Sunday, September 22, 2024

Energy Committee News

Port of Amsterdam CEO Appointed Energy Commissioner

Port of Amsterdam CEO Koen Overtoom and ten other Amsterdam residents have been named Energy Commissioners by Platform 02025, a non-profit that aims to make Amsterdam a leader in clean energy.Amsterdam port said in a…

Arctic Drilling Hits Speed Bumps in U.S. Tax Bill

© Terje / Adobe Stock

A quest by Republicans to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Reserve was slowed after a nonpartisan Senate official ruled late on Wednesday that the exploration was subject to environmental assessments by the Interior Department.

Senate Panel Set to Advance Quest for Oil in Alaska Refuge

(Photo: USFWS)

Oil drilling in a vast Alaskan wildlife refuge could move a step closer to reality on Wednesday as a Senate panel votes to open part of the reserve coveted by conservationists. Republicans, who control Congress and the White House…

Arctic Oil Expansion Panned by Scientists

Image: © Nightman1965/Adobe Stock

A group of 37 U.S.-based scientists whose research focuses on Arctic wildlife asked two U.S. senators in a letter on Thursday not to open the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas exploration, according to a copy seen by Reuters.

Former EPA Employees Oppose Trump's Nominee

Despite nearly 800 former Environmental Protection Agency officials urging the U.S. Senate to reject President Donald Trump's nominee to run the agency as the chamber moved closer on Thursday to approving his pick, Scott Pruitt…

Senate Committee Approves Trump Picks for Energy, Interior

The Senate Energy Committee on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved President Donald Trump's nominees to head the Interior and Energy Departments. The panel approved Ryan Zinke for the Interior Department by a vote of 16 to 6 and Rick Perry…

Trump's Energy Pick to Face Senate Questions

Rick Perry, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to run the Energy Department, will face questioning by senators on Thursday on creating jobs in the industry and bolstering U.S. energy security - but also about an earlier proposal to abolish the agency.

IUMI: Gloomy Outlook for Offshore Energy Insurance Sector

Simon Williams (IUMI)

Speaking at yesterday’s IUMI Genova conference, Simon Williams, Chairman of IUMI’s offshore energy committee, warned that the offshore energy sector was facing a series of significant challenges. He said: “We have not…

U.S. Advances Oil Reserve Revamp Plan, Potential Crude Sale

The Obama administration has sent Congress a plan to modernize the country's emergency oil reserve, a step that could set in motion a sale of about 8 million barrels from the stash later this year to help pay for the revamp, the Energy Department said on Wednesday.

BP India Head Says India Can Produce 10-15 tcf of Gas by 2022

India has the potential to unlock gas reserves of at least 10-15 trillion cubic feet (tcf) by 2022 on the basis of discoveries made so far, Sashi Mukundan, country head for BP India said in a conference on Tuesday. This…

U.S. Senate Starts Debate on Broad Energy Bill

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday began debate on the country's first major energy bill in over eight years, featuring measures aimed at protecting the electric power grid against cyber attacks and speeding the export of liquefied natural gas.

Senator Urges Obama Admin to Detail Oil Swaps with Mexico

Senator Lisa Murkowski

One of the U.S. Senate's top advocates for lifting the ban on domestic crude exports urged the Commerce Department on Thursday to disclose whether any oil swaps with Mexico have actually been finalized after the agency approved the transactions in August.

US Senate Democrats Unveil Climate-focused Energy Bill

Senate Democrats on Tuesday unveiled energy legislation focused on cleaner energy production, manufacturing and vehicles that they say would slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by at least 34 percent by 2025, surpassing…

Tough Times Loom for Offshore Energy Insurance -IUMI

Speaking at this year’s IUMI conference in Berlin, Simon Williams, Chairman of IUMI’s offshore energy committee reported continuous growth in the sector with 2015 capacity reaching around $7 billion, though he cautioned that $5.5 billion was more realistic.

Oil Exports Could Push US Gasoline Prices Lower

The price of U.S. gasoline could fall if Washington were to allow crude oil exports, an independent government report on Tuesday concluded, adding political firepower for those who want to change the law to expand such trade.

South Africa Refurbishes Crude Storage Tanks

South Africa plans to refurbish more crude oil storage to bring into use to take advantage of new finds in Africa and add to already brimming stocks. Its Strategic Fuel Fund Association (SFF), which manages the country's emergency crude stocks…

US Senate Energy Panel Votes to Lift Oil Export Ban

The U.S. Senate Energy Committee on Thursday passed a bill that would lift a decades-old ban on the export of crude oil. The 22-member panel passed the bill to allow the United States to export oil and boost state revenue…

Senators ask Spy Chief to Advise on Energy Boom

Four Republican senators on Tuesday urged the director of national intelligence to keep policymakers informed of the global security implications of booming U.S. energy output as Congress considers repealing the ban on domestic oil exports.

US Crude Export Would Help Europe -Czech Republic

Lifting the U.S. ban on oil exports would bolster energy security in Europe by allowing countries to find alternative sources, the Czech Republic ambassador to the United States told lawmakers considering a bill to do away with the trade restriction.

Lifting of US Crude Oil Export Ban Possible within Year

The U.S. Congress could lift the 40-year old ban on domestic crude oil exports within a year as a drop in gasoline prices and the potential return of Iranian oil to global markets makes it an easier measure for politicians to support…