Thursday, September 19, 2024

Christiana Figueres News

Biden Announces Return to Global Climate Accord, New Curbs on US Oil Industry

Joe Biden - Image by Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced America's return to the international Paris Agreement to fight climate change, the centerpiece of a raft of day-one executive orders aimed at restoring U.S. leadership in combating global warming.The…

Arctic Oil 'Undrillable' amid Global Warming -UN's Ex-climate Chief

Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland / Statoil

An architect of the Paris climate agreement urged governments on Tuesday to halt oil exploration in the Arctic, saying drilling was not economical and warming threatened the environmentally fragile region.Christiana Figueres, formerly head of the U.N.

Trump Signs Order Sweeping away Obama-era Climate Policies

Donald Trump (Official White House photo)

U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday to undo a slew of Obama-era climate change regulations that his administration says is hobbling oil drillers and coal miners, a move environmental groups have vowed to take to court.

Trump to Reverse Many Obama-era Climate Policies

U.S. President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Tuesday to undo a slew of Obama-era climate change regulations, a move meant to bolster domestic energy production and create jobs, but environmentalists say the order is dangerous and vow to challenge it in court.

Brexit Spells End to EU leadership in Climate Diplomacy

Britain's exit dashes the European Union's leadership ambitions on efforts to slow climate change, leaving the bloc on the sidelines while others endorse the global pact it championed to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Last week, EU environment…

Governments Seek Rules for Paris Climate Deal

Governments began work on Monday on a rule book to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming, with the United Nations urging stronger action after a string of record-smashing monthly temperatures. NASA said at the weekend…

Nations Seek Early Ratification of Paris Climate Deal

Many nations are pushing for swift ratification of a Paris agreement to slow climate change and lock it in place for four years before a change in the White House next year that might bring a weakening of Washington's long-term commitment.

UN's Climate Chief Figueres to Quit

Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is stepping down. (Photo: UN Photo/Sarah Fretwell)

The U.N.'s climate chief said on Friday she will step down in July, at the end of a six-year term, and praised governments for reaching a 195-nation deal in Paris in December to shift the world economy from fossil fuels to cleaner energies.

Emerging UN Climate Deal Omits National Demands

Bonn U.N. talks next week are last before Paris summit. A draft agreement that ditches cherished ideas of almost 200 nations about how to fight climate change could spark "fireworks" at a final round of negotiations to design a U.N. agreement to be held in Paris in December.

India Announces Plan to Slow Greenhouse Gas Growth

India has promised to shave a third off the rate at which it emits greenhouse gases over the next 15 years, in a long-awaited contribution towards reaching a deal to slow global warming at a U.N. climate summit in December. The world's third…

Burning All Fossil Fuels could Thaw Antarctica, Raise Seas-Study

Burning all the world's fossil fuel reserves could thaw the entire Antarctic ice sheet and push up world sea levels by more than 50 metres (160 feet), over thousands of years, an international study said on Friday. Such a melt, also eliminating the far smaller ice sheet on Greenland…

Big Oil Must Work Harder on Climate, Says UN

Oil companies should urgently intensify their efforts to fight climate change, the United Nations climate chief said in a letter replying to six European firms. "I would call on you to devote urgent attention to scaling this action up and…

Trust Improving in UN Climate Talks

The latest round of U.N. climate talks in Bonn helped build trust among countries and kept the long trek to a new global climate deal on track, despite a lack of substantive progress over the past two weeks, officials and experts said. At the meeting which ended on Thursday…

European Oil Majors Take aim at Coal

Europe's oil and gas companies took direct aim at the coal industry Monday, calling upon governments to set a global price on carbon emissions that could dramatically drive market share from coal to natural gas. The joint declaration issued…

Governments Facing Test of Green Promises

Governments say they are still pushing towards cleaner energy despite low oil prices, but their resolve will be tested in the coming months when they have to outline their green plans. Current oil prices are only a small factor in fixing energy plans for 2025 or 2030…

UN: No Miracle Fix at Paris Climate Summit

     Christiana Figueres, head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat (Photo courtesy of the UN)

The world will take years to limit climate change to manageable levels, with no miracle fix at a Paris summit this year despite growing signs of action by governments and companies, the United Nations climate chief said on Thursday. Senior officials from almost 190 nations will meet from Feb.

EU Climate Change Goal Pits Green Business Against Industry

Paves the way for U.N. A European Union goal to cut greenhouse gases by 40 percent by 2030, agreed early on Friday, sets the pace for a global deal to tackle climate change, pitting heavy industry against green business. Industry bosses said they faced big challenges to adapt…

China Embraces Carbon Pricing and UN Takes a Shine to Plan

At the UN's Climate Summit this week a diverse group of global leaders, from World Bank president Jim Yong Kim to California Governor Jerry Brown, spoke of the need for polluters to pay for each ton of carbon they emit. More than 1,000 companies pledged their support for the effort.

Chinese, U.S. Emission Cuts Fall Short

Top emitters signal new intent to tackle warming; huge uncertainties about when, at what level, China may cap. China's hints that it will cap its soaring greenhouse gas emissions and a U.S. plan to cut emissions in the power sector, while representing a shift…

US Energy Infrastructure Revamp May Unlock $6-trillion Market

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the United States could potentially unlock a $6 trillion energy market by revamping the country's fractured electricity grid, a move that he said would boost the competitiveness of renewable energy.