Thursday, September 19, 2024

Connie Hedegaard News

EU Climate Change Goal Pits Green Business Against Industry

Paves the way for U.N. A European Union goal to cut greenhouse gases by 40 percent by 2030, agreed early on Friday, sets the pace for a global deal to tackle climate change, pitting heavy industry against green business. Industry bosses said they faced big challenges to adapt, while greener firms said the EU had aimed too low to spur low-carbon investment and climate campaigners said concessions to polluters made it "a dirty thirty", not a 2030 deal. The 2030 targets will follow existing 2020 goals that the EU is on track to meet.

EU Nations Threaten to Block Green Energy Rules

EU leaders face a long day on Thursday as they seek to agree on a new decade of climate and energy policy at a summit in Brussels, with nations from Poland to Portugal threatening to block a deal. If the European Union can manage an accord, including a more ambitious greenhouse gas cut, it will be the first major economic bloc to set an emissions target for 2030 and would set the tone ahead of United Nations talks next year in Paris on a global pact to manage climate change.

EU Nations Threaten to Block Green Energy Rules at Summit Talks

EU leaders face hours of haggling as they seek to agree on a new decade of climate and energy policy at talks beginning on Thursday, with nations from Poland to Portugal threatening to block a deal. If the European Union can manage an accord, including a more ambitious greenhouse gas cut, it will be the first major bloc to set an emissions target for 2030 and would set the tone ahead of United Nations talks next year on a global pact to manage climate change.

EU Abandons 'Dirty' Label for Canada Tar Sands Oil

A European Union plan to label Canadian tar sands oil as highly polluting as part of its fight against climate change has been abandoned after years of opposition from Canada, clearing the way for exports of tar sands crude to the European market. A proposal published by the European Commission on Tuesday removes what could have been an EU obstacle to shipments of the crude and comes at a time when tensions between the EU and its top oil supplier, Russia, are running high.

EU Abandons 'Dirty' Label for Canada Tar Sands Oil

A European Union plan to label Canadian tar sands oil as highly polluting as part of its fight against climate change has been abandoned after years of opposition from Canada, clearing the way for exports of tar sands crude to the European market. A proposal published by the European Commission on Tuesday removes what could have been an EU obstacle to shipments of the crude and comes at a time when tensions between the EU and its top oil supplier, Russia, are running high.

EU Abandons Sands Oil 'Dirty' Label

Canada lobbied against previous labelling proposal; policy includes method for distinguishing various fuels. Member states to debate the proposal. A European Union plan to label tar sands oil as highly polluting in its fight against climate change has been abandoned after years of opposition led by major producer Canada. A proposal published by the European Commission on Tuesday removes an obstacle to Canada exporting tar sands crude to Europe and comes at a time when tensions between the EU and top oil supplier Russia are running high.

France Backs 30% Energy Efficiency Goal

France's energy minister threw her weight behind an energy savings goal of at least 30 percent for 2030 ahead of talks in Brussels on Wednesday to thrash out a target. Energy efficiency has gained popularity in the context of the Ukraine crisis as EU member states seek to do all they can to reduce the need for imported Russian energy. But it is divisive because of the upfront costs required to make buildings more efficient, such as spending on improved insulation.

Chinese, U.S. Emission Cuts Fall Short

Top emitters signal new intent to tackle warming; huge uncertainties about when, at what level, China may cap. China's hints that it will cap its soaring greenhouse gas emissions and a U.S. plan to cut emissions in the power sector, while representing a shift, do not add up to a strong cure for global warming by the world's top two emitters. Other nations have hailed Washington and Beijing for a newfound commitment to tackle climate change. Governments are working on a deal…

Adviser Says China Considers Cap on CO2 Emissions

China is considering an absolute cap on its CO2 emissions from 2016, a senior adviser to the government said on Tuesday, a day after Washington announced new targets for its power sector, signalling a potential breakthrough in tough U.N. climate talks. Progress in global climate negotiations has often been held back by a deep split between rich and poor nations, led by the United States and China, respectively, over who should step up their game to reduce emissions. But the statement by adviser He Jiankun, coupled with the U.S.

China CO2 Cap Plan is Turning Point in Climate Talks

Government adviser says China to introduce absolute cap from 2016. U.S. has announced plans to rein in emissions from its power sector. Climate negotiators heading to Germany for climate talks. China said on Tuesday it will set an absolute cap on its CO2 emissions from 2016 just a day after the United States announced new targets for its power sector, signalling a potential breakthrough in tough U.N. climate talks. Progress in global climate negotiations has often been held back by a deep split between rich and poor nations…

Obama's U.S. Carbon Cuts Likely To Win Muted Applause

President Barack Obama's plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. power plants, due to be announced on Monday, will win muted applause abroad with some hopes it could help a U.N. deal to fight climate change in 2015. Emerging economies including China and India are likely to be lukewarm because they have often said that Obama's plans for emissions cuts until 2020 - even if fully implemented - are far short of the curbs they say are needed by the rich. But the U.S. plan to limit emissions by existing power plants could put pressure on other nations in U.N.