Thursday, September 19, 2024

Boston College News

ETE's CEO Heads to Court over Williams Deal

Dallas billionaire Kelcy Warren will head to court on Monday to defend against allegations his pipeline company, Energy Transfer Equity LP , has purposely tried to scuttle a proposed $20 billion deal for rival Williams Cos Inc. The two-day trial comes just days before Williams shareholders vote on June 27 if they want to accept the deal proposed in September by Energy Transfer Equity, or ETE. While the deal was long-sought by Warren, who wanted to create one of the world's largest pipeline operators…

Celata Heads BOEM's Gulf of Mexico Office

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Abigail Ross Hopper today announced Mike Celata as the Regional Director of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region. Celata, who starts his position immediately, has been with BOEM and its predecessors since 1988. He has been acting Regional Director since March. The Gulf of Mexico Region is responsible for managing more than 4,600 active leases over 25 million acres of land on the OCS. “Mike has many years of service with the agency…

Conoco CEO: Lifting U.S. Oil Export Ban on Wish List

The head of U.S. The comments come amid intensifying debate in Washington on whether to reverse the 40-year-old ban, imposed after the Arab oil embargo. A Republican-sponsored bill to repeal it passed the House of Representatives last week, but faces an uncertain future after a veto threat by President Barack Obama. "Allowing exports would ... help save existing jobs and create new jobs," Conoco's CEO, Ryan Lance, told an audience at the Boston College Chief Executives Club Luncheon in Boston…

Green Group's Unconventional Fracking Fight

The residents of Grant Township, Pennsylvania, were worried about Little Mahoning Creek, a picturesque trout stream best fished in the spring when the water runs fast. The Pennsylvania General Energy Company had acquired a federal permit to drill an injection well down 7,000 feet about seven miles from the creek to dispose of wastewater from its natural gas hydraulic fracturing operations. Fearing the operation would harm the Little Mahoning watershed, the town's supervisors last year passed a "community bill of rights" that blocked the well…