Monday, December 23, 2024

EMGS Permitted for Multi-client Survey in Mexico

July 16, 2015


EMGS has received permits from Mexico's Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) authorizing the acquisition of up to approximately 88,000 square km 3D EM multi-client data in the Salina de Itsmo Basin.

EMGS will prioritize acquiring EM data for the future bid rounds in Mexico as outlined in the ''Plan Quinquenal de Licitaciones para la Exploración y Extracción de Hidrocarburos 2015-2019'' announced by theSecretaría de Energía (SENER) in early July.
"We are pleased and encouraged by the recently announced 5 year plan for future licensing rounds offshore Mexico. It pairs well with our plans in Mexico and the received CNH permits and enables us to now actively seek funding of our projects", says Juan M. Santana, President EMGS North and South America.
EMGS has nearly five years of operational experience in Mexico, including in the Perdido Trend near and across the border with the United States. EMGS' delivery of EM data to - and in cooperation with the customer PEMEX has pioneered the integration of seismic and EM data and helped PEMEX begin appraisals of potential reserves.
In Southern Mexico, the Salinas exploration area encompasses major structures with potential for world class reservoirs and oil accumulations. Lower Miocene turbidite systems are considered to be the most attractive reservoir opportunities, containing significant channel facies, with additional indications for basin floor fans.  On trend to these structures EMGS has conducted extensive surveys and developed the expertise to identify and interpret EM indicators (resistors) that tie to seismic stratigraphic interpretations, and thus, providing oil companies with additional geophysical information for calibration of the play and trend.

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