Friday, September 20, 2024

Energy Dependence News

TES Wilhelmshaven Import Terminal Deemed a 'Priority Project'

(Image: TES)

Tree Energy Solutions’ (TES) import terminal has been included in the list of priority projects supported by the German Government’s LNG Acceleration law. The law was passed by parliament on May 19th, 2022 and was approved by the Federal Council on May 20th, 2022. The aim…

US-China Cold War Would Redirect Energy Flows

© prathaan / Adobe Stock

Worsening diplomatic relations between the United States and China are putting a spotlight on their economic inter-dependency in the context of global supply chains for both technology and energy.Top policymakers in the United States and some of its closest allies, including Australia and Britain…

Russia Demands Swift Payment for Cancelled Bulgarian Nuclear Plant

Russian nuclear company Rosatom has asked Bulgaria to swiftly pay 620 million euros ($696 million) in compensation over the cancelled Belene nuclear project, it said on Saturday. An arbitration court ruled in June that Sofia must pay for the equipment produced by Rosatom for the project…

EU to Rule on Russian Access to Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

Brussels is expected to rule next month on whether to allow Russia to pump more gas via its Nord Stream pipeline's gas link to Germany, risking fresh discord between member states over energy dependence on Russia, EU and Gazprom sources said. Full access to Opal, which provides…

Norway will be Lithuania's 2016 Top Gas Supplier

Lithuania will import more gas from Norway than from former sole supplier Russia in 2016 after developing infrastructure to support liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports, the country's energy minister said on Monday. Russia's Gazprom had enjoyed a supply monopoly until the end of 2014…

Ukraine Halts Russian Gas Imports, EU Flow Unaffected

Ukraine halted natural gas imports from Russia on Wednesday after a failure to agree on a price for the third quarter, state transport monopoly Ukrtransgaz said, in talks loaded with the political tension between the two. "From today, Ukraine is not getting gas from Russia.

Ukraine: Chevron Plans to Pull Out of Shale Gas Deal

U.S. energy major Chevron plans to withdraw from a $10 billion shale gas deal with Kiev, a senior Ukrainian presidential official said on Monday. Ukraine signed a shale gas production-sharing agreement with Chevron amid great fanfare in November 2013, just months before mass protests in Kiev ousted former president Viktor Yanukovich…

Baltic Power Grids to Synchronise with European System by 2025

The Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have agreed a roadmap to link their power systems with those of other European Union members by 2025 as they look to reduce their dependence on Russia. Their power grids are presently synchronized with Russia and Belarus, a legacy from Soviet times.

Estonia Sidesteps Russia with Lithuanian Gas

Estonia imported its first natural gas from Lithuania, via Latvia, last week in a move which reduces its energy dependence on Russia, Latvia's gas grid operator Latvijas Gaze said on Monday. The amount of gas was small but it was an important test for an import procedure side-stepping Russia's Gazprom…

Ukraine Must Buy Coal From Russia to Get Through Winter

Ukraine will be forced to buy coal from Russia to get through the winter, a serious setback to the country's efforts to lessen energy dependence on its powerful neighbour, Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan said on Wednesday. Conflict between pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian…

Lithuania Appoints Oil Terminal Firm CEO as Energy Minister

Lithuania President Dalia Grybauskaite has appointed the chief executive of oil terminal company Klaipedos Nafta as the country's energy minister, the president's office said on Monday. Rokas Masiulis, 45, replaces Jaroslav Neverovic who was dismissed in August amid disagreements…

EU Pushes for Urgent Energy Deal in US Trade Pact

The United States should commit to exporting oil and natural gas to Europe under a transatlantic trade deal in light of the European Union's geopolitical situation, the EU trade commissioner said on Tuesday. Tension between Russia and the West over the future of Ukraine is…

EU Helping Ukraine with Slovak Gasline

Slovak link could meet 20 pct of Ukraine's gas demand. Long-term EU-Ukraine flows could meet 50 pct of Ukraine's demand. Germany plays key role in supplying Ukraine. Slovakia opened a pipeline on Tuesday able to deliver natural gas from the European Union to Ukraine, marking…

Lithuania Fires Energy Minister, Risks Upsetting Poland

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite sacked her ethnic Polish energy minister on Tuesday in a row that could affect talks with Poland over the future of the Baltic state's only oil refinery. The minister, Jaroslav Neverovic, was fired after reinstating his deputy, another ethnic Pole…

Bulgaria Signs Nuclear Deal with Westinghouse

Deal needs approval of next Bulgarian government, but would reduce Bulgaria's energy reliance on Russia. New reactor would come on stream by 2023. Bulgaria, one of five EU states that depend totally on Russia for nuclear fuel, and Westinghouse Electric Company signed a shareholder…

Polish PM Calls For EU Energy Union To End Dependence On Russian Gas

The European Union must create an energy union to secure its gas supply because the current dependence on Russian energy makes Europe weak, Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote in an article in the Financial Times. Russia, which provides around one third of the EU's oil and gas…

Russia's South Stream Pipeline Could Run to Turkey

Russia's controversial South Stream pipeline, which would transport gas via the Black Sea into Europe towards the end of the decade, received support from Turkey on Wednesday when Ankara said it may let the conduit pass through its territory. Turkey would consider granting access for the line if Moscow made such a request…