Saturday, September 7, 2024

Eastern Europe News

How Much Oil Does the EU Import from Russia?

© vchalup / Adobe Stock

The European Union has agreed to ban the bulk of imports of Russian crude and oil products in its latest round of sanctions following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.The ban on seaborne crude imports will be phased in over six months and for seaborne refined products over eight months.

EU Funding for Polish LNG Terminal Expansion

The Polish government and the Polskie LNG company signed a grant agreement on 24 April for the extension of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in Świnoujście, in north-western Poland on the Baltic Sea coast.Almost EUR 128 million…

Europe Invests $30bln in Wind in 2018

Europe invested a total of EUR27bn (USD 30.34bln) in new wind farms in 2018, allowing it finance a record amount of new wind energy capacity, according to European trade body WindEurope.Europe invested EUR 10.3 billion in new offshore…

Vermilion to Drill Exploration Wells in Central Europe

Canada's Vermilion Energy will drill its first two exploration wells in Croatia in June, a senior official from the company said on Monday. Vermilion won four licences in 2015 for oil and gas exploration in Croatia's flat northeastern…

GA Drilling Gets Capital Boost

(Photo: GA Drilling)

Slovakia-based GA Drilling has received a boost to help develop, test and commercialize its innovative plug and abandonment (P&A) technology. The company has signed a £4.2 million ($4.7 million) funding agreement with Budapest based venture capital firm Lead Ventures…

GA Drilling Gets Fund, Signs Pact with MOL

High-tech deep-drilling company GA Drilling signed a EUR 4.2 million funding agreement with Lead Ventures and a service agreement with MOL Group.Lead Ventures, a Budapest based venture capital firm invested funds provided by MOL Group…

Wind Provides 14% of European Electricity

Wind energy provided 14% of the European Union’s electricity last year, according to figures published by the region’s wind energy trade body, WindEurope, with 11.7 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity added, including 2.65 GW of offshore wind.

EIA: Azerbaijan Surges in Natural Gas

Azerbaijan is an important supplier of crude oil and natural gas in the Caspian Sea region, particularly to European markets, the US Energy Information Administration said in its report.The EIA’s report notes that Azerbaijan’s exports…

MOL, Total Make Refueling Europe Easier

Japanese logistics giant Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) and French multinational integrated oil and gas company Total S.A. signed an agreement which will make travelling across Europe easier for their corporate customers.The agreement…

Polskie LNG Gets Permits for Terminal Expansion

Polish LNG terminal operator Polskie LNG has obtained a set of environmental and location decisions for all projects implemented under the LNG Terminal Expansion Program.The environmental permits are final, while the decisions issued…

Polskie LNG Begins LNG Terminal Expansion Program

Polskie LNG, the owner and operator of LNG terminal in Poland published the contract notice that officially commences the tender procedure with the view to select the contractor for the expansion of LNG terminal in Poland, Świnoujście.These…

U.S. Calls on Hungary and Neighbors to Shun Russian Gas Pipelines

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry called on Hungary and its neighbours to reject Russian gas pipelines which Washington says are being used to cement Moscow's grip on central and eastern Europe.Energy diversification would be crucial for the region…

Poland Aims 8 GW of Offshore Wind

Poland has announced ambitious plans to develop 8 GW of offshore wind by 2035 and the country is working on laws that could support this project.Polish State Secretary for Energy Grzegorz Tobiszowski said the country has the potential…

Europe Power: Spot Prices Down as Wind Supply Rises

© Christian Schwier / Adobe Stock

European prompt power prices fell further on Wednesday from high levels, as the prospect of higher wind power supply overrode some thermal plant losses.German baseload power for Thursday delivery dropped by 12.3 percent to 62.3 euros ($72.03) per megawatt hour (MWh).

Russia's First Sea-borne Nuclear Power Plant Arrives in Arctic

Akademik Lomonosov (Photo: Rosatom)

Russia's first-floating nuclear power plant arrived in the Arctic port of Murmansk over the weekend in preparation for its maiden mission, providing electricity to an isolated Russian town across the Bering Strait from Alaska.The state company behind the plant…

Ukraine to Offer Gazprom Discounted Transit Fees

Ukraine will offer Gazprom discounted fees for natural gas transit to ensure a flow from Russia to Europe after 2020, European Commission Vice President for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic said on Friday.Russia's Gazprom and five European companies, with German backing, plan to build the

Cryptocurrency May Light Up Renewable Energy in Moldova

© Dmitry Volochek / Adobe Stock

Moldova, a small, landlocked country in eastern Europe, imports three-quarters of its energy and has seen its energy prices rise by more than half in the past five years.But that could soon change, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)…

DNV GL Taps Oudman as Regional Manager

Ben Oudman (Photo: DNV GL)

As the global energy transition in the oil and gas industry marks significant changes to come, regional adaptions will pose a broad variation of challenges and opportunities. DNV GL – Oil & Gas has appointed Ben Oudman as Regional Manager for Continental Europe…

BMT and MSI in Joint Alexandroupolis FSRU Terminal Project Award

Photo: BMT

BMT and Metocean Services International (MSI) have been jointly awarded a contract by Gastrade to deploy an Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) and develop metocean criteria to be utilized for the design of the offshore moored FSRU and the subsea pipeline to shore.

Sir Bob Reid Joins Belltree Board

Sir Bob Reid (Photo: Belltree)

Sir Bob Reid is to take up a new role as nonexecutive director of Belltree, a specialist oil and gas consultancy based in Edinburgh. The former chair and chief executive of Shell UK will advise and support Belltree with its continued growth into international markets.