Sunday, October 6, 2024

Aerospace Industry News

Alberta to Fly Oil via Airships, It Says on April Fools

Canada's oil-producing province of Alberta, stymied by the U.S. decision to block the Keystone XL pipeline and by other market access problems, said on Friday it will use zeppelins to bring its products to markets around the world. Alberta's left-leaning New Democrat government used April Fools' Day to solve the problem of getting bitumen, oil and natural gas from the land-locked province without going through the long consultations and reviews that have frustrated its oil industry. "Airship technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since the Hindenburg…

BV Extends Offshore Services with APSYS Partnership

Classification society Bureau Veritas (BV) informs it has extended the range of reliability solutions it provides for the global offshore industry through a partnership with aerospace risk management firm APSYS. Under the agreement, APSYS will adapt best aerospace practices and tools to the offshore oil and gas industry and BV will implement APSYS solutions to assist clients in building robust and safe installations while optimizing design and operating costs. Matthieu de Tugny, Senior Vice-President and head of Offshore…

Deepwater Seabed Minerals Exploration Project

Keppel Corporation forms, Ocean Mineral Singapore Pte., to explore for polymetallic nodules several kilometres beneath the ocean's surface. Polymetallic nodules contain copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese, as well as rare earth minerals, and have the potential of supplying these key metals to meet growing global demand in applications as diverse as construction, aerospace and alternative energy. OMS has applied to the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for its first seabed exploration licence which will be considered by the ISA in July.