessel, easily activated via push button from the bridge. Image courtesy 3mar

As the devotion to more sustainable shipping expands and regulations become more stringent, the demand for lower emissions operations continues to increase. As a result, the marine industry is confronted with the challenge of large-scale electrification as an alternative energy solution.For electric ferries, one developing technology is Rapid Charging Systems (RCS)…

Saudi Arabian Crude Oil Exports Fall 12%

“By agreeing to an additional voluntary production cut within OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) of 500,000 barrels per day in May and announcing a further independent production cut of 1,000,000 barrels per day in July, Saudi Arabia is aiming to reduce excess supply and support prices,” says Niels Rasmussen, Chief Shipping Analyst at BIMCO.According to the EIA (U.S.